Biography – Amanda D.

Amanda D.


Amanda first started working for the site in 2000 when founder Suzanne split her TV site from and made it The TV MegaSite. Credited as co-founder because of all of her contributions during that time, Amanda has worked for the site off and on through the years, contributing links, photos, HTML work, FrontPage editing, transcripts, and tons of other stuff. A very creative and ambitious person, Amanda has produced many great ideas, including expanding the daytime section of the site with tons of links and adding many more shows. She donated her flourishing site, “Amanda’s Y&R Fan Page”, now the Y&R section, which has grown since then for the better. Amanda currently makes wallpapers for the site. She loves working for the site and is always adding more responsibilities or offering more helpful suggestions.

Amanda lives in Huntsville, Ontario (Canada). She stays close to home because she is epileptic, has social anxiety and takes care of a 4-bedroom house for her dad. Her dad and uncle live with her. Her dad is disabled, so she helps with the housework and general upkeep of the house. It’s a lot of work, but she enjoys it. She also enjoys taking care of her 18-year-old cat, Tigerlily (Tiger for short). Her father and uncle also live in the house with her. She loves watching, taping, and trading soaps and other TV shows; learning new computer software; spending time with her family; and working for The TV MegaSite, where she helps out whenever she can (mostly making wallpapers).

Amanda has a lot of medical issues, such as epilepsy, asthma, and residual schizophrenia.

Lately she’s been making Young & The Restless Wallpaper.

You can email her here.

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Biography – Akpene D.

Akpene D.


I started proofreading transcripts in January this year. I’m currently working on the Y&R archives, and I’m enjoying catching up on a lot of the stuff that happened a few years ago which I missed. I don’t get as much of a chance to watch the soaps these days, but I try and catch up when I can. My favorites are GH, Days & Y&R. Other favorite TV shows are Lost, House, MI5/Spooks, Moonlight and re-watching classic shows on “Hulu.”

I love reading and I occasionally find myself juggling two or three books at once! I’m always on the lookout for interesting authors and material. I recently got into J. D. Robb’s “In Death” series and I’m having a great time with those. Jane Austen and J. R. R. Tolkien are top favorites of mine.
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Biography Page – Suzanne L.

Suzanne Lanoue – Writer, reviewer, interviewer, and founder

Suzanne Lanoue

Suzanne is Founder and President of The TV MegaSite, Inc. Originally from San Diego, CA, she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts (in the fields of Music, English and History) in 1986 at the Stony Brook University. She started working for Ask Jeeves about ten years later as one of the search engine’s first employees. She started The TV MegaSite while working there and was at Ask Jeeves for almost 5 years.  She was laid off with 25% of the company in 2000.

Watching many hours of TV, reading many plays and books about the stage and screen, and acting in high school drama led to her lifelong love of and interest in TV, movies, acting, and Hollywood. Working full time on the site for over 20 years has been gratifying and allows her to receive many free DVDs to review for the site and to interview many TV actors, writers, and producers by phone and video conference on a frequent basis. She also receives links (screeners) to many TV shows before they air.

Besides writing for TVMEG.COM, she also writes regularly for Karaoke Scene Magazine and has published articles for the SAU campus newspaper The Bray, (now, SciFiVision, Medium and KryptonRadio. She was also published in the San Diego Reader and has other submissions in progress.

Along with writing and interviewing, she has managed the site’s other volunteers; sought out appearances, news and spoilers; made daily daytime soap transcripts; helped with the site’s forums and mailing lists; built other pages for the site; written two blogs; posted on our Instragram, Facebook and Twitter feeds; and anything else that’s needed.

Now Suzanne is focusing more on just writing for the site, while Brenda (now Editor-in-Chief) does the managing and editing.

When Suzanne is not too busy with writing, she helps with moving The TV MegaSite’s content to, and creating new content for

Suzanne has also been a professional singer in a band and has other interests and hobbies. She currently lives in Magnolia, Arkansas with her husband of almost 40 years, David Lanoue, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Southern Arkansas University.  Suzanne graduated in May, 2020, from SAU with another B.A., in Mass Communication (Mass Media) in order to improve opportunities for this site. A member of Alpha Chi Honor Society, she graduated with a 3.94 grade average after taking part-time classes for two-and-a-half years.

Personal Bio

History of The TV MegaSite

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