Y&R Short Recap, Thursday, January 28, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Gloria asks both Jack and Lauren for a job but they both tell her they don’t have a job available for her. Sharon tells Rey she is considering treating Chelsea and he tells her that he trusts her but he doesn’t trust Adam.  Mariah talks to Sharon about being a surrogate for Abby and Chance.  Sharon tells Mariah to consider how she will feel when she carries a child she will not raise.  Summer subtly warns Sally to stay in her lane or she will tell everyone about the information she found out in Los Angeles.  Sally tells Lauren she can’t work on the project with Spencer Publications because she and Wyatt Spencer were in a relationship that ended badly.  A bad snowstorm strands Elena with Devon, Jack with Sally, and Kyle with Summer.

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