Days Transcript Thursday, April 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Ah. Uh.

Hey. Hey, Tripp, honey. Ah. I see you’re all packed. Uh, yep. This is the last of it. Oh, and, um, I left you my meditation pillow. Something for you to remember me by. That’s not funny, mom. Come on, I’m just trying to lighten things up here. You’re so serious. Yeah, because I still don’t understand why you’re doing this.

Why you’re moving out. Baby, I already told you why. I know you did. But I don’t buy it. So, just be honest with me, please. What kind of trouble are you in now? Ah, Broski. Isn’t it a wonderful day to, uh, Ah, Broski. Uh, better make it a double. You mind pouring me one of those? You know, on second thought, I think I’m gonna have Harold run down to the cellar and grab the finest bottle of bubbly we got.

Oh yeah? What’s the occasion? Occasion? I just visited Gabby in prison and I’m feeling Pretty optimistic about the future. Oh, how romantic. Two criminal lovers. One incarcerated, the other having evaded justice. You’re not gonna bring me down today, Captain Cynicism. No, I have a new lease on life. Stephen, aren’t you supposed to be in jail?

Tell me it’s not true. I’m afraid it is. Oh, my God. What happened? Green Industries. They decided to pull out of the issue. They said it didn’t align with their brand. It was very last minute. Yeah, no kidding. I mean, they’re our biggest advertiser. I’m I have worked so hard to turn things around, Alex. I know you have, Theresa.

I’m sorry. Can we get Green Industries on the phone? There’s no point, Teresa. They’re out. And I appreciate everything you’ve done here, I really do, but the numbers do not lie. The magazine’s failing. Again. Well, there has to be something we can do. Like, maybe we can get a new advertiser to take some of the pages in the new issue.

It’s too late. There’s not going to be another issue.

As much as I hate to say this, I think we’re going to have to pull the plug on Bella. Today. Constantine

Melionis, will you marry me? Maggie! I, uh, I am speechless. It’s very unusual for me, as you know. I just want to help, Constantine. And I’m not ready for you to leave Salem. Nor am I, Maggie. I am so grateful for you and to the universe for bringing us together, but As time goes by Touched as I am in good conscience, I cannot accept your proposal.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Hi. Hey, Wendy. Hey, I’m so glad that I get to see you before. Yeah, it’s everything. No, I’m concerned about my mom, as you know, and I want to make sure that she’s moving out for the right reasons. Okay. I know what you two may be thinking, but I promise you, I am not in any kind of trouble. All right? And this move, it has nothing to do with the two of you.

You guys have been great. You’ve always made me feel welcome here. It’s just, I think it’s time that mommy was no longer underfoot, you know? I know. Okay, and it’s not like I’m shacking up with some stranger. I’m gonna be moving in with Harris. Kind of like we’re taking our relationship to the next level, you know?

Oh my god, glum face. All right, I’m just gonna be down at the Brady pub. We’re gonna see each other all of the time. All right, so please just stop worrying. It’s for the best. For everyone.

Hey guys.

Did our brother not tell you? EJ, our esteemed district attorney, cut a deal to keep me out of the Crossbar Hotel. And he was just about to return to me all of my worldly possessions that he tried to, with such zeal, purloin from me. Half eel possessions, Stefan. Do be accurate. Uh, why am I the last person to know what’s going on around here?

And what is this business about EJ trying to purloin your possessions? I mean, wouldn’t they be our possessions before you stole them from us? Okay, well, since we are in the business of being completely accurate, Gabby and I staged a very lawful takeover of our family run corporation. Spoken like a dollar store Gordon Gekko.

Oh, God. Wall Street? The movie? Oh, you guys are such jerks. All right, um, the point. So what? is actually going on here. Why don’t you ask our dear brother? All right. Dear brother? What are you up to now? Alex,

wait, please. Please don’t pull the plug on this yet. Please just give me a chance. It’s not gonna happen, Teresa. I spoke with the client for over a half an hour. They don’t believe that Bella can expand its circulation enough to make it cost effective for them. They already reallocated the funds and I did everything short of getting down on my hands and knees begging.

There is nothing more we can do.

Okay. Okay. You know what? It’s their loss because I’m going to find an even bigger and better multinational client and, and with our 10 year vision, I can Hey, hey. It’s not going to happen. And I admire the tenacity, I really do. But I mean, I’ve gone over all the numbers. It’s not economically feasible. Hey, we’re spending more publishing, Bella, than it even has the potential to make.

Even though I didn’t go to Wharton, I know that’s not a good thing. So I think it’s time to take the right down before it gets even worse. There’s no changing your mind. Sorry. Look, I wanted this to be a success story, too. I really did. But I think it’s best if we just take our losses and move on.

Okay, I get it. Okay. Hey, Teresa, it’s not the end of the world. I’m gonna get you another job. You know what? Don’t bother.

I quit.

You won’t accept my proposal? No, Maggie, I cannot. I would never want to put you in an uncomfortable situation with your family, your friends. Constantine, if my family and friends don’t approve, that’s their problem. That’s not mine. And yes, this will be a marriage in name only, as you know. But given all that you’ve suffered because of my late husband, well, I feel like I need to make amends on his behalf.

I believe that marrying you is the right thing to do. And if anyone disagrees, to hell with them. Oh, Maggie. I am so overwhelmed by your graciousness. And as far as the marriage being a name only, well, I will accept that. I would never ask anything more of you than you feel ready to give. Okay, then. Well, the only thing left for you to do is to say yes.

Yes. I accept your kind and beautiful proposal.

I will marry you. Okay. And here you go.

You’re awfully quiet. I’m just thinking. You mean worrying. About your mom. Yeah. Yeah, I am. I am worried about her, obviously. I mean, Between Stefan leaving her out of his confession, and then the sudden decision to move out, I think something’s up. In fact, I am, I am sure. But what is it? I mean, she quit the bistro, she, I mean, Wasn’t accused of any wrongdoing.

No, but my mom is just, you know, one thing after the other and just as soon as you think that she’s on the straight and narrow, it’s boom, something just blows up in her face. Okay, well at least she won’t exactly be standing by the side of the highway with her thumb out, you know? She’s moving in with an ex navy SEAL, current police officer.

She might be safer living with Harris. So, You know, I didn’t think enough about my mom. So, let’s talk about you. How was your birthday back at work? In a word? Terrible. Mmm, Yeah. Oh, this is nice, huh? It’s nice just being able to kick back and relax after hauling all of my stuff up to your room. I’m just glad we found a place for you, Yooka Laylee.

And everything else. Yeah, I was never worried. Well, I was kind of. I was kind of worried.

Ava. You and I, we, uh, we fit together. Perfectly.

Alright, so, what should we toast to? Do you mean, um, besides me being able to hog the blanket every night? Which I do not mind, by the way. Hey. At all. Good. So what do you think? Two, uh, fresh starts.

I don’t owe you an explanation, Kristen. Oh, well, that’s where you’re wrong, dear brother. I am a DiMera as much as you are. Not really, blood is thicker than water, right? Okay, that is Seven. That is a vile thing to say. You know, we may not share the same DNA, but I am every bit of a DiMera as you are. And let me guess, hm?

Since our dear brother, the oh so ethical district attorney offered you a deal and got you out of prison, I bet you got a great payment, didn’t you? What, the CEO job? Half the DiMera fortune? Oh, I must inform you, Stefan, that our public relations department will be releasing a statement from you that you are resigning from the company effective immediately due to your own personal failings, your being a convicted felon, your inability to right the ship, et cetera, et cetera.

Got it all figured out, don’t you? You befoul my reputation and you come out of this whole thing smelling like a rose with that smug smile. Well, you can certainly restore your reputation, Stefan, by, um Doing some volunteer work, perhaps? Working in a soup kitchen? Oh, better yet, you can finally figure out what you’re going to do with the bistro!

That ought to occupy your time, what with all the damage control you’ll have to do. Which reminds me Ava sent me a rather curt email informing me that she quit, not that that was any great loss. The place has been open for weeks. Anyway, good luck to both of you. Kisses.

Why would you quit? Theresa, what happened? It’s not your fault. If anybody’s, it was mine. Come on. We both know that’s not true. It is true, I’m the one who resurrected the magazine just to make a damn point. To Maggie. To prove that I knew better than she did. It wasn’t even so much a business plan, as it was like an ego thing.

And I also wanted to make my father proud. You know, since the magazine was named after Isabella I suppose I wanted to feel closer to him. Through his memory. Anyway, I gave you an impossible task, Teresa.

I really appreciate you falling on the sword like this, I do, but I could have done more. I was just so distracted with Tate and Come on, let’s just admit it, I was a charity hire. No, that is not true. Yes, it is true! It is! Even when I was coming in to work, I was, I was struggling. Mightily, you know that.

Theresa, come on. You had some growing pains. Who cares? You also had some great ideas and everybody here loves you. No.

I, I really, really do appreciate you, Alex, but I think that, I think it’s better for you and for everyone if I just find a fresh start somewhere else. Teresa. So. Teresa.

So we’re officially engaged then. We are indeed. Words cannot express what this means to me. I’m just, I’m just happy that I could help you, Constantine. Like I said, it’s, it, in some small way, maybe it’ll make up for, I don’t know, for what your rivalry with Victor cost you. It was not your responsibility to do that.

Nonetheless. Well, so now I just have to have a word with my lawyers to, um, find out where, how we proceed and the necessary forms that all that. And in the meantime, do you think we could keep this between us? Okay. Of course. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. Okay.

All the pieces are falling right into place. For me to get exactly what I deserve. Now if I could only find that damn card.

Okay, now you’re going to tell me, what’s going on.

I thought it’d be a good distraction. You know, being back in the office. But I was a total mess, Tripp. Like, I was completely useless. I just, I had this tunnel vision the entire time. I was obsessed with trying to find a lead on Clyde. And? Oh, waste of time. No, I just kept falling down all of these internet rabbit holes, and digging up similar cases, and thinking that if I dug deep enough, if I just hacked into one more server, maybe I would find something.

But nada. Well, I think you’re being really hard on yourself. I mean, this was your first day back at work. No, I know, but I just had this fantasy that I’d be back at the top of my game. But every road I went down, they were dead ends. And then, and then, I’d pass by Goldman’s desk, and I’d see her demonic face, and then I’d get these heart palpitations, and I just couldn’t breathe, and it was like we were back in that tank.

I’m sorry. I hate being like this. I hate being like this. No, hey, hey, hey. You have, you have nothing, nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry that you had such a terrible day. Maybe, maybe you went back to work too soon.

Okay, but hey, hey, you’re not, you’re not at work right here, right now. So I want you to sit back and just relax, okay? And look, I know you know this, and I’ve said this before, but it’s anxiety. Actually, we were held captive, and it is totally normal. Yeah, I know. I’m talking to you, aren’t I? Maybe.

So, no toasting fresh starts. Look, I do appreciate the vote of confidence, but I just, I don’t feel like there’s going to be a fresh start until I finish this last task for Clyde. Okay. So what are we waiting for? Let’s go get the book. You got the keys, right? I do, yeah. Okay, so we’re gonna walk in, we’re gonna get the book, we’re gonna hand it back to Clyde, that’s when we capture him, we put him back behind bars, and he’ll finally be out of our lives for good.

Oh. Oh, Victor.

I hope I’m doing the right thing.

Hey, Maggie. Teresa! Um, Henderson let me in. But if now’s a bad time, then No, it isn’t. It isn’t. I’m always happy to see you, you know that? Is everything okay? Hmm. No, not really. But I figured since you’re my sponsor, maybe I could burden you with hearing about it. You’re never a burden. Now, come on. Let’s just sit down and you tell me what’s wrong.

Okay? Okay. Okay. Come on. Come on.

Okay. It’s about Bella. Ah. Alex and I decided to shut it down. Um, I’m sorry to hear that, but it’s not a surprise. It hasn’t been doing well. No, it hasn’t been. No. I can’t feel like a total failure. Well, you’re not. You’re not a failure. I mean, the magazine was doomed from the start. I tried to tell Alex over and over again.

No, I know. It was Barely successful back then, but But? But? Come on now. You did good work. You know that. And I’m certain that Alex is going to find you another job at Titan. I don’t want another job at Titan. What? I told him I quit. Why? Because I don’t belong there. Oh, of course you do. I don’t, I never did.

I was never qualified. The job listing was, must have x amount of years in research and has to have worked x amount of years for this and that and prefer a master’s degree and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I, I never, I never had any of that. I was just a charity hire. Stop it. You are not a charity hire.

For heaven’s sakes, you ran the magazine before? Yeah, and again, it was not successful back then. Far from it. So really, if I’m being honest right now, the only reason that I got the job is because I pushed myself on Alex. And there you go, running yourself down again. Come on, Teresa. Come on, Teresa. You can’t make a man fall in love with you.

Alex did that all on his own. Yeah, well now I’ve blown that too.

I really thought that everything was coming together. I thought I was going to be rich and successful and happy.

Turns out that I’m just a pretender.

Oh honey, stop that. Mm mm mm.

What am I gonna do with you? Teresa, you are capable, you’re smart, you’re driven, you have everything going for you. I know you’re feeling demoralized right now, but the truth is, this is all on Alex. Bella was a sinking ship from the start. And you know what? I’m gonna have a chat with Mr. Kiriakis. Oh, no, you don’t need to do that.

Oh, listen, after I talk with him, I’ll see you at the meeting tonight.

Okay, I’ll be there. Okay! Uh, now chill out, okay? Everything is going to be fine. Okay. Miss Donovan, may I have a

word with you?

Are you cold? Are you cold? You know, it’s a little chilly in here.

How’s that? That’s great. Come on, I can see gears turning in that beautiful brain of yours. What are you, what are you thinking about? Actually, I was thinking about what you said. About your mom, how she’s always finding trouble.

Intrepid. If she finds it again, I don’t think I can deal with it. With getting caught in the crossfire, I mean. Yeah, I couldn’t either. But that’s not, that’s not going to happen. She moved out for one thing. No, she moved across town, she didn’t move across the globe. Look, if she gets in over her head again, and we both know that’s bound to happen, you’re going to want to protect her.

And you should.

What are you What are you trying to say?

Oh, well, hello there, you two. EJ. Ava, I’m glad I bumped into you. I received your resignation from the Bistro. And? Oh, I passed it along to Stefan, who will be managing the Bistro full time henceforth since, uh He’s been bounced from DiMera Enterprises. Hmm. You know when he might be planning to reopen? I don’t.

And, honestly, I don’t care. But while you’re here, could you please give me the keys and I’ll pass them along to him?

Are you really gonna let EJ’s team rule you like that? Take over the business you worked so hard for? Well, the way I see it, I have no choice. Let’s either resign or get fired. Can’t imagine the board would love the optics of having a convicted felon for a CEO. Well, I can’t argue with that. What does that look for?

What? It occurs to me that you are a pardoned felon. Right, so? So, while I can’t be CEO, no reason you can’t. I like where this is going. I like it too. I like it a lot. Stephen! Have I told you lately, uh, how much I admire your ingenuity? Have I told you that I admire your openness to my ingenuity? That’s why we are going to make such a winning team.

We are indeed. I’m going to help you knock that CEO crown off EJ’s inflated head before it even lands. Oh, and then you can put that big, beautiful crown on my head. Alex,

Maggie, I’m sorry to barge in on you, but I just spoke to Teresa and she told me about Bella, right? And I know that you are just dying to say I told you so, so you don’t have to sugar coat it. Lay it on me. I just overheard you and Maggie having a little chit chat, dear Teresa. Please don’t tell me you were having a sudden attack of conscience.

Have you forgotten our agreement? God, it’s not like you’re holding up your end. Oh, but I am. Maggie Kiriakis just proposed to me. You’re lying. I am certainly not lying. But, uh, spreading the word is strictly verboten, no? We both want to savor our newfound status, uh, before letting the world in to, to share our joy.

Oh my God. God, I just can’t believe a woman as smart as Maggie could be gullible enough to fall for a con artist like you and think that you actually care about her. I do care about her and I most certainly care about her dowry as well. Yeah, no kidding. Listen, Maggie only stands to inherit half of Victor’s estate.

And we both know she’s already giving it away, like crazy, huh? And since we both set it up so that Alex will get the other half of the estate, huh? And since I am entitled to half of your spoils when you marry him Okay, you know what? Maybe I’m sick of the deception. Maybe this little agreement that we have just doesn’t work for me anymore.

Fine! Walk away, if you want, after you get the money. Or, Maggie will find out you kidnapped her precious little grandchild. Hey, that is because you blackmailed me, and you know what? If I go down, I’m taking you down with me. Don’t you play games with me, dammit! Stick with the plan, Teresa, or you will live to regret it.

Just tell me. Wendy, what did you mean about her mom? Just that Look, I know you are always going to be there for her. And you should be. You’re her son.

Family is very important to me, too. I, I, I know that. Well, earlier today I spoke with my dad. He’s finally starting to sound like himself. I mean, I mean, he’s taking an interest in his work, and he’s riding his bike, and he’s tending to his garden, and, and Even though he and my mom are still grieving.

Obviously. He told me that they’re both They’re both trying to get on with their lives. Wendy, that is That is such great news. Yeah, it is. But still, they’re both very fragile.

And the way that it affected them, when they heard about what happened to me, that they almost lost another child. I’m scared of hurting them again. I understand that. And to be honest, I’m just, I’m tired. Okay, I’m tired of always worrying. Of always having to look over my shoulder and just waiting for the bad things to happen.

I don’t have the keys to the bistro on me at the moment. And quite honestly, I would prefer to return them to Stefan myself. You know, cut out the middleman. Suit yourself. I was only just trying to save you and my brother the awkwardness. Or maybe you relish the idea of rubbing it in his face. You know, how he took the fall for your misdeeds and, uh, let you off scot free so you could run off with Harris.

Slippin made his own bed. Oh, nonsense. We all know that Detective Michaels here is the one who floated that deal to my brother. You know, the one where if he kept you out of the money laundering slash drug trafficking charges, That Harris here would not have my brother prosecuted for trying to kill him.

Personally, I think that was an egregious dereliction of duty. Sacrificing an open and shut case of an attempted cop killer to save one of Clyde’s minions. Ew. Says the man who made the deal to set him free. How’d he get you to do it? What’s Stefan holding over your head?

I take it you want The CEO position, yes? What do you think? I think you are highly ambitious. I think you are addicted to status and power. Not to mention, you enjoy pushing people around. So yeah, I’d say you are lusting after the position. And you would be correct. Now, let me ask you, what are you going to want in return?

Ha ha, ambitious honesty. Yes, you scratch my back ends. You helped me get Gabby out of prison.

Come on, Alex. That’s not my style to gloat or to say I told you so. I came here to congratulate you. To congratulate me? For what? On making the right decision, at long last. Oh. I’m also here to present another chance to make the right decision. Well, I’m listening. You and I have not always seen eye to eye, but we are the stewards of Victor’s legacy.

I want you to bring me back on a Titan. Now, Alex, I know the company has been struggling since Victor’s death, but I want to make it as successful as it once was. You and I, together, I believe we can ride this ship.

Most about this stupid little agreement that I never should have agreed to. The fact that you are lying to Maggie. She happens to be the best person that I know. I am fond of Maggie, as I said. But the thing is, under different circumstances, everything that Victor amassed should have been mine anyway. And soon it will be.

Okay, here’s just a little piece of advice for you, yeah? Once you do get that money, run. Bar. You know why? Because nobody in Salem is gonna want to have anything to do with you. Least of all Maggie. Fair enough. But there is a rather important piece of business that has cropped up since I have arrived. Oh God, I’m afraid to ask.

I will tell you anyway. An opportunity to avenge a great loss. But there is something I must find to make that happen. And I will not be leaving Salem until I do.

I’ve always considered myself strong. And Cool under pressure. I, I hate being afraid. Okay, Wendy, I keep telling you this. That fear is totally normal and healthy. It’s what’s kept us alive on the savannah for like a bajillion years, okay? Wendy, look at me. You are one of the strongest people I have ever known.

Okay, but even the strongest people at times feel fear and uncertainty. Okay, but you don’t have to go through this alone. I am there for you. Always. Okay, it’s gonna be okay, I promise. Okay?

Stefan’s got something on you. I don’t know what it is, but I’m gonna make it my mission to figure it out. Don’t you have enough missions to accomplish already, detective? Because, and no doubt I don’t need to remind you, I know the truth about your deal with Stefan. And I suggest that you and he, with all of your skeletons in your respective closets, stay on my good side.

Or your rather irregular activities will see the light. And at the very least, you will be an officer of the law. No more.

Oh, you want me to help you get Gabby out of prison? I mean, why don’t we just get a pair of shovels and go find Jimmy Hoffa? I mean, this is insane, Stefan! Well, you are just the littlest bit insane, so I’d say you’re overqualified for the job. Alright, even if I were tempted by this preposterous quid pro quo, how do you propose we go about this feat?

You got yourself out of prison semi recently, didn’t you? Come on, Kristen. You want to be head of the DiMera empire? You want to shake hands with prime ministers? Make big deals with tech magnates on private peninsulas. You got this. Do we have a deal? I’ll think about it.

Is Gabby innocent? Oh, I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life. Well, if she didn’t kill Lee Shin The simplest legal way to get her out of prison would be to find out who did it. Well, there’s not really anything simple about it. See, the police have exhausted their every lead, and my P. I. and I have come up empty.

Oh, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that. I will find a way.

Previously on When Calls the Heart Previously on When Calls the Heart I wonder what it says We’re going to teach you to regret We’re going to teach you to regret Oh, I’m so sorry I know when someone’s up to no good I know when someone’s up to no good You should accept this fellowship You should accept this fellowship Are you leaving Hope Valley?

Life is more fun than surprises. The night seems as restless as ever, while we await word of Ned Yost’s condition after his collapse. Damn. Damn. With lemon and honey. With lemon and honey. Thank you. In case you’re hungry, I asked Gustav to prepare some sandwiches for all. He should be ready shortly. That was very nice.

That was very nice.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hello, handsome.

That’s all I get back? That’s no way to greet a woman with fantastic news. See, my new client is over the moon. Impressed as hell with my, uh, Legal prowess, which means, ka ching!

Hello? Do you have any idea how much ka ching that might be? Babe, you don’t tell me you’re so worried about our money. Listen, how can I not? I’ve been going through our finances again. We’re having serious problems, Sloan. Constantine

Meliodas, that’s right. Mm hmm. I want you to scan public records and also look into

Hello, handsome. Oh,

that’s all I get back? That’s no way to greet a woman with fantastic news. See, my new client is over the moon, impressed as hell with my legal prowess. Which means Ka ching! Hello? Do you have any idea how much cha ching that might be? Baby, don’t tell me you’re still worried about our money. Listen, how can I not?

I’ve been going through our finances again. We’re having serious problems, Sloan. Constantine Meliodas,

that’s right. Mm hmm. I want you to scan public records and also look into birth certificates, death certificates, marriage license, church records, anything that can lead us to Constantine Sachs. Es Cristo. I really appreciate it, and I will anxiously await your call. Where are you, Ms. Melionis, and what If anything, do you know?


will find a way to stay, Katharina. To finish what I started. That is a promise.

Hands where I can see them. I need you to see something. And tell me what it means, and I will go away.

The card! It was right here! Where the hell is it? Hold me and let me get into a hazmat. Help

is on the way. The first responders will get here as soon as they can get through, until then we just have to sit tight. Damn it, Tim, where, where, where could she be? Oh honey, she could have slipped in the ice. She could be just turned around in the snow. Yeah, uh, visibility is pretty bad out there. She could have just lost the trail.

I just, I just came back to get the sled in case, in case she’s hurt or something. Look, I gotta get back out there and find my wife and I’m not coming back until I do. I don’t have to say this again, I know, but please be careful out there. Yeah.

Hey, Doc. John, I need your help. What’s going on? It’s Paulina. She’s gone. She was supposed to be isolating in her hospital room. Maybe they took her down for more tests? No, I checked the portal. She was meant to stay in her room until her radiation levels were low enough for her to leave. The nurse even checked the bathroom.

Her hospital gown and her robe were here, but there is no sign of her. Oh, geez. Now what that means That means Polia could be exposing people to harmful levels of radiation. My daughter is missing?!

Oh God, you heard me. Tell me the truth, Julie. How long has Chanel been missing? And where is Johnny? Okay, this is exactly what happened. Johnny went out to get some firewood. And he was gone a while, and Chanel thought he’d been gone too long, so she went out to find him. About ten minutes went by. Then Johnny came back with firewood, but no Chanel.

So, now Johnny’s gone out again to find Chanel. Oh, my lord. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I, I, I didn’t want to worry you because there’s no reason to worry. I’m sure the two of them are going to be just walking through that door any second now.

I’m so glad I caught you. Doug filled me in on everything. Please tell me that Chanel is safe. No, no, not yet. Uh, Johnny has just gone out to look for her again. What about the first responders? Well, they can’t get through. Uh, the, the road to the cabin is completely blocked. Oh, wait a minute. I I I think that’s him.

Listen, baby, I’ll call you back. I’ll call you back.

Oh, my God!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Paulina? Uh, stand back. Aren’t you supposed to be in isolation? Yes, yes I am, but I couldn’t sit in that room when my baby girl was missing. Well Johnny just went outside to find her. Well, what are we doing standing here? You go one way, I’ll go the other. Oh, right. So have you used this accounting system before?

Many times. Yeah? Well, I don’t know if it’s software or what, because it’s in the red. Well, are you sure we’ve considered, you know, the expenses of a newborn baby? Yeah, a hundred percent, because I’ve been extremely careful when it comes to that. Mind if I take a look? Yeah, sure. Okay.

Alright. And there is the problem. Honey, and this is how you solve it. What are you doing? Some of these entries are fixed and some of them are variables. Meaning? Meaning fixed expenses remain static for a set period of time. Oops. Whereas the variables will fluctuate. Yep, it’s really all just a matter of knowing how to navigate the tabs at the bottom of the screen.

It’s quite simple, actually, when you get used to it. If it’s that simple, then why are people still using accounts? Because people are lazy. Because for most people, this isn’t fun. But lucky for you, I don’t mind doing it. So, I’m going to sit here and work on it and you can let your brain just relax, okay? I promise, I’ll work it out.

Now, where is our beautiful baby boy? Um, he’s in the crib, unless he’s learned to levitate. Do not even joke like that. I’m gonna go get him, because I think we could all use a little Jude cuddle time, okay? Yeah, sure. Okay.

Mrs. Kiriakis, this just came for you. Oh, thank you, Ellie. Um Could you get me some more tea, please? Thank you, dear.

Is everything all right, Mrs. Kiriakis? No. No, I’m afraid it’s not.

John, anything? Not from Greece, no, but I just learned that Chanel Dupree is missing. What? Missing? Snowstorm. She and Johnny went up to the Horton cabin. Yeah, I knew that. Yeah, well, Chanel went out, never came back. Johnny called 911, the ferries aren’t running. First responders can’t get over the bridge until it’s plowed.

So he’s out there searching for her? No, not by himself. According to Public Works, our mayor, a. k. a. Paulina Price, has commandeered a snow plow and has gone across the bridge to Smith Island, so she’s out there looking for Chanel on her own. So that’s why she left isolation. Wow. We have to notify the first responders.

They can’t go anywhere near her. She’s radioactive. Is

he not the most precious creature you’ve ever seen? It’s amazing how settled down he’s become since the christening. Yeah, God works in mysterious ways, right? Yeah, he sure does. Maybe I should be more specific, and my prayer is to get more clients. You’re not so stressed about that, are you, babe? Look, I know that work’s been slow, but with the receivables from Steph and Damir, things are gonna look up.

I promise. Listen, I just don’t want you to have to carry the entire load. I don’t mind. Well, I do. You know what? I’ve actually been, I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I think I’m gonna start putting a little bit more focus into editorial photography. That’s a great idea. Maybe you can work for the Spectator.

Or Bella. Even though I think the Spectator will probably pay more because it’s daily versus monthly. And Bella’s launch kind of was a flop, I heard. Yeah, I heard that too. So why don’t you go and see if you can persuade someone at the Spectator that your brilliant photography is invaluable to them. You know what, I think I’m gonna do that.

Will you be okay with Jude for a few hours? Come on, of course. Good luck. Okay.


your daddy’s such a good man, Jude. He’s trusting and kind. Oh, but dear God, if he knew that you and Nicole were your real parents, he would have He would never trust me again, Woody. He would actually never want to have anything to do with me. We just can’t have that, can we? That’s why it’s our little secret.

So I can be your mommy forever. Is there anything I can

do to help, Mrs. Kiriakis? Not just the tea. Thank you, Ellie. Is it you who cleaned my room? Well, something very important of mine is missing. A red and black card, like a playing card, about this big. Have you seen it? Are you sure? Perhaps you threw it out. Or maybe you stole it. Constantine? How dare you talk to Ellie like that?

I am so terribly sorry for my outburst, Ellie. It was completely unfair for me to make that accusation. Yes, it was. Ellie has been a model employee for several years. I understand. But The card that went missing, it is of tremendous sentimental value to me. It is a memento I have had since the time my daughter died.

But again, I am terribly sorry. I should not have taken my frustration out on you. I’ll ask the staff if anyone has seen the card. Thank you.

I have never seen you like this. Constantine. You know how I am when it comes to my daughter, Catarina and a card. It is something that she carried with her when she wore her costume for a Procre the year she died. Pore. Yes, it is the Greek version of Mardi Gras or Halloween. I see. Well, the card is in his house somewhere.

We’ll find it. Thank you very much for reassuring me. I do apologize for the way I behaved. I am sorry for the way I have acted. It’s all right. Ellie obviously has forgiven you, and so do I. Maggie, you always have a way of calming me down. Well, I don’t know, um, how calm you’ll be when I tell you what I just learned.

What have you learned? Unfortunately, Constantine, it’s unsettling news.

All right. First responders have been notified of the radiation threat. Now, I offered to go up there myself, but they said, no, just just sit tight. We got a hand on this. What was Paulina thinking? Obviously she wasn’t thinking, Doc. Come on, she just went full Mama Bear mode and just put her blinders on.

This is like the plot of a bad B movie, you know? Except that it isn’t funny. Paulina is exposing everybody she comes in contact with to radiation. Obviously all she cared about was saving her daughter. And if anybody knows a thing about that, it’s you and me. I’ve been nearly losing Sammy, and then, uh, Doc, we’ve been there.

Yeah, we have. I remember those difficult times. We got through them, because you were strong. You were amazing. And you, you helped me stay strong, keep the faith. You kept me from falling apart. Funny. Because I remember you being the strong one keeping me together through the whole thing. No. Yeah. You got it backwards.

No, no, no. But I appreciate you thinking me that way. Thank you for the credit for being strong when I actually wasn’t. It’s cause you’re my person. And I love you with all my heart and I still consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth just to be able to be with you. Share my life with you, Doc.

Gosh, and I feel the same way. I’m just lucky you are so amazing. You are, actually. Might be wrong. I told you. Oh,

easy, baby. Easy. I can’t believe you came looking for me. I’m so, so damn relieved that I found you. You just sit, sit there on the sofa, okay?

Uh, when I first, first heard your voice, I, I thought it was the angels. I was hearing . Oh no. Just me. Oh, no. We don’t need the angels visiting you for a long, long time. Well, you are my angel. You’re on Earth. Oh. Oh. Chanel what’s was the whimper? , or when I heard that, I thought, yep, that’s my baby . I know that whimper.

Anyway. I think that I must have, uh, slipped through the snow and then got caught between those rocks. And I was trying to get out and I tried and I tried but I just couldn’t get through. And then I was, I was like trying not to panic. Yeah, shh, shh, shh. It’s okay now, baby. It’s okay, sweetheart. Hey, wait.

Mama, aren’t you supposed to be in the hospital? Yes, yes, I am. But, I, I, well. I guess I shouldn’t have left, but, uh, when I heard that you were missing, oh, honey, it was like, it was like the world suddenly turned dark. And, well, I just couldn’t, I couldn’t sit there and do nothing. I had to find my baby. I had to find my precious daughter.

You have a good nap, sweetie, while mommy makes a phone call.

Lady Whistleblower here. What can you tell me that’s either funny, raunchy, mind blowing, appalling, or ideally all of the above? Cut the crap, Leo. You know it’s me. Ah, yes, my friend, enemy, co conspirator wrapped up into one long legged grouchy package. To what do I owe the pleasure? Look, Eric sent his way over to the office.

Really? To see me because I’m such great company, not to mention a laugh riot and he can’t get enough of me? To ask about photography work. I was hoping that you could help him out. As much as I would love to work with your hunky husband. Also great company, though definitely not a laugh riot. We have a full time shutterbug on staff.

Leo? He needs this. And so do I. A bit of context, please. Oh, come on. You’ve got to be kidding me. You know what this is about. Finances. He wants to make more money. Well, Sloane, while I am flattered that you reached out thinking I have even a smidgen of power here, although I am certainly beloved and respected for being a great writer, I do not.

Listen, fairy godfather, I’m not taking no for an answer. So I need you to work some of that Leo magic, okay? Because you’re not only beloved and respected, according to you, of course, but no one knows better than I how persuasive and charming you can be when you set your mind to it. Oh, I do love it when you kiss up.

I’m counting on you, Leo. And remember your vow of silence with regard to certain delicate subjects, okay? Unless you want your wings clipped. Oh, and here come the threats. Just make sure Eric gets the job. Or else. Hold up, Miss Bossy Pants. I’m the one blackmailing you, not the other way around, okay?

I’m sorry, I gotta go. Leo!

This is a lovely surprise. Sorry, I didn’t call. No apology necessary. You are welcome here anytime, whether it’s announced, unexpected, or just plain random and spontaneous. Who are you blackmailing these days? Oh, who am I not blackmailing? That’s the real question. No, no, no. Blackmail is probably too strong a word.

It’s more of a tactic. See, some of my lady whistleblower sources need to think that if they don’t give me something really juicy, I’m going to print a nasty old blind item pointed right at them. Gossip really is a dirty business. God knows. Anyway, what’s up? Well, I was kind of hoping I’d catch Everett or Chad.

Just as long as it’s not Xander. Let me guess, but I’m going to do it Jeopardy style. This guy is throwing his hat in the ring at the spectator for any photography work he might be able to snag. Who is Eric? Hey! Eric. And that was the Daily Double. So, you are in the money, my friend. Aren’t you, uh No, I was kind of looking out to see if there was anything.

Job related. I, uh, just intuitive that way. Sorry to say though, I am here solo today. Xander and Chad are at that DA’s presser, and Everett, I believe, is still out trying to find himself. As we all are, of course, because to quote Aristotle, knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom. Right. But if you have a portfolio, or a link to a digital one, I would be more than happy to put in a good word for the father of my fairy godchild.

Uh, yeah. I can send you a link right now. Fantastic.

Oh, those poor kids. All they wanted was a mini honeymoon and they ended up with a blizzard. And now Chanel’s missing. Let’s hope they find her. It’s all we’ve been hoping for. I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so glad you’re not in Greece.

Doc, there are so many holes in my memory about what happened there and why. And now Steve is as determined to get to the truth as I am. He’s a good friend. And a great PI, so we’re on this, Doc. We’re putting feelers out there to try to find Constantine’s ex and see if she knows anything. Who knows? Maybe she was there when this whole thing went down.

Maybe, oh, I don’t know, maybe that’s the reason they got a divorce. Or maybe, or maybe what, John? Come on, just say it. Maybe you shouldn’t do anything until you’re prepared for what you’ll find.

Tell me Maggie, what is the bad news? I heard back from my legal team. And, uh, they tried every angle. Uh, but yet they did not find a path forward. To extending your visa. I see. I am so, so sorry, Constantine. No, no, no, no, no. Do not be sorry. You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve gone above and beyond. But to no avail, obviously.


Well, I’m going to miss the place. So very much.

And you, most of all.

I’ll miss you too. I was, um Hopeful that we could figure out something. You know, find a way for you to stay. I will go pack my bags.

Your Uncle Leo better come through. Otherwise he’s going to lose a lot more than his very godfather title. Link received. I will make sure Chad gets it ASAP. Like I said, I’ll do everything I can to help the father of my favorite little man. I appreciate that, Leo. Speaking of that little man, he gets more and more adorable by the day, doesn’t he?

I’m a bit pious, but, uh, I think he does. I know he does. Look, if you guys can ever squeeze me in for a visit, or if ever you need a babysitter again, let me know. I adore that little kid. Oh. I think he likes me too. No, he does. And you know why? He lights up when he sees you. Oh, you’re just saying that. No, really, truly.

I mean, he really likes being around you. Well, that makes my day. It’s too bad Jude is the only person in this town who lights up when he sees me, though. Come on, that’s not true. People tolerate me, which is different from being liked, of course. It’s not that I don’t understand it, I’m not exactly what you would call a great guy, you know?

Mind you, I have my moments, and I strive to be that. Well, decent, anyway. But I have a long way to go. And to quote Aristotle again, I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies. For the hardest victory is over self. So true. Yeah, so true.

I have to be ready for the truth of what happened in Aria. And, if you were my therapist and not my wife, I think you would probably be encouraging me to follow Mike Nutt here and not worry about something that hasn’t even happened yet. You had to use that one on me, didn’t you? It’s my guy from Greece.

Constantine Melionis married Elizabeth Sedaris. October 13th, 1970 in Adia, Greece. Call me now. We got it, Doc. Better make that call.

Hey, Paulina. Hey, it’s, uh, it’s Johnny. Johnny? Did you find her? No, not yet. But, Julie’s calling for help. Alright, and, uh, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. Well, how long has she been missing? I don’t know, maybe 30, 40 minutes? My God! Oh, she’s out, out there in the snowstorms, cold, she could freeze to death!

Okay, but Paulina? Please don’t panic, alright? I will find her. I’ll search this whole island if I have to. You better! Oh, my poor baby girl. It’s a snowstorm out there. She’s cold and alone.

Oh, I can not just sit here and do nothing. Oh, Oh. Oh. Oh. Hey, Shelby. Shelby, it’s me. Yes, you need to connect me to the Salem Public Works. Now!

I shouldn’t have been that close to you, baby girl, when I brought you inside. Okay, well, it already happened, so there’s no need to beat yourself up about it. I pray to God it wasn’t a mistake. You were just doing what you thought was right, and just Happen to be a little radioactive it happens. Oh, I’m glad you can joke about it Seriously mama all joking aside You saved my life My god, I didn’t call Abraham.

I was so crazed. I bet he’s worried out of his mind When I saw that snow cloud I thought maybe someone had And they did Someone found you. Here I am. Are you okay? I mean, how, what happened? How did, how did you? Paulina? That was you. You were the one driving that snowplow. I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from finding my precious daughter.

And she did. Oh, I was losing my mind. I’ve never been so panicked in my life. Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh, oh, it’s just, it’s her ankle. It’s probably just a sprain. But I did everything I could to, to be careful. But when Julie told me that Chanel Julie! My God! She’s still out there!

It has to be here! Dammit!

We need to talk.


come on Jude, please. All I’m asking for is a five minute break. Okay, two minutes. I know it was too good to be true. Every time I think I’m in the clear, something goes wrong. Just like my life. But it was all worth it, right? Right, Jude?

Thanks again, Leo. I am happy to help. Oh, I should probably grab this. Yeah, I should get going too, so I’ll talk soon. You bet. Hello. So, how’d it go? He just left. And? And I’m going to do my best. I will give the guy nothing less than a top shelf ringing endorsement. I’ll work every angle I can.

Thank God! Oh God! Oh God, it’s so good to see you! How are you? Me? Oh, I’m fine. Now I know how all the penguins feel when they’re marching across Antarctica. Thanks for that phone call, Johnny. Yeah, well, it’s a miracle that our phones are still even working. Yes. Yes, it is. But how are you? How are you, sweetie?

Um, you know what? Um, I am grateful to be indoors, and other than that, I think I might have sprained my ankle. Oh. Oh. Oh, I’m sorry about the ankle, but this is such a relief. Who found you? She was stuck out by that big rock area. Yeah. I was headed there when I saw the snowplow. Now, Paulina Drove it across the bridge to rescue Chanel.

I told you I was going to find my girl. Well, well, we’re all very grateful, I’m sure. But you should have stayed in isolation. Yeah, I know, I know. I’m still radioactive. Paulina, you expose all of us. I just hope to God you haven’t done more harm than good.

Well, I guess I was hoping this was all going to be good news, but We know how these things work out. Yeah. Uh, just tell your guys to keep on looking there, and as soon as they find anything, just Dios Cristo.

Before you share your news, I want to share mine with you. I just spoke to Abe. Good. They found Janelle. Oh, thank God for that. Yeah. She is safe and sound. Uh, just a sprained ankle. Nothing else. All right. Well, what about Paulina? Paulina is keeping her distance until the first responders arrive. I’m guessing your news isn’t as good as mine.

Unfortunately, no. All right, tell me. My source has found Constantine’s divorce papers. He and his ex both signed them right before she disappeared. Without a trace. Hasn’t been a sign of her since.

I apologize for the mess. It is a result of my profound frustration. I understand. Um, I’m sorry about Katerina’s card. None of the staff have seen it, at least not so far. Well, that is just another disappointment. Which does not compare to my leaving Salem and you, which is what I am most sad about, of course.

And, uh, our precious little Victoria. She is one of the very few people who actually likes my singing. Well, uh, lucky for her she’ll still be able to hear it. Perhaps over a video call, yes, but that is not the same. I was thinking, uh, in person. In person? I do not understand. How could that happen? Well, it’ll happen if you say yes.

To what? To my proposal. Constantine Miliones. Will you marry me?

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Days Transcript Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, Nina, how you feeling? Oh, a little groggy. I can’t seem to focus on my work, on the TV, everything. I miss my family, my husband. Yeah, well, the fogginess is from the radioactive iodine, which is normal. Oz is missing your loved ones during the isolation. How are you feeling? Is the nausea still affecting you a bunch?

Some, yes, but the nurse gave me medication. Good, good. Bet your mouth is pretty dry, huh? Oh, I could drink a river. Oh, you should drink a river, please. I’m gonna touch your neck if that’s okay. Let’s just see how we’re doing here.

Do you have any soreness or neck pain? A little. So, how long till I can be released and get back to the real world? It’s like we talked about. It’s a minimum two day stay. It could be up to four. We’ll keep monitoring your radiation levels and as soon as it’s safe to release you, we will. And then you’ll, you’ll have to take some precautions for about a week before you can fully enter the public life.

Ugh, Phil. No wind in sight.

There you are. What happened? Hey, yeah, sorry, I, uh, took so long. The, uh, Chomped wood out back was wet. I think the, uh, the tarp must have blown off during the storm last night. So, I had to go down to the shoreline and find some dry wood. Oh, great. Where’s Chanel? Huh? What do you mean? I, I, isn’t she here? I don’t know.

She’s out looking for you, Johnny. Well, I haven’t seen her. Oh my God. Where could she be? Uh, how long ago did she leave? About ten minutes. Okay, then she can’t have gone far. Um, I’ll call her. I’ll just call her. I’ll let her know that I’m, that I’m back.

Oh no.

Yeah, this is the last of it. You know, I, I moved in here just in October. I swear I did not have all this stuff when I moved in. Yeah, well we’re gonna have to shoehorn this into my place. And I don’t, I don’t think I can bring furniture. What? I’m just not gonna fit. No, come on. Maybe just, um, my reading chair?

Okay, I’ll see what I can do. Thank you. I don’t know. I’m glad to be getting out of here. Because the trip in Wendy? Yeah, I just don’t want them caught in the line of fire again now that Clyde’s still in my hair. God, I just, yeah, I can’t believe he wants another favor with this damn black book. I just, I wish I was there when he, when he called you.

Yeah, well, hearing his voice makes my skin crawl. I’ve been trying to track his location, he hasn’t left any trail. It’s cause he’s a reptile. He’s stealthy and lurking about, just waiting to strike. Yeah, well I’m pretty sure I’ve had more stealth training than that guy. And he’s definitely underestimated who he’s dealing with.

Yeah? You or me? Both. But I’m the one who’s gonna bring his ass to justice.

What the hell was that? That half hearted apology. You didn’t even mention Tate and his family. I did, just before you arrived. Well, it wasn’t much. AJ, I thought you were genuine about this, that you wanted to make amends. I did exactly what I said I would do. No more, no less. Well, it was a lot less, because the press has barely arrived.

You want to bury this, don’t you? Are you even sorry that you locked up Tate? Or are you just embarrassed that you have to make a public apology? Darling, I have a very busy day today. That family is lucky to even get an apology on a morning like this. I just had a hearing with the judge over this whole Stefan fiasco.

Well, how did it go? The judge said that they will take the plea agreement under advisement, which means I have no idea yet if the court is going to accept or reject the deal. And darling, I really do have to go. I have a lot to deal with and I have no time or interest in dealing with the press. Okay.

Press is here. I’ll be hungry, bro. Cause you’re about to eat some krull.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

For you, justice is putting Clyde behind bars. For me, it looks a little different. You know, the last time I saw Clyde, I swore I would slit his throat. He tried to kill the two men that I love most in this world. I’m not gonna let him hurt Tripp again. For you. Or you. You know, I like you better alive. Yeah, so do I.

What if I can’t find this damn black book? You know, I don’t, I don’t even know where to begin looking for it. I worked at the bistro for months. I know every single inch of that place. I never came across it. Okay, we just, we have to, we have to have a plan. We can’t just bust in and tear the place apart. No, no, no, no.

Okay, so we’ll map it out. We’ll do an organized search. Yeah. I’m just glad I’m not doing this alone. And I’m just glad you told me about Clagg’s call right away this time. Thank you for trusting me. There’s no one that I trust more. Well, now that I’m in on this from the start, we can be clad at his own game.

He wants you to find Gil’s black book, we’re gonna find it. And we’re gonna give it to him. And then we’re gonna take his ass down.

I know, the isolation is kind of a drag. But, you’re gonna be back with your family very soon. And this whole ordeal is gonna be over. I know that Abe is missing you. And Chanel and Johnny are gonna be back in a couple of days. They’re up at my family cabin in Smith Island right now. Mm, yeah, I know. Chanel told me all about it.

Oh, a little honeymoon getaway. Yes, it’s very sweet. Johnny was, uh, very excited to surprise her. Although I don’t think the snowstorm was what they were expecting. More of a winter wonderland than a spring fling. Exactly. I just hope they didn’t lose power and have enough firewood. I mean, we have plenty of firewood.

Warm blankets, and cozy clothes, so I’m sure they’re gonna be just fine.

Damn, okay, uh, Chanel doesn’t have her phone, which means she can’t call us, we can’t call her. So, what are we going to do? I’m gonna go out there and find her. Honey, you circling around looking for her, her circling around looking for you, lost in the snow, it’s the last thing we need. Right, okay, yes, but, I’m taking my phone, obviously, okay, so, if she comes back, you call me, and if I find her, I’ll call you.

I’ve got 80 percent battery, I’m gonna pull up a map, make sure I know where I am in case I stray away from the cabin. Well, let me make you a thermos of something hot you can give it to her when she’s so cold, you know? Uh, only if you hurry. Oh, yeah, I’ve got the Coca Cola already made. Just take a minute.

Too late, gentlemen. I just wrapped up the press conference after my office’s public apology to Master Black and I was just discussing how well it went with my wife. Isn’t that right, Nicole? That’s bull and we all know it. You’re unbelievable. Sung a press conference early to avoid the press. That’s not a good look, D.

A. DiMera. Oh, spammy direction. Now get out of my way, news boy. Yeah, not so fast. You’re a civil servant and as members of the press in the city in which you serve, we have a few questions. More than a few.

Why don’t you start by telling us what we missed? Did you apologize to Tate Black and his parents? An apology was given, the family was here, the matter is resolved. There’s got to be more to it than that. What exactly did you tell him?

What’s the matter, you don’t want to stand by your husband while he’s getting grilled? That is not my job, he runs his own office. Right. So, why would he start the press conference early? He didn’t want the press here? Honestly, I have no idea. Were you here for it? Just at the end. And I’m really not interested in talking about this.

How’s Holly doing? She’s okay. She goes back to school today, so I’m just crossing my fingers that all goes well. Well, I hope so. For both of you. How have you been holding up? Alright. I’m at a crossroads, I think. You know, I’ve been taking care of Holly for almost a year, and um, Now I just don’t know what to do with myself.

You know, I thought I’d be raising my little boy, and, I’m sorry. Well, God has other plans for me. I just, I don’t know what they are yet.

Was the family satisfied with your office’s apology? Yes, completely. Now really, I must be going. What about Detective Michaels? Any progress finding a shooter or who set me up? The Salem PD’s investigation into Detective Michaels is ongoing. My office has been giving its full support in the search for the perpetrator who gunned down one of our brave men and women in blue.

We will keep you apprised of any developments. Oh, well, here’s Detective Michaels. Now, excuse me, the D. A. here is attempting to answer my question about the status of the police investigation into your shooting. Any leads, Detective? Is your department any closer to finding the actual shooter? Well, um, you know, a public statement about that case or any other investigation should come from our police commissioner.

Well, what about Clyde Weston? Where are you in the search for him? We’ve initiated a nationwide manhunt for Clyde Weston and his accomplice. Oh, I see. A beyond the lookout alert is a nationwide manhunt. All leads and tips will be investigated. I like this. Let’s go grab a coffee.

Look at that.

My office just sent me a transcript of E. J. DiMera’s press conference.

The drug crisis has a strangled hold over our fair city. Blah, blah, blah. At times we must err on the side of caution. Blah, blah, blah. This was the case with Tate Black as District Attorney of Salem. It’s my job to follow the evidence and prosecute those who have wronged our community. Sometimes the system doesn’t work that way, and for that I offer my apology.

Oh, what is he doing? Oh, so smug. Sleazy! This is not the way that you apologize to a wrongfully accused teenage boy! Your heart rate is rising. Maybe we can finish working a little bit. I guess I’d better. We can dive into all of Salem’s problems later, but for now I just want you to think happy thoughts.


It’s Paulina. Check your divorce file? No, if we don’t answer she’s just going to start to worry and she’s just going to keep calling. Okay. Hey, Paulina, how’s it going? Johnny? Where’s Chanel? Uh, she’s, uh, she’s, she’s in the shower. I just, I saw it was you, so I wanted to pick up. Didn’t want you to worry, you know.

Oh, well I am worried. I heard there’s a storm out there. Everything okay there? Yeah, yeah, no, everything’s, everything’s great here. Uh, how’s isolation? Boring. Uh, but, uh, fine, I guess. I’ll get through it. Sorry to bother you. Didn’t want to interrupt your, your honeymoon. Just checking in on you two. That’s okay.

No, it’s, uh, it’s not a problem. I’ll tell Chanel you called. Yes, please, please. Tell her to call me after, um, the shower. Bye. Will do. Bye bye now.

Okay, I’m gonna go find Chanel. Paulina will never be the wiser. We don’t need to worry her with this. She’s been through enough already, okay? Right, right. Okay. Johnny, be careful out there.

St. Anthony? Patron saint of lost souls and lost things. Please help Johnny find Chanel.

Julie, this, this is a really special place you have. Yes, it is, and it’s been wonderful for the family, always such beautiful memories. And on bad weather days like this. My grandparents always had plenty of board games and puzzles for us. Sort of like the, the time capsule. The what? After the fire at our house, we found a time capsule that my grandparents had left for everyone.

And we think it must have been something to challenge the new generations, you know, like a puzzle. It is getting colder, isn’t it? Yeah, yeah, um, you know what? I’ll go help Donnie. Oh, honey, you don’t have to do that. I’ll be right back. I know, I know. But still, I think that two hands will bring back more firewood for us all.

Very practical. Thank you. Thank you, darling. Be careful out there. Paulina,

it’s Julie. Julie? Why are you at the cabin? Well, I just wanted a little overnight getaway. You know, just take a break from the house. And, uh, and I had no idea that Sarah had told the kids they could use the cabin for, for a little honeymoon. Oh, you had to stay there because of the snow. Exactly. Exactly.

And the roads are all blocked and nobody can get out. Even the ferry has stopped service. Oh, well, uh, where, where’s Chanel? I told Johnny to have her call me after her shower. Ha, but it’s the sweetest thing. They decided to take advantage of this weather. And the two of them are out, playing in the snow. Oh, well, well, I hope they, they dress warmly.

Oh yeah, yeah, I, I bundled them up, nice and toasty. Um, all right. Well, just please tell her to call me. Yeah, yes, yes. Bye bye. I’ll have her do that. Bye. Um, I’m sorry that you were put on the

spot like that. Yeah, yeah. Alexander questioning you and all. Comes with the territory. Can’t blame him when he wants to know who set him up. And my shooter is his link to finding out. Honey, I hate all the trouble that I’ve just brought you away. Clyde did that, not you. Yeah, but it made things complicated.

You still covered my ass. Yeah, I used Stefan to help you, and I would do it again. Look, Stefan’s a little weasel, but he was under Clyde’s control, like you were. And not for long.

I really do have to get going. How much time has the DA’s office recommended that Stephan DiMera serve as part of his plea deal? Considering you guys are family, any nepotism or conflict of interest would be very interesting for our readers. Oh, and yet here you are. Questioning me? Isn’t that a conflict of interest, little brother?

And in regards to the Stefan DiMera case, there was a hearing this morning. The outcome has yet to be decided. Now, while Stefan’s attorney gave it her best go, I am quietly confident that he will serve justly for his role in the distribution of tainted narcotics throughout Salem and the surrounding areas.

Actually, I already have.

Doug, darling, I am taking deep breaths. Well, Johnny’s out looking for Chanel and the moment he comes back with her and the roads are plowed out I’m gonna get the hell off this island Of course, of course, I’ll be careful darling it did hang on It’s Paulina again, can’t this woman give it a rest

Johnny said I had to pick it up, otherwise it would be much worse if she went to voicemail. Honey, hang on, hang on, just hang on a second.

Me again! Julie, what is going on out there? And where’s my daughter? And my son in law? Uh, just let me check. Darling? Darling, it’s me again. Uh, listen, I need an excuse for Chanel’s not answering Paulina. I can’t tell her the truth. Listen, if she finds out that her daughter’s missing, the woman will panic.

Well, honey, if you can’t come up with any Listen, I gotta I gotta take this. I’ll I’ll call you back.

Paulina, you’re not gonna believe this. You’re damn right I’m not. My daughter is missing. Oh, God, you heard me. Tell me the truth, Julie. Now, how long has Chanel been missing, and where is Johnny? Okay, this is exactly what happened. Johnny went out to get some firewood and he was gone a while and Chanel thought he’d been gone too long, so she went out to find him.

About 10 minutes went by. Then Johnny came back with firewood, but no Chanel. So now Johnny’s gone out again to find Chanel. Oh, my lord. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I I I didn’t want to worry you because there’s no reason to worry. I’m sure the two of them are gonna be just walking through that door any second now.

Well, there they are. Where is Chanel?

You surprised to see me, brother? Sorry to steal your limelight. And, uh, how did this happen? Judge followed the law, agreed to time served, and I’m a free man. That’s it for today. No more questions. Thank you all for coming. EJ. EJ, we’re not done here yet. Did you advocate for your brother’s release? He’s not going to answer.

Let’s go talk to Stephen. Hey, uh, do you need me? There’s somewhere I need to be. Uh, no, no, no. Thank you for coming. I got it. Sure, but honestly, my motivation was to grill EJ about who set me up. He doesn’t seem very interested in finding out who’s behind it. Or who shot Michaels. Well, I’ll let you know if I find anything.

This is unbelievable. I’ll catch up with you later, mate. So you wound your way out of prison. How’d you pull that off? You son of a bitch. Start talking, now.

Hey, you made it. How’d the press conference go? I don’t know. What a joke. EJ called the conference before the press even arrived. We missed most of that slimeball. Did you confront him about your case? Yes. No news on that front. I wouldn’t hold your breath for anything to change there. The whole thing was bizarre.

Why? What happened? Well, get this. Stefan DiMera showed up. What?! He’s in jail. Not anymore.

You allowed Stefan to go free. How could you be so reckless? Me? You covered up the ID of your own shooter to cover for this slippery snake. Someday you’ll regret that. Speaking of which, how’s Susan doing these days?

What is your problem? You are my problem. You are my daughter’s problem. You helped put those drugs on the street that almost killed her. My God, those pills could have slipped through your hands. You know what? I get it. Holly is not a Demira. But she is family. You and I are family. Nicole, I feel terrible.

About what happened to Holly and I never intended on anybody getting hurt I only allowed those drugs to get picked up and dropped off the loading dock and that was under the threat of bodily harm to my wife You have to believe me when I tell you I had no idea those drugs were laced with opioids I Only did what I did to protect my wife.

That is it and I am so Sorry Well, you should be apologizing to my daughter. But you’re not going to because I don’t want you anywhere near her. Well, that may be difficult since we live in the same house. What? Oh, don’t be too sure about that. Hey, hey, hey. Are you okay? I, I, I don’t understand this. Chad, how could that loser be free after what he did?

I know Clyde was putting the screws to him, threatening Gabby, but he could have told the police or EJ or anyone. Someone could have done something. Because Stefan thinks he can handle everything on his own. Okay, well he’s handled it brilliantly this time. I know. I’m sorry. Why? You didn’t do anything. I know, but that’s my family.

And that should have never happened.

Paulina called again? Yes! And she knows that Chanel is in the sink. I just called 911.

Hey, Paulina, hey, it’s, uh, it’s Johnny. Johnny? Did you find her? No, not yet, but Julie’s calling for help. All right. And, and, uh, and I’m, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you sooner. Oh, well, how long has she been missing? I don’t know. Maybe 30, 40 minutes. My God. Oh, she’s out, out there in the snow storms.

Oh, she could freeze to death. Okay, look, Paulina, please don’t panic, all right? I will find her. I’ll search this whole island if I have to. Well, you better. Oh, my poor baby girl. It’s a snowstorm out there. She’s cold and alone. What? Oh, I cannot just sit here and do nothing.

Hey, Shelby, Shelby, it’s me. Yes, you need to connect me to the Salem Public Works. Now!

So, um, Um, Looks like I won’t be paying a visit to Stefan at the jail today, after all. But didn’t Stefan confess to helping Clyde run drugs through the Bistro? Yep. Then how the hell is he out of jail? He must have made a deal with the judge. I mean, look, he’s a demerit. Can’t be surprised that he played dirty.

Maybe there was blackmail involved. This is so wrong. You have no idea the amount of ODs I have seen come through the hospital. Holly wasn’t even close to the worst of it. There’s lives being destroyed, families are grieving. It’s unbelievable, I mean, Stephan helping to poison his own town. Maybe EJ finagled a deal for him.

You think he got him out? I mean, it doesn’t seem like they care too much for each other, but You know, these DiMeras, they’re shady tricks, who knows, right? But Stefan, he was up to his neck in this mess with Clyde. I just can’t help but wonder if maybe he did play a role in making it seem like I was the guilty party in Harris shooting.

What if he did? Believe me, if Stefan was involved in throwing me under the bus, There’ll be hell to pay.

You are not your family, Chad. You bear no responsibility for what Stefan did. Quite the opposite, actually. I mean, you wrote that article about Stefan working for Clyde. No, Everett Lynch dug up that story. He’s the one that wrote it. Okay, but you published it and you didn’t have to. You put your family’s dirty laundry in the headlines.

That says so much about your integrity. Well, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, Nicole. Haven’t we all? Look, you did the right thing. And I, you know, I remember when I was a TV reporter, And we had decisions that were hard to make, some tough calls. Wait a second, you were a reporter? Yeah, I mean a really long time ago.

Oh gosh, I remember those days. I loved it so much. You know, chasing after a story and figuring out how to tell it and working against the clock. Every day was exciting. Don’t get any ideas about reneging on our deal, brother. After that pathetic performance in court this morning. What deal? You signed over everything to me.

And you agreed to give back half. How can I give you back half a house? Shall we grab some chalk and draw a line through the center of the mansion? No, forget the house. DiMera, you and I go back to running DiMera together as co CEOs. I don’t think the board or the shareholders will want that. They will not want you back.

You’re a convicted felon. They made it very clear that it would not be a good idea for the company or you. Fine, you’re CEO, but I get everything else. I don’t think so.

You didn’t happen to tell Chad. About our little deal, did ya? Or Kristen? Certainly not. Good. Because I’d hate to see anybody else try to get their paws on what’s mine. You said earlier that your blackmail is better than my blackmail. You’re wrong. You see, EJ, if you don’t hold up your end of the deal, and give me back what’s rightfully mine, I’m gonna tell Nicole that you knew drugs were being moved through the bistro.

And that I came to you for help, and you refused to do a thing about it. You wouldn’t. Wouldn’t I? EJ, if Nicole finds out That you could have prevented Holly’s OD. She’ll never forgive you. And you know it.

Are they coming? Help is on the way. Uh, those first responders will be here as soon as they can get through and until then we just gotta sit tight. Damn it. I mean, where, where, where, where could she be? I’ve been everywhere. She could have slipped on the ice. She could have just gotten turned around with all the snow falling and Yeah, yeah, the uh, the visibility is pretty bad.

She could have just, she could have just lost the trail. Right. I just, I came back to get the, the sled in case uh, In case she’s hurt or something. I gotta get back out there and find my wife. What do you mean it’ll be hours before you can clear the bridge? Yes. Well, I realize that it’s still coming down, but that is not acceptable.

I’m the mayor of Salem and you will have the head of your plow crew call me immediately. I need you to understand that you are my mother, and I love you, and I need you. So don’t you dare talk about leaving this planet any time soon, because I will not put up with it. Do you hear me? Oh, alright, baby, alright.

You have officially gotten through to me, okay? I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Yeah, you should be. Oh, well. Okay, how about this? Promise, I will not leave this planet for a very long, long time. And, in fact, I’m gonna go in there tomorrow and kick cancer’s ass so hard they won’t I don’t even know what hit it. That’s more like it.

Now I love you. Hang on, baby girl. Mama’s coming.

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Days Transcript Monday, April 15, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, good morning, beautiful. Hey, take a wild guess what day it is. Besides our honeymoon? Yeah, just take a wild guess. Tax day? Technically, yes, but take a wild guess. Yeah. I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me? Uh, okay. If you insist. Today is national take a wild guess day. Oh man, they have a day for everything now.

What’s the next, sleep on the couch day? No, actually it’s kiss your new husband day. Oh, really? Yeah, so.

And would you believe it? Today also happens to be get naked in a cabin day. No, isn’t it? Yeah.

Oh no, I did it again. I’m not here. I’m invisible. I see nothing. I’m going back there. Carry on.

Penny for your thoughts? Take a wild guess.

Mwah. Good morning, darling. You’re up early. Yeah, I actually went for a run. Just needed to clear my head. And did you? Well, um, the cold air felt good, and it certainly woke me up. But I couldn’t stop thinking about how I’ve spent the last few months of my life. And now grieving for our son and almost losing Holly and then going through recovery with Holly and, and now what?

I mean, what do I do now? What do you want to be next? I don’t know. Well, the good news is you don’t have to decide this very minute. Think about it. Take your time. It’ll come to you eventually. Yeah. Well, Holly and I are going to go to the press conference and then I’m going to take her to school. I was hoping it’d be a snow day.

Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart. The storm just missed us and school is still in session. But be thankful you’re not on Smith Island. They copped the brunt of it. And getting back into a routine will be good for you, honey. I guess. So, um, last night I wrote my apology letters to Tate and his family. But, how am I supposed to deliver these if I’m not allowed to see him?

Come on, you gotta eat up. We gotta get going soon. Not that hungry. Tate, I get it. I know you’re anxious. You got the press conference this morning at school. I’m not that anxious. Good morning! Morning. Everybody ready? I know I am. Oh, I can’t wait for that Mr. Big District Attorney to eat crow publicly. Oh, I’m so, so, so terribly sorry.

I never meant to treat that dear boy Tate like a criminal. I’m such an idiot. I don’t think EJ’s going to admit he’s an idiot. Well, a girl can dream. So, who else do you guys think is going to be at the press conference? Who will?

Okay, I think I’m up to speed. If you choose to move forward with my services, I can represent you at today’s hearing. Though I have to say, this is, uh, unusual. Case, saying as though you’ve already worked out a deal prior to engaging an attorney. That’s a very bold move. Hmm. What can I say? I’m at the mirror.

Fearlessness is in our DNA.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Oh, good morning. I’ll get you a cup of coffee. Uh, no thank you. I’m not going to be a third wheel on your honeymoon any longer. I’m leaving. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you’re not going anywhere. Why not? We’re snowed in. It’s April! Until further notice, the Smith Island Ferry will remain docked, and the bridge closed due to heavy snow and debris.

I’m trapped in a cabin with two hot little newlyweds.

Please eat your breakfast. You got a big day ahead of you.

It’s gonna take more than one bite to humor me. Tate, look, we do have something important we have to talk about. God, all we ever do is talk things important. Just listen, please. Your mom and I, we know that it’s inevitable that you’re gonna see Holly at school. Just keep your distance. Right. If you see her You keep walking, okay?

Under no circumstances are you to hang out with her. Otherwise, go directly to jail. Do not pass code. Do not collect 200. Okay, Mr. Smart Alec, there’s not gonna be a get out of jail card if you let her drag you down again. I’m not trying to punish you. I’m trying to protect you. Oh, from Holly, the teenage werewolf.

Yeah, well, if the fangs fit. Okay. Mom. You understand what we’re saying, right? Yeah, I get it, okay? Well, we hope so. Because that girl, she’s trouble. I will be damned if she’s gonna screw up your life.

Honey, those letters are starting to look a little crumbled up from your backpack. Do you want me to hang on to them?

Sure, I guess so. I’m really proud of you for writing these. I know it couldn’t have been easy. It was fine.

And are you ready for your speech? Can’t wait. It’s every district attorney’s dream to have to issue a public apology for the wrongful prosecution of a minor. I’m really sorry you have to. I did what I did because I was sure you never would have taken those drugs on your own. You proved me wrong. Gee. I wonder why I did it.

Oh, maybe it’s because my life isn’t as perfect and smooth sailing as everyone thinks. I’m on my third stepfather, and FYI, your last name, it comes with a whole lot of baggage. Is that so? Yeah. Aiden Murrah helped put those drugs on the street. Stop it, okay? Do not blame EJ or me for this. You made your choices, you have to live with it.

Whatever. Alright, you know what, honey? Please, just Get all your stuff and let’s go. I’m sorry. She’s lashing out at us, but deep down she’s just mad at us all. Oh. Uh, I have to take this. Yes? Now? That’s highly irregular. Fine, I’ll be there. I have to go to a meeting, but I will not be late to the press conference.

Okay. I’ll see you there.

And in this meeting, or rather Stefan’s hearing, I will present the judge with such a weak argument that she will be appalled and have no choice but to reject. My plea agreement.

Some would call your behavior rash, Mr. DiMera. He who represents himself as a fool for a client. But see, I’m not representing myself, I’m hiring you to represent me. A little late, but okay. First things first, let’s discuss my retainer. Ah, not so fearless on that, are we? Let’s just say that my finances are, uh, in flux at the moment.

Well, as you pointed out, you’re a Demira. Funds are at your fingertips. Except that my access to those funds is temporarily on hold. Mm hmm. You know, suddenly I’m not feeling so confident about this arrangement. Wait, wait, wait. Please. We will pay you handsomely. That is a promise. But also, from what I hear, you can benefit from representing me because your practice has slowed down.

Quite a bit. Uh, you are gravely mistaken. My practice is flourishing.

But with no payment up front, it’s going to cost you double on the back end. Agreed.

Not so fast. I have questions. Ask away. Your brother made you a very sweet deal. Why do you need me? Because the deal is only sweet if the judge signs off on it. And you’re worried EJ might try and wiggle out of it? I know my brother. There’s no way he’s not going to try and double cross me.

Well, what are we going to do? What can we do? We’re just going to have to rat it out. What? At least we still have power. No television, but we do have Wi Fi, because they rewired the whole island a couple of years ago. And there’s plenty of food, so you might as well have some of the breakfast that we made.

Oh, thank you. I, I feel terrible. I feel like I’ve just invaded your honeymoon like Genghis Khan. Oh, I know. After we all have breakfast, you can go out in the snow and frolic. Make memories. We, we didn’t pack anything for a snowstorm. Don’t worry about that. I got you covered.


Mom, I get it. Okay, you’ve, you’ve told me a million times I won’t hang out with Holly. But, uh, Good. Just keep your distance and focus on making good choices. Yeah. Okay. But, can I talk to you about, uh, something else? Oh, this isn’t about a car, is it? No. Not yet. Uh, but, but it is about, uh, making good choices.

Like you said, being responsible. Um, I want to start working here at the pub again. And, and before you say anything, it’s good for someone my age to be working, being productive. And, and, and I still have to pay you back for the damages to my old school. Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Look, just let me finish, okay?

You’re, you’re starting back up at school again. You’re still catching up. You really need to just stay focused on that. Okay, Mom. But, no. Tate, I’m with your mom on this one. Okay, I think you should focus on your school work. Summer’s right around the corner anyway. But I already talked to Uncle Roman and he needs me.

I’ll be helping family. That’s important too, right? It’s, it’s good for someone. I know. If it gets to be too much, I can just quit. Mm hmm. And I’ll tell you what, we’ll table this discussion for now. Because today we need to focus on

So glad you could fit me into your schedule. Busy day? Let’s get this over with. What the hell do you want, Stefan? Ah, want. Need. So many things. Really. Let’s start with today’s hearing, though. Yes, I was surprised to get a call that it had been moved up to today. My attorney arranged that for me. Your attorney?

Why do you need an attorney? Because my life is on the line, EJ. Now, you may be my brother, but you are also the district attorney who is prosecuting me. And let’s be honest, I don’t trust you. Not one bit. Feelings mutual. See? So can you blame me? EJ, I need somebody on my side who doesn’t stand to benefit from sending me to prison.

Considering my very generous offer, you’re wasting time and money on legal representation. Let me worry about that. But yes, your offer is very generous. It’s a win win for both of us. You get to brag to the citizens of Salem how you saved them from a very costly trial by finagling my plea deal, and I get the recommended sentence of time served.

Yes, I’m familiar with the terms, since you blackmailed me into agreeing to them. Yes, I blackmailed you using a recording that I made of you incriminating yourself. Not to mention winning a very high stakes chess game. Let’s not forget that. But EJ, yes, we are family at the end of the day. And as my brother, I would hope that you will return my half of the DiMera funds upon my return home.

Home? You think you’re coming home? Oh, I know I am. Because if I don’t, you’ll pay. Huh?

Dammit, what are those two doing here? Um, honey, why don’t we go to Sweet Bits instead? Mom, it’s a small town. This was bound to happen. We can’t just run off every time it does. Well, we can run off now because I told Tate’s parents that I supported their decision to keep you two apart. And I am not going back on my word, okay?

Let’s go. Wait, my letters. I could hand them out to them since they’re all here now. Are you sure that’s a good idea? Um, well, you’re the one who said I need to make amends. So what better way to do it than in person? Won’t it mean more that way?

I suppose you’re right. Here.

Miss Donovan, Mr. Black. Tate, I wrote each one of you a letter. I was hoping it’s okay if I give it to you now.

See? We always keep extra clothes up here, just in case. So glad you do. Yeah, yeah, they’re really nice. They fit really well. Nice and roomy. Well, I’m gonna call Doug, and you kids go out and play!

Are we five? Are we five year olds? Hey, let’s just make the best of it, okay? Okay, fine. What else can we do? Hey, look, I do want to do over on this honeymoon, and I want it to be somewhere nice and hot and tropical where I can wear a bikini. And I can take it off you without Julie walking in. Let’s go. Get out!

Okay. Your Honor, as you’re aware, our city has been plagued with a drug epidemic that has destroyed lives, torn families apart. It’s been an uphill battle. But, with the information provided by Mr. DeMere in regards to his business arrangement with Clyde Weston, the police have been able to cut off much of the pipeline of drugs into our fair city.

Our, uh, office has cleared several cases, and by doing so, Salem is now a safer place to live. Based on all this, the state agrees that time served is a fair sentence and in the best interest of all parties.

You’re joking, right? Of something of this importance, I would not. Stefan DiMera is your brother. This Plea is the epitome of nepotism. Considering the nature of the offense and taking into account the best interests of this community, I must say, I am appalled.

How was it? It was cold, but we actually had a lot of fun. We made snow angels. Yeah? Yeah, and then I got stuck in mine, and I couldn’t get back up again. And I tried to bend down and help her, and then I fell. We both got stuck. Yeah, and then we were just both on the ground, upside down, like some upside down turtles.

Oh, what an image, what an image. Well, listen, once you warm up, what do you say we have a nice game of charades? Charades, huh? Oh, I haven’t played charades since. I actually don’t think I’ve ever played charades. Oh, darling, you’re gonna love it. You’ll just love it. I’ll make us hot cocoa. And as I remember, Grandpa Tom always kept some, some rum to spike the cocoa with.

There might be cognac, too. Yummy.

Dear Tate, I’m so sorry for everything I put you through. I promise I’ll do better. I want to be the kind of person who deserves someone like you. But, next time, I’m keeping your sweatshirt. Just so I have something of yours to keep close to me.

My hero.

Well, thank you, Holly. You obviously understand how your actions are important to us. I do. And we do appreciate the letters, don’t we? Yes. Thank you. I feel like we’re finally coming to an end of this situation. For that, I’m very grateful. We are too.

Just so you know, Holly, These letters that you’ve written here do not change how we feel about you hanging out with our son. We understand and we will continue to abide by your wishes, right honey?

Your Honor, all the required documentation is included here in this file. It’s clear the people have spoken not to my satisfaction. This plea does not support the interest of the public, nor does it sufficiently address the nature of the offense. Your Honor, may I approach?

May I refer you to the affidavit prepared and sworn to by the Attorney General’s office? It includes a breakdown of all the cases resulting from the information that Mr. DeMera here provided on Clyde Weston’s criminal enterprise. Thanks to my client, you’ll note the many incidents resulted in the seizing of narcotics.

Thank you. That’s all well and good. But Mr. DiMera shouldn’t get a free pass just because this Mr. DiMera doesn’t want to prosecute his brother. Your Honor, as citizens of Salem, we are all much safer knowing that my client curbed the enterprise of a well known drug kingpin. He did so under extreme duress.

Mr. DeMera’s wife was assaulted and under constant threat from Mr. Weston’s associates while in custody of our state’s prison system, which obviously failed to protect her. Mrs. DiMera suffered severe injuries, including a broken leg, because her husband refused to take orders from Clyde Weston. These additional crimes will add years to Mr.

Weston’s prison sentence upon his recapture. Whenever that may be. I’m confident that the authorities will apprehend Mr. Weston. In the meantime, time served is a reasonable sentence, considering all that Stephen DeMere has done to make amends.

I’ve heard from both sides. And while you may have expected this court to accept this plea agreement, here and now, and enter it into the record, in the interest of justice, I’m going to take this under advisement. My clerk will notify you when I’ve reached a decision. Mr. DiMera. The guard outside will escort you back to your cell.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to court. Your Honor. What’s this

mean? It means we wait. I’ll check in on you a little later, okay? Thank you for advocating for me today. I appreciate it. Thank you. Okay.

What was that? What? What? You were going to let her throw out our agreement. That was not the deal. You deliberately presented a weak case. You wanted her to be involved. I did exactly what we agreed upon. No more, no less. We are both beholden to the justice system. I don’t make the rules. Whatever the judge determines is based on her own discretion.

Okay? Oh, so that’s it, huh? You think I’m gonna let some funky judge ruin my plans? It is out of my hands now. Is it? Hmm? Maybe, brother, I didn’t destroy the only copy of that tape. Oh, I wouldn’t put it past you, so, so take this in. I am more than happy to reveal who shot and nearly killed Detective Michaels.

You would not. Oh, try me. So why don’t you get your ass and go back to your cell and keep your mouth shut like a good little boy. My blackmail trumps your blackmail any day of the week. I am sides. I still have a binding agreement. Turning over all your wealthy possessions to me. See you in a few years. O broski

flat. It’s, it’s a box. It’s a flat, flat. You’re un, you’re op, you’re unscrewing it. You’re opening it. You’re ouch. It was hot. Hot. It did it. It’s a, is it a stove? It’s a stove. Cat on a hot tin roof! Yes! Oh! You’re really good at this. Oh, you’re too kind. You guys need a break. Gee, the fire’s getting pretty low, isn’t it?

Ah, fear not. I will go out and get us some more firewood. Oh, thank you, Johnny. Thank you very much. You got it. Thank you. Watch out for the bears!

He’s really a lovely guy, isn’t he? Oh, yeah. I will definitely have to agree to that. Yeah. So, I know he’s been standing by wonderfully for you during your mother’s illness. Yeah, he’s been amazing. And Paulina. How is she doing, really? Tell me. She’s getting better. Um, she’s going through radiation right now, which requires complete isolation, so you can imagine how much she’s loving that.

Yes, I can. But if it’s radiation, that means she’s in the homestretch. Yeah, that’s what we’re hoping. Julie, this, this is a really special place you have here. Yes, it is, and it’s been wonderful for the family, always such beautiful memories. And on bad weather days like this, my grandparents always had plenty of board games and puzzles for us.

Sort of like the, the time capsule. The what? Oh. Well, after the fire at our house, we found a time capsule that my grandparents had left for everyone. And we think it must have been something to challenge the new generations, you know, like a puzzle. It is getting colder, isn’t it? Yeah, yeah. Um, you know what?

I’ll go help Johnny. Oh, honey, you don’t have to do that. Oh, I know. He’ll be right back. I know, I know. But still, I think that two hands will bring back more firewood for us all. Very practical. Thank you. darling. Uh huh. Careful out there.

You feel any better handing out those letters? Yeah, I was kind of nervous, but I’m just glad it’s over now. Well, I think it’ll help you heal. And make better decisions by understanding that our choices can have severe consequences. I know. Mom, I’m so sorry for everything. I never want to hurt you like that ever again.

Thank you, honey. I love you so much. I love you too. What the hell? What? What is it? It’s nothing. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Nothing? You wouldn’t react like that if it was nothing. Let me see that. Let me see. Today’s the day the pill pushing dirtbag comes back to school, bets on when he slips H. J.

some more dance fever and she O. D. ‘s again. Dance fever? It’s slang for opioids. Who wrote this? No, some jerk. It doesn’t matter. Well, you know what? After I drop you off, I’m gonna go and have a little conversation with the principal.

Um, please, just don’t make this a thing, just not today, okay? All of this, all of this is gonna stop once EJ makes the public apology. Alright? It’ll be all over the news. Yeah, well, teenagers don’t watch the news, do they? Well, it’ll die down. My mom and I just saw the post. They’re being really unfair. Yes, they are.

Well, I just want to let you know once I get to school, I’m telling everybody that what happened was completely my fault. It had nothing to do with Tate. Corey, thank you. Um, sorry. We’re, we’re gonna get going. The press conference is gonna start. Okay. Uh, we will see you guys there.

As District Attorney of Salem, it is my job to follow the evidence and prosecute those who have wronged our community. It already started? What are we, late? Sometimes the system doesn’t work that way, and for that I offer my apologies. I, I, I guess E. T. ‘s early. I will continue to try

to make Salem a safe a snowstorm in the middle of April. Where are the kids?

Chanel? Johnny? You out there? They’ve been

out there too long.

What do you mean, what was that? The press conference, per your demands. You started before the press even got here. That is not what we demanded. The press is right there. Are you kidding? That’s your PR guy, EJ. This is not an acceptable apology. It is what it is. Take it or leave it. Excuse me? Dad, just let it go.

I don’t care. Well, I care. No, it’s over. It’s done. Hey, let’s just go. I don’t want to be late on my first day back to school. Mom, come on. Tate, okay. We’ll leave. I want a written copy of that apology sent to my office by the end of the day, okay? Go tell Bob. He’ll give you what you want. Uh, Tate, I am, I am so sorry.

Brady, Teresa, I had no idea EJ was gonna do this. And I know it’s not what you wanted, but I do know that EJ is very sorry for everything that Tate went through. And he’s just not very good at apologizing. Oh, fool. Poor EJ. Okay, I know it’s not an excuse. But our whole family, we are really sorry. Thank you.

Let’s go.

That does it. They’ve been out in the cold too damn long. I’ll just go out myself and Walk around the cabin and Hey! Oh! There you are! Johnny! What happened? I, uh, it just, uh, the wood out back was wet. Oh. I think the tarp flew off in the storm. And so I had to go down by the shoreline to find some dry wood.

Good. Looks great. Yeah, yeah. Where’s Chanel? What? Isn’t she here with you? No, Johnny. She went looking for you. Well, I haven’t seen her. Oh my god. Where is she?

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Days of Our Lives cast animated GIF


Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of April 8, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Harris from Days


-Harris could be heard talking to Ava while Steve was shown.

-The music playing in Harris and Ava’s scene drowned out their dialogue.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Julie was shown.


-Chanel could be heard talking to Johnny while Paulina was shown.

-Why did Sarah have the key to the Horton cabin? You would think Julie would have the key.

-Kristen could be heard reading to herself while Johnny was shown.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Kristen was shown.

-Ava’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-Sloan could be heard talking to Sloan before Eric was shown.

-Xander could be heard talking to Sarah while Everett was shown.

-Kristen could be heard talking on the phone while Xander and Sarah were shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Kristen while Everett was shown.


-John could be heard talking to Tate while Steve was shown.

-Holly’s text was shown on screen before she finished texting.

-Everett could be heard talking to Stephanie while Holly was shown.

-Harris could be heard talking to Ava while Everett was shown.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Everett while Kayla was shown.


-Konstantin could be heard talking to Maggie while Paulina was shown.

-Julie could be heard talking to herself while Konstantin was shown.

-Abe could be heard talking to Sarah while Johnny and Chanel were shown kissing.

-Julie said it was cold, but Holly was dressed as if it was summer.


Konstantin from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Friday, April 12, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Great for work. Although am I ever looking forward to getting out of here. I do appreciate how hard this must be, but The treatment is essential to your recovery plan, as you know.

I know, I do know that I am literally radioactive. Mm hmm. And, uh, Sarah, aren’t, aren’t you worried? I, I, I mean, uh, whatever I got inside of me is definitely dangerous to babies, no? Last thing I would want is to hurt your little one. I really, really appreciate your concern, but I am taking all the necessary precautions.

And, as you progress through your treatment, the amount of radiation emitted decreases significantly. So now, how are you feeling? Oh. Not bad, honestly. Aside from a bit of nausea. Hmm, maybe more than a bit. Alright, we can get you something for that, that is no problem. Done. Pharmacy will have that up to you ASAP.

Anything else? No, nothing, nothing that I can think of. Except, except to say, Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m so very grateful for all the wonderful care that I’m getting here and especially from you. It’s my pleasure, Paulina. I want you to take this time to rest and hydrate. Oh, and uh, Gabe gave me this to give to you.

Now you just remember if you need anything, I am a call button away. Okay.

Maggie, I cannot thank you enough for opening your home to me. You have saved me in ways nobody ever has. But it would seem my time here is truly done. Constantine, no. That can’t be. I don’t want you to leave. Well, the truth is, leaving you will be very hard for me. Don’t, Constantine. There must be another way.

Well, perhaps there is. What a

day this has been. I am in a bad mood. And so I’m elixir of the gods.

This place is chaos 24 7. Too many guests. Too much drama.

Too many babies yowling. Children stand beating up down the staircase.

And cookie crumbs and everything.

Well, now it’s time for me to relax with a really good book. Ow!

Okay. Where’s the oxygen? Come on, there’s nothing to it. When you said that we were going to go for a hike, I thought you meant a brisk walk around the property. I didn’t think you meant the Oregon Trail. Yeah, but I wanted us to get the full experience. You know, I mean, we were so close to that amazing park.

I mean, I couldn’t believe how stunning that overlook was. Yeah, it was amazing. But nothing is as stunningly beautiful as my wife. I’m sorry, your what? Oh, my, uh, my wife. One, one more time. My wife.

Our favorite, Italian wine. Let me guess.

This is, uh, Castello di Monsanto Chianti. Wow. I am impressed that you remembered. Yeah, and I remember where we discovered it. Mm. Cafe Torino, right? Yeah. Everyone there, they were so friendly. Signore, Signore. Benvenuti. We were there for like seven hours just eating and drinking and talking. Ah, and eating. Uh huh, yes.

Yeah, I’m still working that off. I think we went through two bottles of wine that night. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I can still smell that bread. Wait, wait, I think I actually do smell that bread. Johnny, you did not. You didn’t think that I wouldn’t have our favorite dinner set up for tonight, did you? Oh, stop! And, that sauce.

You made that sauce? Mm hmm, salsa bolsa nina. I, uh, cooked it at the house, brought it up here with us. It’s heating up as we speak. You’re the best. No, I am married to the best. To our honeymoon. To our honeymoon.

Well, thank you for showing my card to our favorite patient. You are very, very welcome. You can visit her virtually. You’re not going to throw me into her room with a hazmat suit? It’s against hospital policy, unfortunately. Ah, I figured that. Let’s go get you set up. Alright. So How is she doing? I mean, how is she really doing?

Paulina tends to put on a brave face. Yeah, I’m very aware of her tenaciousness, but She’s doing really great. She is. We’re gonna scan her, um, in a few days and see what her radiation levels are. And if those levels are good, then she can leave isolation. So, right now, her only job is to rest and stay comfortable.

God forbid she stop working. But, that’s what makes her the best. Yes. Well, still, I do hope she takes this time for herself. You know, she lets her body recuperate after the recent trauma and surgeries. But I also know Paulina. So do I. Well, I think if anyone can break through, you’re the man for the job.

Let’s see what I can do. I’m so sorry. Thomas! Why were you running in the house like that? Were you on your way to play a soccer match in the atrium? I wouldn’t doubt it. Oh, no, I’m, I’m sorry, Julie. We were, uh, we were playing hide and go seek. Ah. Um, it’s a huge house, so if you, uh, if you play right, you can stay hidden for quite a while.

I should have tried that. Yeah, we’re, uh, a bit on top of each other here, aren’t we? It’s the weather, too. That’s right, Thomas. You know, nobody saw that cold front coming through, but it’s a brave new world. Rotten weather everywhere. To think I dreamed of going outside the house for just a few hours today.

We were going to try to get to the playground to burn off some energy, but best laid plans, right, buddy? Did you apologize to Julie? I’m sorry. Darling, it’s just wine under the drawbridge. I’m just glad it was white. Not red. I can get you a refill if you want. No, I don’t think so.

Constantine, how can I help? Well, it is difficult to get a work visa because of the quotas. Add to that the fact that I have no specialized skills or no family here to sponsor me. Joining the U. S. Army is obviously out of the question. So the only other option I can think of is, well, I have brought it up before, but I am reluctant to even mention it, the possibility of it.

I assume you’re talking about marriage. I am. Yes. Well, won’t that send up a lot of red flags? I mean, I mean, wouldn’t they see right through that? Perhaps you are right, yes. On the other hand, hmm, I have access to the most brilliant and ferocious lawyers in the country. Some Hmm. Let me, uh, let me get them to look into this.

As always, you are far too gracious, Maggie, and generous. We can get through this, Constantine. We’ll find, we’ll find a way to extend that visa. Oh, there they are. Sleeping beauty. And the beast. My little sweetheart. Oh my goodness. Oh, Xander, I can’t tell you how happy I was when I spoke to Sarah. She told you the good news.

Yeah. And what good news is that I have been fully exonerated of the attempted murder of Harris Michaels health. Charges against me have been dropped. Hey, congratulations. You are a very lucky man. Luck had nothing to do with it. I was innocent. The truth was on my side. Yeah, and we knew that for sure.

Although maybe luck is with me today. Meaning? Did I just hear that you’re having visa trouble, Constantine? Do you need a ride to the airport?

Well, I guess somebody owed dues to the Clean Plate Club. And we still have dessert. I like spoiling you. Do you remember that panforte we had after we got married the first time? Oh, it was divine. That entire trip was molto bene. Perfecto. You know what I think we should do? I think we should stop talking about how much we love Italy.

And just go back to Italy. Yeah, we’ll, we’ll get there, okay? But right now, I’m just really loving being here. In this cabin. With my handsome, thoughtful, sexy husband.

How about we skip dessert? I see where you’re going with this. And I like where you’re going with this. But first. I want to show you something that I think you’re going to get a major kick out of. Okay. Okay. Okay. I’ll be right back. Okay. It’s

really getting cold out there. Okay. Here we are. Well, what are we, jousting? Ha ha, very funny. No, we’re going to make some s’mores. Yeah, now who’s being funny? No, I don’t think so.

All right, here you go. All right, thank you. for setting this up. Yes, I’m about to start my break, so just take all the time you need. You sure? I am. I’ll let you get to it. Holler if you need anything. Oh,

oh, one sec. I’m just finishing up a text. You know, the work day ended hours ago, Paulina. Well, maybe so. That may be so. But I have an unholy backlog of e mails, reports, and spreadsheets to go through. Oh, oh. Plus, my favorite council person has to stop pestering me about that funding bill. Tell McPherson to be nice.

He’ll cut that bill in half, and if that doesn’t work, call JP. Abraham! I’ve got this. I can do this job no matter what’s going on with me. And don’t you forget it.

Won’t it be lovely when we can just go home again? But for now, I’ll settle for a full glass of wine and a good book. And now we’ll be mindful with, uh, with the hiding. I’m sorry again. Thank you. Good night.

Start counting! Okay, only if you promise to, uh, slow down in the hallways. Fine. And, stay out of the bedrooms. Alright, those are private areas, we have to respect that. Okay, whatever! No, start counting, please! No, no, no, no, whatever. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. 16. 17. 27. I was just telling Constantine, I have my lawyers looking into extending his visa.

Why? Constantine has come to enjoy this country. And I want to make sure that he doesn’t feel like he’s being rushed to leave. He should be able to choose when the right time is for him to go back to Greece. The right time for him. Thank you, Maggie. Your generosity is boundless. I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay you.

Maybe a couple million ways. Sander? He could at least consider when he might have won his welcome and exit graciously. You make an excellent point. But the beauty of this country, as I see it, is home is wherever I may lay my head. In theory. Let’s be honest, Constantine. We all know that you can’t go home because certain factions of a certain criminal syndicate in Greece have made it very clear that you can never go back.

Look, nobody is saying there won’t be logistical issues. Logistically, that’s quite the euphemism, Maggie. Okay, look. I know when the time is right, I have no doubt that Constantine will be able to return to his homeland. I thank you very much. Those words mean the world to me, Maggie. I so look forward to going back to my village and I look forward somehow, someday, to be able to take you back to that beautiful corner of the world.

Don’t think Maggie’s going to have much time for traveling, though. Sorry, I was mentioning the You’re considering maybe returning to work at Titan? Yes, I am. I was considering it, yes. Titan would be lucky to have you. I could not agree more. So, um, now that, uh, your nightmare is over And behind you, what’s next for you, Xander?

Have you given any thought to returning to Titan yourself? Oh, yeah, I gave it some thought, but I don’t know, I think I’m gonna have my hands full at the Spectator. Hoping to use my position there as a platform to better serve the public’s best interests. You know, keep the citizens of our fair town informed of all the latest news.

Oh, she’s teasing. Oh, baby, baby. Take care, sweetheart. Perhaps a little whiskey on the gums? Yeah, I don’t think so. Um, you know what? I remember the last time that Sarah was here. She left a TV ring in the freezer. I’m gonna go get it.

You certainly has a set of lungs, or a dozen chains. Victoria! Soprano, echoing through the corridors. Uh huh. Kidding tones. Right. Maggie. You know I love you. Uh huh. And I’m eternally grateful for your hospitality, but I gotta get out of this place, if only for one night. Is everything okay? Everything’s wonderful.

I love everybody. Everybody loves me. But I cannot continue to be Miss Congeniality unless I have a break from this. Okay, I understand your feelings. More than you know. Ha! I love family life. I love the family. I just, I’m pining to be in my own house. Do I sound like an ungrateful grumpy old grouch? No, of course not.

You just sound human. So go read, watch a movie, sleep in. Thank you. Thank you. Do me a great favor. Keep an eye on Doug. He’s already gone to bed for the night. Of course. Okay. I’ll, I’ll, I’ll write him a note and say I’ll be by sometime tomorrow. Afternoon ish, and I’ll just go up and pack a bag. Well, spread your wings and fly, my dear friend.

I don’t even know where I’m going. Who cares? But I’m going, and I’m gonna have a lovely time. Paulina, my love, you can do anything you put your mind to, but I want you to rest and get back to full strength. So I just sit on my hands, even after getting a message that EJ has called a press conference for tomorrow without any notice to my office.

Which, which reminds me, I have to call him. You mind if I ping you back in a few minutes? Okay. No problem. Text me when you get back online. Love you. Love you too.

Paulina Price for EJ? No, I’m afraid it can’t. Could you, uh, put him on the phone now? Yes, I realize what time it is. Yes. But I am the mayor and your boss needs to remember that. I am responsible to the people of Salem and he reports to me on their behalf. Yes, please convey that and my expectation of him returning this call immediately.

We need to discuss some, some serious, serious, serious several pending issues. Starting with that press conference that he’s planning. I will be awaiting his call.

What’s wrong with s’mores? Okay, you have the other charred goodness of the marshmallow. You have the chocolate, the flaky crisp graham cracker. It’s a classic dessert. It’s American. It’s an American staple. Yeah, I agree. My problem isn’t with the dessert. It’s with those sticks. I found these when I was putting supplies away and I found the marshmallows.

Johnny, those sticks are dirty. Oh, come on. We’re, we’re in the woods surrounded by nature. These sticks, these sticks were foraged. Okay, bequeathed to us by mother nature herself. Well, agree to disagree. Fine.

All right, now please accept this confectionary treat and get to roasting. These marshmallows are not going to roast themselves. Okay, well, happy wife. Happy life.

And will you look at that? Not only is she settled, she’s actually smiling at me, aren’t you, darling? I found the ring. Thank you, Maggie. But as you can hear, no more screaming. Our little angel has decided all is well, nothing to complain about anymore. Well, that’s good. But I’m gonna give you this anyway in case our little angel decides that all is not well.

Thank you, Meg. Okay. Uh, hi. Hey! Anybody seen Thomas? Kid’s like an Olympic level hide and seek talent. No, I haven’t seen him, Meg. Okay, well then, uh, I continue the hunt. Oh, hey, before you go, um, can we chat? This is work stuff. Uh, yeah, yeah, gotta make it quick though. I don’t want the kid hiding in a closet or something too long.

Totally understand. Just be a couple minutes. Well, this is the perfect time for us to take an evening stroll, shall we? We’ll let the, uh, boys talk shop. Yes, will you excuse us?

Hi mama. Janelle, oh my sweet baby girl. Are you good? Oh, much better now that I’m seeing your beautiful face. Oh, sight for sore eyes. How’s the radiation going? Ah, honestly, well, never had so much fun. Stop. Oh, feeling like I’m 18 years old again. Oh, did I say 18? I meant 118. Yeah, well, don’t make me start worrying about you.

I was joking. I am fine. How’s the nausea? Oh, nausea I can handle. It’s the isolation that’s got me hanging off the chandelier. Shout out to Syl! Right. Oh, but enough about me. How are you? Well, the woods are beautiful. And, um, it’s really peaceful here. And it’s been great. Just, you know, decompressing. I’m fine.

Well, you needed a sweetheart. It’s been a crazy couple of months. Ah, but, now go, go, get back to honeymooning with that handsome husband of yours. Okay, Johnny sends his love, and I do too. Send mine back. And please, please, please, let us know if you need anything. Oh, I will. Take care, darling. Bye bye.

What? What the? That isn’t going to work for me at all. This stinks.

No, can’t give up. Gotta win this.

Oh, so cool. So I take it you’re, uh, you’re not a very big fan of Constantine.

Kind of an understatement. I thought he was, uh, redeeming himself. He’s been pretty good with the kids since we moved in. Yeah, so I’ve been told. Hey, uh, any progress on the repairs at the house? You change the subject very fast. Um, yeah, repairs are, uh, are going well. So what’s up? You wanted to talk about work?

I did, yeah. Well, I just wanted to give you a heads up that now that I’m a free man, I plan on being more present at the Spectator. That’s great. Especially because we’re poised to break some pretty big stories this cycle. Fantastic. How’s, uh, Everett been doing? Um, you know, he’s a, uh, he’s a strong investigator.

He’s got great instincts, but he has been distracted with some personal stuff lately. So, uh, yeah, I don’t, I don’t want to get into it. Uh, anyway, I could really use the help. Well, I have a story for you. Shoot. The way I see it, the cops might not be too interested in finding out who framed you, I certainly am.

Sounds like a great series for the paper. You want to run with it? Damn right I want to run with it. I want to fly with it. But, uh, about your brother’s arrest, I’m surprised that we didn’t have a bit more coverage of that. I mean, I thought you’d have had the inside scoop, no? Right. Well, look, I’m not going to make excuses for my, uh, for my brother, but I think he made some choices based on some threats that were made towards Gabby, and, uh, and I suspect that you or I would probably do something unexpected in the name of love.

Be that as it may, I don’t know, I thought maybe with you having one brother on one side of justice and one on the other, that you could at least provide a little bit more insight. Yeah, no. Uh, uh, no. I made a conscious effort to stay out of my family’s business for my mental health and my children’s safety.

Uh, but hey, if you want to get your hands dirty, go nuts. You know, my other brother, the uh, inimitable EJ, he uh, he’s got a press conference that he’s holding tomorrow. What about? I don’t know, I tried to figure out the topic, but I’m gonna be there though. Well, maybe I’ll join you. Can you text me the details?

I will. Great. Well, I should probably get this one home. Great, uh, and I should probably, uh, wrap up this game of hide and seek. Get the kids to bed. Uh, we’ll talk tomorrow? Less. Great. And hey, Chad, good luck finding Thomas. I’m gonna need it. Dad? This place. Your home, it truly is magical. Each day I’m allowed to remain, I understand why Victor settled here.

How Salem inspired him to create a new life for himself and his family. Even though I wasn’t born here, I consider Salem my home. I always will. It seems to have that effect on people, yes? Yes. Something about this city, it feels right for me, Maggie. Really? After everything that’s happened? Are you sure about that?

Oh. There you are. Abraham, what is going on? I just got a call from McPherson. I was planning on telling you about that. Look, maybe I overstepped, but I just want you to focus on healing. And I thank you. You do? Yes, I do. Did you overstep? You damn right you did. And I’m glad you did.

With everything going on, my, my mind’s not operating the way I’d like it to. It feels foggy, in the clouds. Doctor said it, Would be a possible side effect. But I don’t like it. What I even like even less is being separated from you, especially after all the time you lost. A couple more nights apart mean we get many more nights together.

I know, I know. Hey, at least you’re all cozy and warm in your room. We might get snow tonight. Snow? In the middle of April? Woo! Well, forecast is for possible flurries. But the real storm is skipping us and heading south. Should be over Smith Island in a few hours. Wait, Smith Island? That’s where the Horton cabin is.

Well, should we call Chanel and Johnny? Maybe they should come home. No, it wouldn’t make any sense to drive anywhere in this weather. Safest place for them to be right now is cuddled up in front of the fire enjoying their honeymoon.

Hey, everything okay? Yeah, yeah. You know, I’m just worried about mama. I know she’s hating the isolation. Yeah, but this is the last of your treatment, right? Yeah, if things go as planned, then yes. But, you know, I also worry about her job. Being the mayor is so stressful and Yeah, well, I think your mom is doing an incredible job.

And plus, I think she kind of thrives under pressure, you know? And she’s got all the support from Abe, from you, from me. Your mom. Is going to be fine. Okay. And you know who else is doing an incredible job? Who? You. At knowing exactly what I need to hear. And giving the best hugs. Come here. Oh

And I um I need you to water the plants in the kitchen window tomorrow, okay? Just put them in the, um In the sink. Run the water for two minutes, no more, no less. Well, it’s just that Chanel is very particular in her plant care, and with her gone, I just I will take care of the plants. I will take care of everything.

Now you go and get some sleep, okay? Right, better get all rested for another day of isolation tomorrow. Oh, can’t wait. I’ll download some magazines for you to read. Well, if it’s a distraction, send it my way. And Abraham, thank you for being my person. And for taking such good care of me. I love you. To the stars and back.

Always. Sleep well, my dear.

I’m so sorry, Julie. We weren’t expecting you. So it seems. Yeah, uh, what are you doing here? This is the Horton Cabin. But Sarah, she told us that we could use it. This is your honeymoon. Oh my God. Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry, John. I’m sorry, Chanel. No, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. It’s just, uh It’s just unexpected.

That’s all. Exactly. Lord, is there no place on Earth where I’m not underfoot? Okay, I’m leaving. I’m leaving now. No, wait. Julie, you can’t leave now. Why not? I’ll go back where I came from. It’ll work. No, no, no. I think he means the snow. It’s really picking up. Yeah, and besides, it’s pitch black out there.

There’s no street lights on the island. You know that. Yeah, well, I noticed it was challenging, that last mile of driving. Yeah, no, just please stay. We’d be worried sick about you out there. There’s only one bedroom. Hey, well, after that drive, you need it. You take it. Oh, on your honeymoon? That’s out of the question.

Don’t worry about it. Okay, look, we’ll, we’ll sleep on the couch. It’s very comfortable. I say you’ve tested it. So, you’ll stay then? All right. I admit I don’t want to drive in the snow and the dark. I’ll stay out of your way. I’ll, I’ll lock the bedroom door. I’ll put on my eye mask. I’ll even put in my earplugs.


was the visit with mom? Well, we Victoria was teething like crazy, but apart from that, it was fine. Was Constantine there? Yes.

And And as you know I just don’t feel right when that guy’s around and, I don’t know, something was even more off than usual. I could just sense it. Maybe you’re overthinking it. Maybe. And if it were just you and me, I’d grit my teeth and barrel through, but I do not like Our daughter being in that man’s presence.

And now, every time your mother takes care of her, he’s gonna be in the picture.

Your feelings are valid. And, nothing has happened in months. In fact, ever since mom paid off Constantine’s debts, life has been Quiet. Dare I say, even Safe. Well, I don’t equate quiet to safe, Sarah. The people Constantine owed, the Greek mafia, They don’t just go away when they’re made whole. That is not their M.

O. Not by a long shot. Constantine, though I love having you here as you know, I sometimes wonder how you tolerate being surrounded by the people who wronged you in the most devastating ways. I mean, knowing what John and Steve did at Victor’s behest. Maggie, I have come to realize that living life to the fullest means letting go of all that does not serve you.

And if my time in Salem is running short, then I would like to make the most of what time I have left.

So dance with me. What? There’s no music. When I’m with you, there is music in my heart. Whoa,

so cool. I’ve never seen one of these before. Maybe it’s an original glare! Thomas, what are you doing in here? This is Mr. Constantine room. You’re not supposed to be in here. I know, but it was an awesome place to hide. That’s not the point. Okay, how would you like it if someone was hanging out in your room?

What am I Did you touch anything in here? I didn’t. I swear. Okay. Come on, let’s go. Go brush your teeth. Don’t run in the hallway, please!

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Days Transcript Thursday, April 11, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hi. Hi. Well,

I can see you’re still upset with me. You left these flowers I brought you in your office. I guess I’ll just find a vase to put them in. Be on my way.

I’m really sorry I disappointed you. I regret helping Ava with Weston. But like I told you before, I was scared. I was afraid I was going to lose my son. And it made me do something stupid and reckless.

I guess I’m just going to have to She’s gonna have to live with that. Wait, I need to say something. I know that you feel bad for what you did. As you should. But because I love you, I am going to forgive you for the reckless and boneheaded risk that you took breaking Clyde Weston out of prison. Oh, sweetness.

However, I need to stay mad at you. For at least today. Understand? I do. Good. Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.

So kiddo, what are your plans for spring break this year? No spring break for me. A ton of school work to catch up on, so I’ll probably just hang out with some friends or something. Got it. Tate, I know that your parents have forbidden you to see Holly. Told you that, huh? Yes, they did. How do you feel about that?

Um, it sucks because I like Holly and she’s a friend of mine. They’re probably right about us being toxic for each other, so it’s probably for the best.

I am so proud of you, Holly, for telling the truth that the drugs you used on New Year’s Eve were yours. I know. That couldn’t have been easy. Why are you proud? I should have told the truth from the beginning. Yes, but I know you had your reasons for not doing that. That you were worried about your mom.

Yeah, I was. But still, I lied, Grandma, and I got Tate in terrible trouble. Yeah, you did. Hey, do you have any more tea? Oh, and those lemon berries you usually bake? Yeah. Coming right up. And Holly, listen, um, when I get back, I’d like to continue our discussion. Okay? Okay.

SOS meeting, whatever. I’ve gotta get out of here


Hi. Hi.

I’m kind of in a rush, so. Steph, uh, wait.

I just want to say, I’m so sorry. About everything. I know. This has been hard on you in so many ways. Including how it’s hurt your friendship with Jada. I was really worried when you two stormed out of the spectator office. Actually, Jada and I talked through some things. That’s none of your concern.

However, there is something that I’m curious about. Okay. Do you still have feelings for her? For Jada? What?

Uh, no. No.

How could I have feelings for someone I, I don’t even know? Well, if that’s true, then why would you want to stay married to her? Why won’t you sign the divorce papers?

Ah, well, this is a surprise. What’s up? Uh, nothing. I just, um, I needed to see you. What for? Um, this.

Stands through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Look, I, I, I’m not going to sign divorce papers as a man who I, I, I do not even know who he is. But you do know who he is. It’s you. You were ID’d as Robert Stein.

Don’t call me that. Don’t you ever call me that again.

Mmm. You remember that time? A while back when we snuck onto that riverboat on the Mississippi. You were wearing that pretty yellow dress. Your hair was up. Oh my God, you look so beautiful. Every pair of eyes on that boat was just drawn to you. You know, I appreciate you trying to butter me up. But you are not out of the doghouse yet, okay?

I’ll let you know when you are. Uh, okay. Mm hmm. Well, since I’m still in the doghouse, I guess there’s something else I want to get off my chest. And it doesn’t have anything to do with Ava or Weston. What? This happened a long time ago, before us. When I was working for Victor. Okay, I’m listening.

On Victor’s orders, I escorted John to Greece. He was the pawn then and I was his handler. It was my job to protect him and see him through a mission. The mission was to send a message to a man. A man named Constantine. What? Yeah. The same Constantine who recently turned up here in Salem.

Anyway, While we were on the mission, Something terrible happened. Constantine’s daughter, Katharina, Was shot and killed. Possibly by John.

For years, I, I tried to bury it, put it out of my mind, pretend it didn’t happen.

And all this time I did everything I could to protect John from knowing about it. And recently, when he found out he was ready to fall on his sword. And just give himself up, fly to Greece, turn himself in, and possibly spend the rest of his life in a foreign prison.

The thing is, because I was spending so much energy and time protecting John, I forgot to deal with my own feelings about it.

My own guilt. And shame. I think it’s about time I did.

Tate. I’m glad you understand your parents decision that you shouldn’t see Holly. I know it’s gotta be difficult because you’re, you’re fond of her and she’s, and she’s also fond of you. Um, excuse me. Is everything alright? Yeah, uh, It’s my friend Aaron. He’s helping me study for this chem test that we’ll be taking after spring break.

Do you mind if I meet up with him? No, not at all. School comes first. Go study with your buddy. Before I go, everyone’s water’s looking a little low. Let me get a pitcher from the back. Oh, that’d be great. Hey, listen, while you’re back there, could you grab me a hot sauce, please?

You sure about that? Because I distinctly remember somebody begging, pleading, for a glass of milk the last time they used that stuff. No, I wouldn’t call it begging. I just happen to like a little bit of, you know, milk with my, with my hot sauce. I see. Ah, well, who am I to judge?

It’s nice to see you smile. I’m working on a doc. Makes me happy. Well, you’ve been helping me a lot, honey, as always. But you know what? The talk I had with Harris gave me some perspective. And I’m gonna, I’m gonna try to take his advice on how to deal with that. Self forgiveness. I’m going to try to remind myself.

And this is the hard part that I was a victim too. And I choose not to be one anymore. And I, I kind of figured if Constantine was willing to forgive me. Maybe I can try doing the same thing. So I’m trying, Doc. I’m, I’m really trying.

My Katarina. Not a day goes by my heart does not ache for you. Your beautiful life cut short so, so cruelly.

And though I pretended otherwise,

I will never forgive your murderer.

Hands where I can see them. I need you to see something, and tell me what it means, and I will go away.


Are you okay? John?

Who’s John?

If you are not John, then are you the Pong?

I’ve been called that, yes.

My God! I made it! Finally, after all these years. And found you, the one who killed, and I promise you, my precious daughter,

your death will be a,

well, the lemon bars and. Your English breakfast tea. It’s your favorite, right? Yes, it is. Thank you. You’re welcome. Oh, I hope I am not interrupting. Oh, no, not at all. Konstantin, this is my granddaughter, Holly. Holly, this is Mr. Meliones. Holly, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Most of it fat, I’m sure.

Oh, no, no. Only that you had a difficult time, and I am so very happy, as your grandmother is, obviously, that you are better now. Thank you. And I must say, you remind me of my daughter, Katharina. She was around your age when she died. Oh my God, I’m so sorry. Constantine is, uh, an old friend of Grandpa Victor’s.

This ting, from Greece. Oh, cool. Uh, well, I really should be heading out now. But you haven’t had your tea or the lemon bars. Yeah, I know, but Mom’s expecting me. Okay, I understand. Sorry. Well, it was nice meeting you. Likewise. Bye, Grandma. It’s my pleasure, darling. Thank you for having me. Listen, you’re gonna go straight home, yes?

Your mom said you needed to promise me. Of course. I’m going home. I love you. I love you too. Bye. It’s terrible. I’m so sorry. But maybe now that it’s out in the open, everybody that was involved in what happened with Grease can let it just, you know, be in the past.

I’m not sure that we can. Why do you say that? Because Constantine’s forgiveness is being all understanding. Letting go of his anger. You don’t think it’s genuine? No, I don’t. I don’t believe it. I mean, his daughter was murdered. His only child. And he’s been grieving. He’s been grieving her. Ever since she died, and he’s been hell bent on avenging her death.

So for him to do a 180 all of a sudden, I’m just not buying it. And as for his devotion to Maggie, I thought from the moment he arrived in Salem that he was scamming her. And I still believe that. So you better believe I will be keeping my eye on him.

Sorry. Didn’t mean to offend you. Everett?

No. No, uh, I’m the one who should be sorry. I, uh, I’ve been really stressed, you know, um, Beyond stressed about, about all of this, uh, It’s Crazy making stuff. As I’m sure you’d agree,

I’m trying really hard to figure this out. In fact, I’m on my way to go see Dr. Evans right now for another Another session. That’s good. Hope you get some answers. Some peace of mind.

Sorry about everything.

Have I told you lately how much you mean to me? I always like to hear it. How lucky I am to have someone. It was so good to me.

Who I can count on.

Who doesn’t judge.

Who won’t abandon me. Even when I’m in trouble. Why,

why, why you say it like that? Are you in trouble?

I need, I need you to answer me. Are you, are you in trouble? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Look, I, I was just, I was, I was just getting a little emotional because I just, I never had someone who’s been so kind to me. You know, it’s, um, caring, and

You know, the only trouble I’m in right now is, I told, uh, Wendy and Chip that I’d be moving out. And I don’t have a place to live. Um, Why don’t you, why don’t you stay here with me? Really? Yeah. Harris, I wasn’t fishing for you. No need to explain. No, as long as you’re cool with being roommates. Roommates?

With benefits? Definitely. Tate, where are you?

I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t think that that was gonna Scare me? Well, it did, you dork. But hi, um, I’m really glad to see you. Good to see you. Oh, did you turn your phone tracker off? I did, yeah. Good. You know, the only good thing about my mom taking my phone away is she can’t track me. So she has no clue where I’m at.

That is one good thing. How’s the burner working for you? I know the reception can be a bit iffy. No, it’s perfect. Decent reception for sure. But I’m just grateful you could score me a phone at all. We’re good here. And I know my mom and dad are at a meeting. And my mom and EJ are out to dinner on the other side of the park.

Okay. Isn’t it Is it so dumb that our parents are forbidding us from seeing each other? Yeah. It’s like It’s like if Romeo and Juliet had really annoying, overprotective parents. Actually, they kind of did. Yeah, you’re right. Maybe even more annoying than ours, if that’s possible. Well, me and theirs probably wore ruffled poet shirts.

Yeah, I don’t think ours would go for that. No, probably not. Do you think that I would make a good Romeo? I suppose you’re cute enough. Wow, you suppose that I’m cute enough? Okay, fine, fine. Just cute enough? Fine, you’re off the charts cute. Um, and hey, I know this might sound like weird to say, but are parents not wanting us to be together?

It only makes me want to be with you more. Same.

Well, um, I am going for some much needed girl time with Stephanie. See you later tonight? I’ll be here. Okay.

Hi, Kayla. Hello, John. I have something for you. Yeah? What’s that? What was that for? I think you know.

You told her? I did. Would you like a beer? Maybe an ice pack? You can beer me. Okay. Full transparency. I not only told her about Weston’s prison break. I told her about Constantine and Katharina. I just couldn’t keep those secrets anymore. It’s eating me up. Now I feel, I feel relieved. Like a weight’s been lifted off me.

Well, I know that feeling, pal. All too well. Everett. Hi. Hi. Come in. Have a seat. Thank you.

I’m very glad that you’re here. I’m very glad that you’ve committed to learning more about your past.

How are you feeling today?

Honestly, Dr. Evans, um,

I’m struggling. Wishing I were. Anyone but me.

I cannot believe you got my favorite donuts in the whole wide world. I did. Took a little detour to Sweet Bits after bailing on my grandparents at the pub. You know, when they asked me my order, I completely forgot, so I just told them it was the weird shaped one with the chocolate drizzle. Mochi delight.

There you go. Thank you.

It’s, uh, a bit chillier than I thought it’d be, I don’t know. Cheers.

My hero.

Holly is a delightful young lady. Yes, she is. I thank God every day that she’s come back to us. Of course, you do. I don’t think I could have handled another loss, but you know, Holly, when I’m around her, I feel like. I feel like a part of my, my son, Daniel, is still with me. Oh, my children and my grandchildren.

They are the lights of my life.

Oh, Constantina, I’m so sorry.

Um, Let me get this straight. So, Everett is still married to Jada, as Bobby Stein. Someone he doesn’t even remember being. Yeah. I actually ran into him in the square earlier. And he said that he had another session with Marlena lined up. Oh. And um, Well, I hope that he makes some progress figuring out who he is, who he was.

What? Uh, well, you know, nothing really. I mean, I just, I remember you bringing him into the hospital a while back for an examination. It was clear that he had significant trauma to his head, but There was no real proof it had anything to do with memory loss. I remember that too, obviously. Yeah. So, I, um, asked Marlena if maybe she thought he was faking it.

What? I didn’t know that. What did she say? Well, she didn’t really have a clear answer. But she didn’t rule out the possibility. Everett, if you don’t have any memory of being married to Jada, and you, you say you have no feelings for her, and, and you tell me that you love Stephanie,

why don’t you sign the divorce papers?

I just,

I can’t sign as, as someone else. I am not Robert Stein. It would be forgery to sign as him.

I see. But, that’s, that’s not the only reason that I, I wanted to see you here. Today, um, I wasn’t completely honest with you about what I saw. During hypnosis.

What did you see? I saw myself. Staring back at me.

I really need to know what it means.

God, the air is so fresh. I forgot it was even like this. Yeah, I know. We both were stuck inside for way too long. Aside from that, it’s just, it’s really nice to be here, together. Yeah, it really is. Are

you sure about this? It would be great to have your company.

You know, it’s gonna be much safer. Your trip and Wendy. Me not being there.

You know, I still feel so terrible. About all the trouble that I put them through. Putting their lives at risk. No, no, no, but we can’t. You can’t stare in the rearview too long. There’s a big, beautiful road ahead. I know. It’s just that with, you know, Clyde still being out there on the loose, it’s just You know, who knows what goes through his crazy head and he’s gonna come back again or You know, speaking of which,

you got any new leads on Clyde or Officer Gordon? Unfortunately, the trail has, uh, gone completely cold. I mean, they, they know what they’re doing. I suspect they’re long gone by now, if not out of the country. Paris. How I wish she was long gone. Oh, I wish he was long gone by now.

Hey, John. You’re my best friend. My partner. We’ve been through so much together.

So I’m gonna be honest with you. I think that it would help ease my mind, too. If we can get to the bottom of this thing. So will you please let me help you?

Okay. Let’s give it a shot. Good. So where do we start? Where we always do. With facts.

So, on the night that Katerina was killed, there were only three people there, and that was you, me, and Konstantin. Three that we know of. Okay. There were no videos or photos from back in that time. So how are we sure someone else wasn’t there? Well, without surveillance, I suppose we’re not. No, we’re not. If someone else was there, that person could be holding a very dark secret.

Holly! Tate! Nice to see you. Yeah, you too. How’s the physical therapy going? Really well, thanks. Yeah, Kayla, uh, Stephanie, would you guys mind not telling our parents that you ran into us? Why not? Um, because we’re not really supposed to be here with each other. Oh. Please, can you just pretend like you didn’t run into us?

Oh. Well, I won’t say anything. I guess it’s not my place to do that. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you.

Alright, well, enjoy your day. You too. See you later. Bye. Oh my god. That was a close one. Yes, that was. Look, I, I think it’s probably best if we just Yeah, let’s, uh, let’s call it. My mom and EJ are probably gonna be home soon anyways. Okay. Um, okay. Well, I should Yeah, I’m, I’m gonna miss well. Yeah. Oh, your sweatshirt?

Right. Yeah. Oh. Yeah, I, I I would let you keep it, but, you know, your parents might notice. Right, they definitely would. Better you take it. Um, thanks for letting me wear it though. Yeah, you’re welcome. Anytime. See you soon, I hope. Yeah, you will. Soon.

I have to say, I feel kind of bad about not telling on Holly and Tate. Me too, but, Mom, they’re young and in love. And didn’t it kind of remind you of when you and Dad first started dating? Being told to stay away from him. I admit, yes, it did. Made me think of Everett and me too, actually. Although, my parents haven’t told me to stay away from him, I’ve told myself that.

I know you have.

But mom, for some reason, I don’t want to. I think you have very conflicted feelings about him. Very.

And I know I should hate him, block his number, move on. But I,

I still feel drawn to him. And I feel bad for him, for what he’s going through. Baby girl. Well, as your mother, I always, always want to protect you. Tell you to move on. As you said, to not get hurt any further. But I am so proud of how kind and compassionate you are. Two of my favorite things about you.

Everett. Seeing your own image, staring back at yourself, well, I’m not really entirely sure what that means. But clearly you are, are struggling with leading a dual life. And I also think you’re probably struggling with feelings that you’ve got for Jada that you’re not really ready to accept at this point.

Would you be comfortable having another drink? hypnosis session and see if we can’t get to the bottom of some of these things. I’m sorry, uh, no, no more, no more hypnosis, no more, uh, digging. I don’t want to, I don’t, I, some things are better left unknown. Excuse me.

Could Victor have been there? No, he couldn’t have been. He was in Monte Carlo at the time. Because I heard that he bet and won big on a thoroughbred. Wolfgang Amadeus was the name. Hey, what about, uh, maybe one of Stefano’s men?

What about Katharina’s mother? I heard she was living there, right? She was. Yeah, I remember Constantine said that they separated a few years after the girl’s death, so She could have been in the house. Maybe she knows something or saw something. So what do you think partner? Open up a little investigation.

See if that woman’s still alive. And if she is, we can track her down. I think that’s a very good place to start.

No, no, no, no. You have nothing to apologize for Maggie. Oh, I do. It was very insensitive of me to go on about my children and my grandchildren. No, no, no, it was not. I, I delight in your delight. I love knowing that your heart is full. Wow, that’s very kind.

I am going to miss you, Maggie. Miss me? My travel visa is expiring, and I have been denied another extension. I’m afraid I’m going to have to leave Salem.

I’m under the impression you think Clyde is still around.

I don’t think. I know.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Uh, I’m sorry, Amir. This must be an oversight.

Two, two months in a row?

Yeah, things have been a little hectic, you know, having a new baby and all.

Okay, hey, listen, my wife, she’s, she’s gonna be home any minute, and um, we’ll just get this cleared up and get it to you today, okay? Okay, thanks.

They must have forgotten all about paying the rent.

Hey, don’t you worry about it, little guy. Mommy’s got a lot on her mind.

I mean, look at your face. Mommy just takes one look at you and all the things on her mind go right out the window. But don’t you worry, we’ll get this all squared away. Hey, sorry I’m late. I was knee deep in research about your case. And? Did you find a way to get me out of this nightmare marriage? Before we get started, do you mind if we just take care of my retainer fee first?

Oh, sure. Sorry, I completely slipped my mind.

There. Sent. Okay, thank you. So, did you find anything? Anything that’ll help push through this divorce? Like a loophole or something? Unfortunately, it’s just the opposite. The law is in favor of Bobby’s case. Well, when a party suffers from a mental illness like a brain injury or some other mentally debilitating condition, the law states that they lack the cognitive ability to enter into a contract.

I mean even If they do sign a contract in that condition, it’s avoidable.

The article on Stefan’s arrest is gaining a lot of traction. I even posted it to four different social media platforms to get even more traffic. Who’d have thunk it? I knew Stefan DiMera had a dark side, but drug dealer was not on my bingo card. I know, right? I wonder how Chadwick is dealing with the news that his brother from another mother is a pill pushing lowbrow headed to the Who’s Go.

Come on, Leo. What? I just hope after our readers have done rubbernecking at Stefan’s story, they detour over to my Lady Whistleblower column. It may be my last. Hey, things will look up, Leo, okay? They always do. Yeah. Hey, I gotta go check on another account, so I’ll see you later. Okay, see ya. Hey, where have you been?

I feel like I’m walking on a cloud. With two girls, almost like a free man. You are never going to be locked up again. Ever. God, I love your optimism. And you’re undying support. And you will always have been.

D. A. DiMera. Fancy meeting you here. Likewise. Actually, I have some news about your case, and you might as well hear it from me.

Dammit, E. J., stop ignoring me. Have you seen the price of DiMera stock? It’s plummeting by the second. Now you say that you care about this company. Well, prove it. Call me back, now. Before we lose our family fortune. Ugh. Oh, could this take it any worse? What the hell is wrong with you?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. You

okay? I’m good. Really? Because you, you look kind of razzled. Yeah, well, uh, it’s nothing I want to get into right now. How is the article on Stefan doing? Great. Take a look. Oh. That’s good news, at least. Hey, Everett. Lightbulb moment. I was thinking I could do a follow up human interest story about a family who was immediately impacted by the drugs that Stefan was trafficking through the bistro.

You know what, Leo? Until I, um, say it, why don’t you stay in your lane? Ah! Snark you much? Sorry, Leo. Well, since you are clearly singing the blues today, I will steer clear. Tell me what’s wrong, Everett, please. Not now. I’m trying to work, you know?

Are you as stubborn as you are psychotic? Sign the divorce papers, damn it!

As much as I believe. You belong behind bars and, uh, Anne, make no mistake, I would have relished putting you there. Our forensic team has examined the images of the perpetrator and have confirmed that you did not shoot Detective Michaels. They saw the difference in the tracksuit pants, right? There was a slight difference, but a difference nonetheless.

I’ve just come from my office where I have officially dropped the charges against you. Congratulations. Oh my god. Did that just happen? You made it happen. You did. You were determined and tenacious and you found proof. And I am so, I’m so proud of you. I couldn’t have done it without you. Did you hear that, little angel?

Your daddy’s a free man. We’re gonna celebrate. Look, I know that my freedom is the big news here, but uh, I’d just like to point out that I, Xander Cook was just congratulated by that frig E. J. Zemera.

You actually told Holly that she’s a bad influence on Rachel? Yep, I did. Oh, the audacity. I mean, what are you, picking on a teenage girl that almost died? She’s upstairs in her room crying right now. Oh, boo hoo, poor Holly. She’s such a drama queen. Drama queen? Yes. That is rich coming from you. Oh God, let’s face it, Nicole.

No mother wants her child hanging out with a drug addict. She’s not a drug addict. Okay, well, how would you know? You had no idea she was doing drugs before? Well, she’s a teenager, Kristen. Okay, she made a mistake. Okay, she made a mistake, yeah. And instead of taking responsibility for it, she covered it up and lied about it.

Blamed Rachel’s big brother, Tate, for it all. And, and now he has no freedom. He got beaten up in prison. Okay, well, she was unconscious when all that happened, okay? Spare me the fine print. Your daughter was doing drugs behind your back. And when I called her on it, a little brat went tattling to mommy. I have every right to keep my daughter away from that little liar.

Okay, you just stop yourself right now. Look, if you want to go after someone, you come after me, alright? Alright. You wanna fight? You wanna fight? No, I do. Okay, let’s do it. Come on. Let’s go.

Very impressed to find out that you have a 30, 000 limit. My God, you can’t keep doing this. It’s costing me a fortune as it is just to put you up with this sailor man. Oh, my suite by the way, major upgrade from that dingy little room I used to share with Gweny. Lovely view, very comfy king size bed. Oh my God, when is it going to end?

Honey, it ends whenever you’re ready to give up your baby. To give that precious little boy back to his real mother. Hey. Hey. I thought I heard you. How was your day? Exhausting. Yeah, well, I, uh, just got you down. And I thought maybe you and I could talk. Oh, sounds serious. It is. It’s um, it’s about our finances.

I came home from our breakfast and I found this under our door.

Would you please? Just sign the damn divorce papers. You two are still married? Jada and Everett. Hashtag Jefferet. Married. Juicy. Apparently, the divorce decree was never officially finalized. Yeah, because Bobby never signed the papers and he won’t do it now. Wait, who is Bobby? He is. Jada and Bobby? Hashtag jobby.

To make you feel powerful, Kristen, punching down. Punching down? Yeah. All I did was tell your daughter to stay away from mine. That is it. Well, from now on, if you have anything to say to Holly or about Holly, you come to me first. You got it? Oh, yeah. Well, I think I pretty much covered it. Oh, you have? Oh, and hey, guess what?

God, it can’t be easy having a druggie for a daughter. Especially one who pretends she’s Snow White singing to animated birds while everyone kisses her feet. The facade is crumbling, honey. Lo and behold, Holly is just as selfish and manipulative as her mother. Oh. Oh, we’re going there, are we? Yeah, we will go there.

Yeah. Comparing daughters to mothers? It’s a very dangerous place for you to be, Kristen. I feel really, really bad for Rachel. Because she has an evil serpent for a mother. Stinking her fangs into innocent people. Spreading her poison all over town. And you know what it looks to me? Huh? That Rachel is bound to be a bad seed.

Just like her mummy. Wow.

I feel terrible. I, I must have just slipped my mind. I figured. You know, I’ve never even been late on rent before, so this Actually, you were late last month too. But I know you’ve had a million things on your mind. Yeah, I really have. But it’s not just that, it’s, you know, the, the expenses are increasing.

It’s the formula, the diapers. No, electricity and gas. But look, I promise you, I’m going to be more on top of it. Look, right now, I am going to send the landlord the rent. And with my caseloads increasing, this shouldn’t be a problem. And at some point, my business will pick up. Yes. You know what? But this is what we should do.

We should make a plan. A family budget. Great. I can do that. I can make a, a spreadsheet at work tomorrow. No, no, no. Actually, you know what? We can, uh, kind of do this together, you know? Like, uh, look. It’s not that hard. We can kind of, uh, put a list of all our family expenses together. Right? So, uh, Here, I’ll give you that.

Oh, you know what? It’s okay. I’ll take care of it. Just hold that thought. You

said you would sign the papers. Yes. As myself. You are yourself. Listen, just, just sign Robert Stein. Okay? So we can just get this over with. You don’t want to be married to me. And I don’t want to be married to you. It’s just a signature. No one will even know or care.

I’m sorry. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t sign those. Not the way that you want me to. Oh my god. Uh, I’m sorry, just so that I’m clear. Everett is Bobby. Bobby is Everett. And wait, you two were an item when you were in Seattle. Did you know him as Bobby? Don’t go there, Leo. How can I not go there? Lady Whistleblower has been starving for scoop, and now here comes a triple fudge sundae served up with sprinkles.

Leo! Huh? Just don’t go there, okay? Just So what’s it gonna be, Bobby? I mean really, how long are you going to be torturing me with this?

This may be the best cheeseburger I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. And that’s because everything tastes better with a side of freedom. So true. Incredible. Although, what’s with your obsession with cheese? It’s like you’re a little mouse who can’t get enough. You’re only saying that because I asked you to bring me string cheese in bed one time.

Once. More like you woke me up and demanded that I bring you string cheese at midnight three different times. Well, I was breastfeeding Victoria. I couldn’t exactly get up and go get cheese. And nobody’s waking up tonight. We’re gonna sleep like babies now that this whole nightmare is over. Actually, it’s not completely over.

You keep my daughter out of this. Unlike Holly, Rachel is not a screw up. You know, her only mistake is that she looked up to someone who is unworthy of her admiration. Unworthy of her admiration? What are you talking about? Holly has been nothing but kind and loving to Rachel, and Rachel is nothing but an entitled little brat.

Rachel is not a brat. Yes, she is, and she needs to come with a warning label, just like her mother. Felony after felony. Okay, you know what? I do. Let’s do it. You kidnapped Daniel, you blackmailed Sammy, you stole Teresa and Brady’s fetus and inserted it in yourself. That’s crazy, that’s disgusting, yes it is.

You know who I left the baby stealing from? You, Nicole, you. Yes, you stole EJ and Sammy’s baby, you lied to Daniel about how your baby died, and you blamed it all on Jennifer. And you broke their relationship up. Yeah, but you wanna know the difference between you and me? What? I actually regret it. Oh, ho, ho, ho.

I am trying to turn my life around. Oh, well, keep on turning, sweetheart, and maybe you’ll spin your way all the way down to hell where you belong. Oh, my God. You know, I haven’t told you the worst part about you. Oh, goody. What you did to Eric. Okay, I can’t wait to hear this. Oh, I bet. You drugged him. And you had sex with him, and there’s a word for that, and I can’t even say it because you totally disgust me.

Oh, and then you go parading around town wearing a mask, impersonating me so you could seduce Brady. Bad news for you. The only reason Rachel exists is because Brady had sex with you, thinking it was me. Okay, don’t you do this to me! Stop it! Stop it! Both of you! Stop it! Stop it! You’re such a liar! You’re a liar!

Stop it! Both of you! Stop it! What is going on here? Stop it!

I’m guessing he just needed a diaper change. All sparkly clean now. It’s been a big time with me. Here’s the spreadsheet so far. Here, take a look. Okay, rand electric, gas, food, personal stuff, hair, manicure, clothes. Yeah. That look about right? Yeah, looks, looks all good. Yeah, but what’s missing? I can’t really think of anything off the top of my head.

Well, something’s not adding up right. Okay. Oh, uh oh. I’m guessing he’s getting hungry. I’m gonna go feed him.

This isn’t personal, Jada. We are still married. I take that very personally. Just, what’s the big deal? Okay, just sign it Robert Stein. It’s just a technicality. No one will even care. You can move on with your life and I can move on with mine, okay? Well, wouldn’t that be forgery detective signing somebody else’s name?

No, because he is Robert Stein, legally. Are you? Leo, shut up and just stay out of this. I’m sorry, I I can’t sign it. Not right now. Damn you. Jada, wait.

What do you mean it’s not over yet? Night after night, in that jail cell, I kept trying to figure it out. I mean, I knew I hadn’t shot Harris. But the evidence just kept stacking up against me, as well you know. Well, when you got arrested, you thought that somebody had framed you. Right, and I still do, now more than ever.

I mean, whoever set me up, they did a bang up job, didn’t they? Only question is, Why me?

Stop. Stop. Is this the example you both want to set for your daughters? My God. What if I hadn’t walked in when I did? And honestly, Kristin, a grown woman attacking a teenage girl. Thank you for standing up for Holly. Oh, please. Did you hear what your precious wife was saying about your niece? It was obscene.

There’s a big difference here, Kristen. She said those things to you, whereas you fired your missiles right at Holly’s face. Are you kidding me? You kidding me? So she gets a pass because she didn’t tear Rachel to shreds behind her back? Nicole is my wife. And you will show her some damn respect. She’s a scheming gold digger.

And always has been. And you’re not a homicidal maniac! Enough! Enough! Kristen, let me make this very clear. If you are unable to get along with my wife, you will find another place to live.

Ten whole ounces. You wolf that down. Hopefully that can last him out for a little while. Good. Can you sit down and go through this with me now? Um, yeah, of course I can. Definitely. But I just noticed that Jude’s completely out of diapers. So I’m gonna run and go get some. Are you sure? Because I thought we had another package.

Nope. All out. I’m going to be right back. And, grab some diapers. Love you. Damn, where can all my money be going?

I don’t even have a horse in this race, and I am breathless. I can only imagine what this is doing to you. This whole thing

is a nightmare. It’s a nightmare, with Stephanie, right in the middle of it. Poor thing. The two of you, flittering around town like a pair of lovebirds, then all of a sudden, wham! You careen into a glass window, feathers everywhere, no one saw it coming. Except, I’m not the victim. No matter how you try to spin this, I am the bad guy in this situation.

I mean, Jada thinks I’m a two timing bastard, Stephanie is debating whether I’m a two timing bastard, or a nutjob, I mean, either way. She’s lost trust in me. I hate this. I hate myself. Everett Everett. Come on, man. If you don’t remember you don’t remember stopping so hard on yourself. Look, you are a good guy.

Who’s going through an identity crisis. Hey, sometimes I feel like I need a lobotomy, and I am just one person with one name and one set of rotten memories. I can only imagine what it would be like to be two people with two sets of rotten memories.

Appreciate the support, Leo.

We all need somebody to listen to our side of the story, right?

Speaking of stories, I mean this really delicious one just fell into my lap and if Lady Whistleblower could write about it, I, well I promise, I promise I will be, I will be very, very gentle with the story and respectful and Are you out of your mind? What? Are you out of your mind? No. Drop it, Leo. I am. I’m sorry.

Okay, but we Okay, but Okay, I’m gonna get out of here so you can clear your heads. I’m sorry. Bobrit, I want you to know I am here for you. But I have to say, I do agree with Jada. You are not going to be able to move forward until you put this behind you. Get it figured out. Otherwise, you’re never going to get Stephanie back.

And it is obvious you are head over heels in love with her. Heartbroken. I have feathers everywhere.

I know the feeling.

Thank you for filling me in on the divorce snafu. Trusting me enough to open up about it. Yeah, well, I know this can’t be easy for you either. I mean my goodness, it’s just, when you thought that things couldn’t get more jaw dropping, you find out that the guy you’re involved with is still married. To me.

Yeah. Yeah, it’s been pretty shocking.

Hey. Listen. I’m really sorry that I bit your head off. More than once. I realize that I’ve been really just taking all my anger out on you. Well, I can’t imagine. What you went through when your marriage ended and what you’re going through now. Yeah, but still, it’s, it’s no excuse, Stephanie. You are a victim here too.

So what do you say? Do you think maybe you can forgive me for the awful things that I said? The thing is, someone went to a lot of trouble to set me up, right? And they did it oh so cleverly. Starting with that phone call. Hello?

Xander Cook. Yeah, who’s this? I have a job for you. What kind of job? I have someone who must be eliminated.

And then, obviously, someone duplicated my jogging outfit. And Planted that gun in our apartment. And they put the money in your bank account. That’s an awfully big expense, right? Whoever it was, they, they wanted to take me down big time. Damn it, I just, there’s gotta be someone who knows me, someone with money.

Clyde? It’s possible. I mean, obviously there’s no love lost between him and me. And he had motive for offing Harris, yeah. He could’ve financed this, but, but why pin it on me? I mean, I haven’t had any contact with that bastard in years. It seems odd that he’d go to such lengths to Set me up.

The Spectator article said that Stefan was doing Clyde’s bidding through the Bistro. So maybe Stefan hired the hitman. Maybe he knows something. I’m gonna visit the jail. See if I can get in to see Stefan. You sure that’s a good idea?

Who do you think you are? You don’t own this house. And I’ve been a mayor longer than you have.

Look, Kristen. Mm hmm. This is a big house. Why don’t we just agree to keep our kids away from each other? Alright? Fine. Good. That settles that. Now, I’m leaving. I need to head to DiMera. Show some leadership. The board has made it clear, Stefan is out as head of DiMera, and I need to take the reins. Can you do that?

Can you step back in and still be DA? I could. The board does need an interim CEO immediately. Someone with a family name. Ugh. I’m told he wants to travel the world with Anna, doesn’t want that kind of responsibility at this stage in his life. Chad’s never expressed interest and Johnny is just far too young and inexperienced.

Hello. There’s a DiMera standing right here. Oh, you’re serious? Oh, my darling sister. No, no, no. I don’t think so.

Why would it be a bad idea for me to see Stefan? Oops. Because you’re all free and clear now. I mean, don’t you think it’s a bad idea to go digging around? It’s like poking the bear. I think I have to. I mean, I have to figure out who did this to me, Sarah. No.

We have to. Because we’re in this together. Thank you. I mean some. And tomorrow I’ll see about getting into the jail to visit Stefan. As long as you promise me one thing. Anything. When this is all over, I want you to bring me cheese and bed as much as I want without complaining. Every. Single. Night.

Okay, I’m off. Can I trust the two of you to be here alone? Actually, why don’t I go with you? And you can drop me off at the town square. Because after all the fun I’ve had today, I could use some retail therapy, and then maybe we can have dinner out. Hmm. Perfect. I’ll meet you in the car. Actually, I’m gonna go check on Holly and let her know we’re heading out.

Sounds good. Okay. Bye. Goodbye to you too, little brother.

Yes, Mr. Shen. This is Kristen DiMera. I think you and I need to have a talk. I really let you have it. And like I said, it was all misguided anger, Stephanie. You’re not to blame for any of this. And I believe you when you said that you had no idea that Bobby was married. So I really hope that you’ll forgive me.

If not now, someday, when you’re ready. I’m not gonna lie, those things you said, it really hurt. I know you were coming from a place of pain. You weren’t trying to hurt me. I forgive you. Of course. I know you were only trying to protect yourself. We just process things differently. Yeah. You’re the calm and rational one, and I blow my top.

Total hothead. Oh, believe me, I’ve, I’ve had my moments. Not that I would know. I’ve been, I’ve been so wrapped up in my own world and all the things happening that’s messing it up that I didn’t even take time to think about how this was affecting you.

Yeah, it’s been rough.

I’m sure. So, tell me the truth. Aren’t you furious with him? Yes, I am.

Half the time. The other half I keep thinking about what he must be going through. So you believe his story? I don’t know. But I do feel for him. You know, losing chunks of your life, your identity, it must be terrifying. And he has nobody. Except you.

You still have feelings for him, don’t you?

If only it were so black and white.

There’s no escaping you. Is there, Robert Stein?


Doctor Evans. This is Everett Lynch. I need to see you.

Uh, is this really that urgent? I was about to get a pedicure when you beckoned. Oh, you had a pedicure just last week. I know, I paid for it. Yes, but if I wait too long, my feet get hard and crusty, and I need them to be soft and smooth like a baby’s bottom. My baby comes first, pal. Look, just cut me a little break, okay?

June needs diapers, wipes, food. You should probably be on a budget. I can’t. Eric wants to, but I can’t keep hiding your crazy self indulgent expenses. Meanwhile, I have drained my bank account paying rent, which was late for the second time. Look, you’re working now. You’re doing legit reporting. I saw that piece on Mayor Price.

What did you think? It was good, actually. Wow, did you just not insult me? I’m shocked. I did just not insult you. You’re actually, you’re a decent writer. And look, you’re paid by the article, right? And they’re giving you more assignments now, I’ve noticed. Well, those assignments cost money, too. See, I had to finagle my way into Mayor Price’s welcome home party by posing as a flower delivery person.

And you paid for the flowers? Well, no. Chad did. But at that faboo shindig, I managed to spill champagne all over my shoes. I ruined them. And girl, new Ferragamos do not come cheap. Come on, Leo. No, really, you are such a talented writer. And your features, I mean, they are just taking off. Lady Whistleblower is practically a household name now.

Come on, please, I’m just asking. I’m really talking to you, though. Please. Well, I do offer a unique perspective, and that does make my career outlook rosy.

And because of my fondness for your son, And because I want his diapers to be ultra absorbent so that his booty can be smooth and soft like my pedicured feet. I will cut your allowance by ten percent. I was thinking forty. Fifteen. Thirty five.

I’m feeling generous, but only because you complimented my writing. Why don’t we meet in the middle and say twenty five percent? Steel. No. What? You have no idea what this means to me. Okay.

I don’t get this. Something is not right here. Sloane must have some big expenses she’s not sharing with me. I’m gonna get to the bottom of this.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hmm. So, everything here is on my special diet, huh? Definitely. You want oatmeal? Wheat toast? Fresh fruit? Would you like some tea? Black coffee? Hmm. What I would like is a bear claw. Well, you’ll be able to have your bear claws very soon, my dear. I know, I know. And I don’t mean to complain. In fact, I am sorry.

I’m very, very grateful that this wonderful treatment exists and the only reason that I’m not looking forward to it has Nothing to do with food or even having no one to talk to for a few days. Oh What’s oh, it’s gonna be hard for me since in case you haven’t noticed I do like to talk I noticed Oh, no.

The reason I’m dreading the treatment is that I hate being away from you, Abraham, or, uh, for even one minute.

Hey, what are you doing here? What is that? The key to the Horton cabin. Sarah gave it to me. We are starting our mini honeymoon today. Today. Like, like now? Today. Yeah. A few cozy days away from it all. Just the two of us. Yeah. There’s just one problem after work, you know that. Oh, right, right. Um, well, I guess our mini honeymoon will just have to wait then.

I’m sorry. That’s okay. It’s your job. I get it. Thank you for understanding. Sure. I

don’t believe this. Stefan DiMera confessed to running illegal drugs out of the Bistro Cafe. Demira is currently behind bars? What the hell?

No, this spectator did not get an exclusive because it is run by Demira. My office will be releasing a statement as soon as possible today. You can follow up with my communications officer. Okay. Good morning. Holly. Yeah? Look, I know you’re upset about being punished. But you chose to do drugs, and then you decided to lie to us about it.

Excuse me, you’ve never lied? Everyone makes mistakes. But this needs to be a lesson learned. Hmm. Okay, well, if everyone makes mistakes, how’s it fair that Tate and I can’t see each other anymore? We’ve already been over this. That was Tate’s parents decision, and under the circumstances, I can’t say that I blame them.

Look, I know that you think you want to be with Tate right now, but I believe in time you’ll realize that this separation is for the best. You want to know what I really think? I think you blew everything out of proportion right from the beginning, arresting Tate when there was no real reason to. So guess what?

This is all your fault, EJ.

So? How was it? Your first day back at work? Uh, it felt good. Getting back to normal. Yeah. But, uh, what about you? Have you decided when you’re going back? I’m not sure. Rafe left it up to me. That’s very generous. Yeah. Okay. That’s good. You mind telling me what we’re doing out here? I’ll show you. It is pretty chilly out.

They say a storm’s coming in soon. Oh, that’s okay. We’re gonna work up a sweat. What are those for? You’re gonna punch me.

Hello? Well, hello there, little lady. I’ll bet you thought you were rid of me, huh? What do you want? Well, I want you to listen up. Okay, no, you listen to me. You almost killed my son and his girlfriend, so unless you have called to tell me where you are so I can come slit your throat and just watch you bleed out, I got nothing to say to you anymore.

Good gracious, such hostility. Take a chill pill, mama. Word on the street is your little boy’s doing just fine. Now, unless you want me to disavow Stefan’s mere culprit confession to the police, I suggest you just sit back and listen to what I have to say. Now, I just finished reading this morning’s news.

Uh, Stephan DiMera arrested, blah, blah, yeah. Here we go. The DiMera heir is currently behind bars awaiting arraignment. His ex business partner at the bistro, Ava Vitali, declined comment. Um, ex partner Ava? I don’t think so. Because I have one little more job I need you to do for me.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

You want me to run your new drug empire? You used to run bangs for the Philly mob, didn’t you? That was a long time ago. I’m going straight. Trying to put my life back together in that. Starts with getting a legitimate job. Well, I’ll set you up with a legitimate job, all right? That’s not a problem. I got connections at the bistro.

You still there? Yeah. Good. You know, for a second there, I thought maybe you hung up on me. I’m here. Well, you’re a smart lady. Look, the bistro closed. I got forced out because of everything that went down. Well, you better force your way back in. Look, I don’t know or care how you and your robo cop boyfriend got Stefan to take the fall, but we both know that you’re far from innocent on this.

So if you want to keep flying under the radar, you’d best do what I tell you to do.

Punch you? Come on, put the gloves on. Physical activity is great for working off nerves and stress. You know, against the endorphins flowing. Hmm. Okay. Look, Wendy After what we went through, I mean, it’s no surprise that we have PTSD. And so it might be good for us to work some of our feelings out in a physical way that’s perfectly safe.

Okay, but boxing? I’ve never done it before. I mean, either, but I’ve always wanted to give it a try. You know, I was thinking more like jogging. But I guess I could give boxing a try. All right, cool. Let’s do this.

You are one sneaky fella. Oh, me? Uh huh. My second in command was wondering why I even showed up when I am supposed to be on my mini honeymoon today. Okay, okay, I admit I did speak to some of your staff and they agreed to cover you for the next few days. Okay, well that was good of them, but Johnny, it’s not right.

What? Of course it is. Look, Dee. Adore you. And I also conspired with them on your behalf to pay them time and a half while we’re gone. Don’t worry, I’ll cover it. Okay, that was very generous of you and really, really thoughtful, but But? What? You don’t want to go? No, no, I really want to go. Like, so much, but We’ll just go.

Mama, you know, she starts her treatment today. Which is why I scheduled this for right now, because she’s gonna have to be in isolation. You’re not gonna be able to be with her for the next few days, and I figured that you’re gonna want to spend as much time with her as possible once she’s no longer radioactive.

That’s true. And the Horton cabin is fairly close in case you have to come back here for any reason, which you won’t because everything’s gonna be fine with your mom with sweet bits. Well, how do I say no to that? Well, I’ll tell you. You can’t. And I promise you that this is going to be the best time ever, Mrs.

DiMera. Well, I already know that, Mr. Dupree. Because I’m going to be alone in a cabin with the sexiest husband in the world.

Yes, Mr. Shin, I have everything under control. I know the story’s out. Stefan was arrested and is incarcerated. I realize it’s not a good look for the company, but I just want to EJ! No. Mr. Shin, I promise you, you have my word. I’ll handle it. And furthermore Hello? You know what? I don’t believe this. Our brother is in jail on drug charges, and I have to find out about it in The Spectator.

Yes. What the hell?

One of my brothers locks up my other brother and my youngest brother Publishes a story about it and no one thinks to tell me get a grip Krista. Okay, you know what? I’d love to get a grip I’d love to get a grip around all three of your necks Stefan was running the company. Where the hell does that leave DiMera Enterprises?

Incapable hands. Look, you have nothing to worry about, and I have to run, so if you’ll excuse me. Oh, oh, nothing to worry about except the family business going under!

Dad! Oh, sorry son, I’m in a bit of a rush. Oh, hey, I just, uh, wait, I just, uh, I wanted to let you know that Chanel and I are going to be out of town for the next couple of days. We’re headed out to the Horton cabin for a mini honeymoon. That’s great, that’s long overdue. Oh, wait a second, I also wanted to ask you about Uncle Stefan, he’s in jail.

What the heck? You two, do you even care? Yeah, of course I do, he’s my uncle. And he was supplying the drugs that nearly got Holly killed. What? Look, everything is fine and taken care of, okay? So don’t worry. So please go enjoy your honeymoon. You both deserve some time off, okay? Oh my god. Oh my god, Tripp, are you okay?

Oh, I’m so sorry. I was aiming for the mitts. I guess I just went a little overboard. No, no, no. It’s okay. It’s okay. You, uh Mean right hook, though. You sure you’ve never done this before? Well, I studied taekwondo for about eight years. I’m a brown belt. Oh, well. But no, I’ve never punched anyone before. Well, I think you’re ready for the black belt, just saying.

Remind me to never get in a fight with you. Well, taekwondo. Is about kindness, forgiveness, building a peaceful world, not fighting. Good to know. Your turn. You know, uh, more than I think about it, uh, jockeying doesn’t sound that bad of an idea.

Then I’ll race ya.

Oh, I don’t care about flying under the radar. You want to tell someone that I was just as involved as Stefan? Go right ahead. It’s gonna be his word against yours. And I would rather park my ass in jail than ever do anything with you again. Is that so? I’m hanging up now. Do not call me back. What would Sweetie Pie Harris say if he knew how I got out of prison?

Yeah, that caught your attention, didn’t it? Love it like that. That’s a hard thing to give up when all I’m asking is just one itty bitty favor. Uh uh. No, I’m not doing it. I am not laundering your money. I am not your distribution hub. Well, who said anything about that? No, this job is easy peasy. Listen up.

Gil hid a little black book at the bistro. Inside that book. Is all the info on my suppliers and my dealers. There is no digital trail on me. Everything is in that book in pen and ink. Now, I need you to get that book to me. That book needs to be placed in my hands and no one else’s. And I mean no one.

Comprende? Now, I ain’t asking you to kill nobody or kidnap them or Or even betray your little PI friends. At least, not to their faces. But that little book is the only trail back to me. So, if you get it to me, here’s what I’ll do. I’ll pick up and move my operations elsewhere. You’ll never have to hear from me again.

Ava. Speak to me.

This is the last thing I will ever do for you. And then I’m out. Absolutely, Ava. Absolutely.

Finished! You? Not quite. Oh, you are strict. You need your strength for this treatment. I need my strength to sit all alone twiddling my thumb.

Happy now? Very. Now, don’t worry. You’re going to be able to eat all your favorite foods again. I know, I know. Mama. Oh, oh, my sweet baby girl. I brought you some treats. Oh, you’re an angel. But, uh, Oh, um, Chanel, honey, bear claws aren’t on the approved food list. Well, mama, you underestimate me because these are made with non iodized salt.

So, you’re all good. Oh, really? Oh, wait, wait, wait. Uh, uh, uh, are they made with iodate dough conditioners? Definitely not. Oh! Ha ha ha! Good amyloid! Mmm! Okay, uh, well, I have to run, but I will have my phone on me 24 7, so if you need me to come back, you just call me. Okay? Come back? From where? Oh, yeah, I forgot that little detail.

Johnny and I are going to the Horton Family Cabin for, like, a little mini honeymoon. Oh! How exciting! But, but if you want me to stay, I’ll stay. Ah, ah, ah, no, no, no, no. I’ll go. I insist. Oh, and you bundle up because it’s gonna get cold later. Oh, well, I’m sure they’ll find a way to keep warm. Ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah.

Ah, ah, ah. Ooh, ooh. Ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah. So, some spring break, right? Yeah, it was a total waste. I’m so not ready to go back to school. Yeah, me neither, but we don’t really have a choice. There is one good thing, and it’s our parents can’t keep us separated while we’re there. I know, right? So, how about we make a pact?

What do you mean? Okay, um, let’s agree to find each other between periods. And we’ll hold hands in the halls and talk. And then, and then for lunch we’ll find a really private, secret space to, you know, be together. With no one staring at us or anything. I have the perfect spot, under the oak tree at the far end of the quad.

Yes, that’s perfect. But, in the meantime The

gardeners? Hey, why don’t we sneak up to my room before anyone sees us? And I’ll be sure to lock the door this time. Yeah, yeah, I’m down. Let’s just make sure the coast is clear.


Holly! Hi. Uh oh. I’ve heard that tone before. What’s wrong? Nothing. Except that I literally have no life. And I already know what you’re gonna say. That I’m overreacting. Feeling sorry for myself. Oh, fuck. I’m not going to say that, because I have no idea what you’re even talking about. Um, Tate and I are not allowed to see each other anymore.

Ah, damn. That sucks. Yeah, tell me about it. Oh, and just so you know, I’m not in love with Tate. In case, like, anyone tries to tell you I am. Nobody’s told me that. Good, because I’m not. Okay, got it. I, I do really like him though. I mean, he’s a good guy. But it doesn’t matter because my mother and stepdad number three have decided we’re toxic for each other.

And like, they’re not. Sorry Johnny, I know EJ’s your dad and all, but I think him and my mom are a total mismatch. Well, I don’t know about that. But I am sorry to hear about you and Tate, that you can’t hang out with each other anymore. Me too. Bye. It’s my fault, really. I made such a mess out of everything.

Look, Holly, you messed up. Okay, we all do it. And now you’re paying the consequences. And pretty soon, this is going to be nothing but a bad memory for you. Okay? Um, hey, look, I hate to do this, but Chanel is gonna be here any minute. We’re getting away for the weekend, so I’m out. I kind of need to go back.

Yeah, I know. Totally. I’m really happy for you guys. You love each other so much. I hope I can find that one day. You will. You will. But don’t rush it, okay? You’ve got loads of time, okay? And hey, when we get back, if you still want to talk, I’m available. No judgment, okay? Okay, thanks Johnny. Have a good time.

Thanks. Holly? It’s me, girl! Hi! Hi, you busy?

You want to paint nails like we used to? Uh, yeah, let’s do it. Come on, let’s go get our mani pedi bag. Oh. You beat me by like 10 seconds. No, I slowed down so you wouldn’t choke on my dust. Or I caught up because of my lightning speed. Oh, nice try. You want some water? Yeah, please. Oh

my god, did you see this? What? The Spectator article about Stefan O’Meara. He confessed to running drugs out of the bistro. He’s in jail. Does it say anything about my mom? Just that his ex business partner declined comment. Hey. Mom. What’s wrong? You okay? Yeah, I’m fine, but you’ve got some explaining to do.

What’s, what’s going on? Mom, why would Seven confess? Beats me. I thought you were both forced into this shady stuff. I thought you were both threatened by Clyde. Yeah, we were. I guess He felt so guilty about what happened to the two of you. That doesn’t sound like Stefan. Who cares, right? I mean, this is great.

I mean, you can finally put all this stuff behind you. Yeah, absolutely. Yep, I’m going to, uh, make a fresh start, starting with quitting the bistro. You’re quitting? Yeah. I already did. Too much bad luck and too many bad memories. Again, a fresh start. And that includes finding a new place to live.

How’s this? Impressive. Very unique. My mom says I’m one of a kind. But you definitely are. So how’s school going? What’s your favorite subject? Lunch. Mine too. You were always good at math though. I remember when I was your tutor. It’s okay. I like reading better. Reading’s fun.

Okay, we’re taking off. Where are you going? On a much needed honeymoon. Aw, well, you guys have a great time. We will

all, I’m tapping away.

Mm. I am going to miss you. Oh. Oh. Not as much as I’m going to miss you, and I’m going through this procedure knowing that you are gonna be at home waiting for me, . And that you remember our history again? Oh. It comforts me so, knowing that you love me now, then, and always. And with all my heart.

You’re moving out. Newlyweds need their space. We’re not Exactly newlyweds. Well, I heard you exchanged vows. Wendy Shin, with my whole heart, I take you as my wife. I promise to respect you as a person, as a partner, and an equal. You know, before you came along, I wasn’t sure I believed in finding the one. And, uh, relationships brought me a lot of heartache, a lot of pain.

And now I know that things just didn’t work out in the past because fate was just sending me to you. Tripp Johnson,

with all my heart I take you as my husband. And I promise to be by your side, to learn with you, to encourage you. To respect you and accept you. We are equals. We’re friends. We’re lovers.

And now we’re husband and wife.

And I vow to love you and to cherish you with all my being. Till I draw my very last breath on this earth.

You gonna make it official? Maybe, but uh, for now our vows are on the back burner. Yeah, we’re just happy being together. Okay, well still, you two need your space. You don’t have to do this alone. Please, I nearly got you guys killed. Okay. Look, you guys have been too generous. You’ve let me stay way too long.

I just think moving out on my own is going to be the best for everyone.

Well, well, not the Ritz, but it’s pleasant enough. Well, it’s only for a couple of days. And then I’ll be, I’ll be back at home. But still having to stay a few feet away from everybody. Strange how a little tiny pill can radiate for days. Oh. Hello, Mayor. Former Mayor. Good to see you, Dr. Johnson. Good to see you guys as well.

You know, we’re so relieved that you and Wendy were rescued. Thank you. What a horrifying ordeal. It was, it was, but, you know, we’re, we’re doing okay now and we’re feeling very lucky. Oh, as am I. Yeah, I heard you had, uh, quite the ordeal yourself while I was away, but with a really happy ending. Well, you know, we are all, we’re all very blessed.

Yeah, we sure are. Well, I think, uh, we should get you started. Okay, and, uh, but one thing, though. There is something I have to ask all my female patients. Uh, is there any chance you might be pregnant? Oh, ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh. Um. Are you gonna card me for alcohol, too? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I’ll take that as a no.

Boy, I’m big. I’m being this big. Okay, then we should be good to go. Alright, we’re gonna take you to a special room to take the radioactive pill, and then you’ll be brought back here to stay until the doctors give you the green light to leave, okay? Okay, um, before we, uh, go to the special room, can my husband and I just have a minute?

Sure. I’ll send the nurse to come get you in about ten minutes. Are

you going to do this every time we show up at a new place? Every single time. Wow. Wow. This place is really charming, isn’t it? It’s cozy. Private. Which means that we can be as loud as we want. Unlike Che DiMera. Well, that is a definite selling point. I wonder when was the last time anyone was here? Oh, well, judging by the firewood, quite a while.

So, I’m going to go outside and bring us some back in. Oh my god. Are you gonna chop down firewood to keep me warm? I am so turned on right now. Well, in that case, I won’t mention that Sarah told me there’s a wood pile outside. Yeah, definitely don’t mention that. Okay. Okay. All right, I’m gonna go chop some manly wood.

Woman, don’t worry, I’ll be back in two shakes of a lamp still.

Hey, Missy. What’s with the face? Do you like boys? Some of them. I don’t. I’m never getting married. Oh, yeah? Well, you don’t have to. What do you want to be when you grow up? A vet. No. A pilot. Wait! A professional scuba diver. To study sea animals. That sounds like fun. So you like animals, huh? Me too.

Rachel! Go upstairs. Why? Because I said so. Don’t you want me to paint your nails? Rachel! Now!

What the hell are you doing? We were just hanging out, that’s all. Well, not anymore. Do you understand? You stay away from my daughter.

Did you hear me? You stay away from Rachel. We were just doing manicures. That’s all. Like we used to. Like you used to. Well you used to not do drugs back then. I’m not doing drugs anymore. Oh Holly, is that just another lie? Like you lied about doing drugs before and let Tate take the fall? That boy was like a son to me.

Not to mention that he is Rachel’s half brother. How do you think she is gonna feel when she finds out what you did to him? You know what? Rachel and I No! No, no, no. There is no Rachel in you anymore. And unfortunately, we live in the same house. But mark my words, if I find you seeing her again, you will regret it.

Hey! That’s enough! You will not talk to her like that anymore! You know what? Rachel and Holly, they were getting down Oh, they were doing what? Doing their nails, listening to Cannibal Corpse? Are you serious? Okay, you know what? Rachel is my daughter, and I will decide who she spends time with. Oh, that is rich coming from you, considering your villainous history with Brady and Teresa, Malena, Eric, just to name a few.

Would you like me to list your villainous history? You know what? Get off your high horse, EJ. Okay. Oh,

that woman makes my blood boil. I, I’m sorry I lost my temper. I’m not. Thanks for having my back. You’re welcome. Um, if my sister gives you any more trouble, just let me know, alright? Okay. So, I

was, uh, thinking, you need help looking for a new place. Oh, I can manage. Eva, you really don’t have to go. You’ve been really good to me, Wendy. I appreciate it.

Okay, the fire. So we should start to warm up in here soon. Might take a little while, though. Well, you know, I have an idea of how we could speed that up. Oh, you do?

I will love you forever, my husband. I will love you forever, my beautiful wife. And dream a life Dream a life

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Days Transcript Monday, April 8, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Alright, partner, you got anything? Bad news. I did several deep dive searches and nothing’s come up yet. Wherever Weston is, he’s definitely off the grid. God, I still can’t believe that son of a bitch got away. I damn well should have known that Ava would double crosses. Yeah, you know, I’m not gonna make excuses for her, but obviously she wasn’t thinking straight.

Worried about her son’s life and all. Yeah, well, her going rogue let Clyde and Goldman get away, which could have cost Tripp and Wendy their lives anyway. Yeah, yeah, it was a big league screw up, but you know I’ve been thinking. Yeah, what have you been thinking? How do we know that Ava doesn’t know more than she’s letting on?

Alright, you let me sleep in. Ah, well, you know, when the body speaks, you must listen. When you’re tired, sleep. When you’re hungry, Mmm.

Mmm. I was gonna say eat, but that works too. Mmm.

How you feeling? Slightly flushed. Elevated. Heartbeat. No, I meant What? I meant, I meant today. Oh. Oh, okay. So you mean, um Since I quit my job at the bistro.

You know I feel free.

The first time and I, wow. I don’t even, I don’t even remember. I feel like my life belongs to me again. It’s a great way to start a day. Yeah. You know, I can think of an even better way to start it. A penny for your thoughts. But

I always thought the price was a measly sum. Given inflation and Are you okay, Maggie? What is it? Oh, it’s just something I’ve been grappling with before. You know, I’m trying to reconcile in my mind the many sides of Victor. We, we all have our pasts, Maggie. Some more troubled than others, but what is important is that we are here in the present.

You are truly a remarkable man. I’m inspired by the woman that stands before me.

Now that is the very picture of being in the zone. What can I do for you, Alex? Nothing, I just wanted to tell you that your performance in the status update meeting was excellent. Very impressive. And I want to tell you that it’s very good to have you back here in the flesh. Not just on the screen. Oh, yeah screens just don’t cut it, huh?

I’d have to say it really is great to be back in the office. Seeing ad inventory go down while sales go up. Oh my god, it’s true. What? Uh, the word on the floor was that, uh, T Boss, uh, is back in the office, and here you are. Oh, yeah, you’re gonna have to find me a better nickname than that. No, no, it’s flattering.

If the marketing department doesn’t like you, they don’t give you a nickname. Okay, well, it doesn’t improve the name, but it does blunt the cringe, so Hey, um, I was gonna call you, but now that you’re here, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute. It’s about Tate and Dolly. What? What did you do to our son now?

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Mmm, now I’m gonna say this, and I can’t even believe I’m gonna say this. Vegan bacon? Vegan bacon, you made me a believer. Okay, well, I will just tell you that in my humble opinion, Tempeh is the undisputed king of the soybean genre. Well, it does, uh, it does taste good. Oh, you should check that. It might be about the audit.

Yes, it is. And? They wrapped it up. Hold on. Everything checks out at the bistro. The books are clean. And there’s nothing linking you to any illegal activity at all. Oh, thank God. Oh my gosh. Well, you know, Stephan taking responsibility for what happened. I mean, that was huge, obviously. Yeah, I mean, he had no choice.

It was either that or he was going to take the fall for attempted murder of a cop. Yeah, but I mean, the fact that he actually took responsibility, I mean, he took the fall. He did. Yeah. And it’s over. But from that look you just gave me, I’m not sure you really believe that. Look, Harris, I want to. I do, but too many people know that I was involved.

They know that it wasn’t just Stefan acting alone. Yeah, Clyde, and Steve, and John, I mean, even Tripp and Wendy suspected it. Yeah, but nobody’s gonna say anything. I mean, if Stefan doesn’t, you think, you think Clyde cares who takes the fall? And anything you did, you were forced to do. And nobody’s gonna say anything that contradicts Stefan’s statement because they all want to protect you.

Tripp, Wendy, Steve, and John.

Clyde has no power over you now. You’re free. You’re free to live your life. And you’re free to plan your future.

So what do you think, partner? Does Ava know something she’s not telling us? It’s hard to say. I do know she wants Weston to pay for what he did to Tripp. Yep, but this is Ava. Exactly. As soon as you think you can trust her, this, this time, and she won’t do something reckless or destructive, you’re quickly reminded that you’re nothing but a gullible fool.

Yeah, that’s a fact. All right, let’s talk to her again. Maybe she will remember something new that will help us put that Animal back in his cage because if Wesson hurts anybody else while he’s out there on the run, that’s on us Yeah, and I know that neither one of us can live with that What can’t you live with The tate showed up at holly’s yeah after we told him over and over again not to he just defied us He lied!

Were EJ and Nicole there? They were. They were. And after we all got over the shock of seeing him there, I told them, I said, you got to keep your daughter away from our son. Period. Well, it’s obvious that they see what we see. That these two kids are totally toxic for each other. But what just boggles my mind is, why does Tate still want to spend time with this girl after everything that she’s put into it?

Because this, this, this teen infatuation thing, it’s powerful. As, you know, as we know. But as long as the parents are aligned, and all of us agree that they should be a part, I think this thing will settle down. It’s all good. Brady, thank you so much. Oh, it’s okay. so much for handling this the way that you have.

Honestly, just so maturely, and you’re just so sensible. If I had been there, I would have completely lost it. Lisa, I almost lost it. Trust me. But, hey, we have to do what’s best for our, uh, our boy, right? Yeah. I’ve got to do what’s best for our son. I am still processing.

Your relationship with Victor. I mean, how did the two of you develop a friendship over the years? Considering our history as mortal enemies, I suppose it does seem rather implausible, but even in our darkest of moments, we both understood that there was a feeling of being a kindred spirit with one another.

And as I have told you, Victor became a very important part of my life. Yeah. As in yours, obviously. Obviously.

I didn’t think that I would ever fall in love again. When I lost Mickey. But I did. Victor was my second chapter.

I couldn’t have been more surprised. And he couldn’t have been more surprising. He had a heart as big as the cosmos. He was. And deep devotion for his family.

And that’s the Victor. That I, uh, knew and loved. Well, that is the Victor that you should remember. That we both should remember.

Sweetness. It’s a surprise. I thought you were going to work. Uh, well, I thought I’d pick up a little takeout on my way. So I parked in the back, came through the kitchen, and What can’t you live with? I can’t live with, uh, the thought that Clyde Weston got away. Or the fact that he’s still out there. Barney, we better get a move on here.

We don’t want to be late to that client meeting. Right. Hey, baby, can we talk later? Of course. Okay. I love you. Yeah. Love you. Bye.

You’re very kind, Constantine. You bring out the best in me, Maggie. As you did with Victor. You were his rock, clearly. His guiding star, if you will. We needed each other. We adored each other. And I’m still struggling with what I know about Victor’s past. Constantine. Talking to you and seeing how you’ve chosen to move forward with your life and, and you found peace.

Well, it’s given me hope. Hope is what holds us together. Hope is the light that shines on what may come. This place is turning into a manhouse! I beg your pardon. Am I interrupting?

Uh, look, I will be the first to admit that I was a fool when I was a teenager. But, uh, Holly and Tate, I did not bat in their league. Uh, me neither. But, um, however we handle this, we have to be united. Agreed? Yeah. We can only pray that EJ and Nicole are on the same page. Yeah. Oh, Roy, let me see that. What? I have to go.

I have a meeting in, like, ten minutes. Oh, hey, Teresa. By the way, on my way home, I was thinking about grabbing some chicken, making my world renowned chicken piccata for dinner. Oh, yeah, yum. I love your chicken piccata. Mm, good. Uh, what? Did I miss something? Oh, you didn’t tell him? Theresa moved back in with me.

Alright, speaking of what’s next for you, what do you want to be when you grow up, Ava? Oh, well, you know, when I was a kid, I had some crazy career aspirations. Fashion designer was at the top of the list. Okay. You know, when I was a kid, I used to just cut out all these images from magazines and put them on a board, kind of like a vision board.

I can see you doing that. But, you know, it was pretty obvious that wasn’t in the cards with my family, so. It’s all good. Because, you know, if I had gone to some elite fashion institute, I probably wouldn’t have found my love of cooking. And you know that’s my passion. I do, so maybe culinary school is the next move.

Mmm. Yes, it could be my calling, huh? Yeah. But whatever you decide, I just want you to know I’m, I’m gonna be there for you. I’m cheering you on. And eating the homework. And devouring the homework. Yeah. I believe in you.

That means more to me than you know.

That’s probably my groceries.

We need to talk about Weston. Maggie I’m not complaining. I’m

just a little tired. I love Thomas. I love Charlotte. They’re wonderful children. When does spring break end? Please, Julie, relax right here. It is time for my morning walkabout anyway. Maggie, I would like to continue our conversation if you will indulge me. Afternoon tea in the garden, perhaps? That would be lovely.

What did I walk in on?

Huh. I’m just surprised, that’s all. You said you were going to be staying at the Salem Inn. I was, and then I, I ran into Alex. Yeah, and I pointed out that she never really moved out of my place. I mean, half of her belongings are still there. Yeah, so, yay, we’re roomies again. Uh, okay, I really, I really, I gotta go now.

Um, so, see you at home? Yeah, you got it, roomie. Rumi, really? Oh,

didn’t realize you had company. We can come back another time. No, no, this is about Clyde. I’d like to hear it too. Why? Well, we were going over everything we knew about him. We got to thinking that maybe you have Remember, it’s something new that could trigger lead force. Hmm. Yeah, I wish I did. You know, it’s not like I was Clyde’s confidant.

I, um, I want him caught and put away just as much as anyone else. Yeah, and you guys know, law enforcement’s putting a lot of resources into finding him, and you guys are really great at your job, so the more eyes looking for Clyde, the better. Definitely. Yeah, and obviously this, I don’t even have to say this, if you guys find anything, you just let us know, because I wouldn’t want you taking things into your own hands if, uh, if you know what I mean.

Wouldn’t dream of it.

Well, we’ve taken up enough of everyone’s time. But, uh, no stone unturned, right? Right. Well, look, I’m gonna go, uh, pull myself together, get ready to start my day.

Let’s, uh, let’s keep each other in the loop. Hundred percent. Hey, Why don’t you go on ahead? I want to pick Harris brain about a couple things. Alright then. I’ll see you back at the office. Yeah.

Well, so now that we’re keeping each other in the loop, Any chance I can get a look at Goldman’s personnel file? We, we scoured everything we have on her. Ah, fresh eyes can’t hurt. John, you know, come on, it’s against policy. You already know that. Well, what I know is it might help put Weston behind bars.

Come on, Harris. You and I have both worked outside the proverbial lines from time to time.

Goldman’s personnel file, is that all you need? Yeah, that and I’ve got a question for you, and it’s personal. I mean, if it’s, you know, if it’s about No, no, no, no, it’s got nothing to do with that. This is about you and me. Something that we both have in common here. Let’s, um, let’s call it a shared experience, and I’m talking about what Megan did to you.

Yeah, I just, uh, you know, I try not to think about that. Yeah, and how’s that working out for you? In the beginning, that wasn’t good. Until I went to Bayview, and that helped a lot, mostly thanks to your wife. Yeah, well, she’s the best at what she does, but I wonder if, if it’s enough sometimes. What do you mean?

Well, what happened to you, what, what? What happened to me?

Aren’t you afraid you’re nothing but a ticking time bomb? And somehow, someway, at any time, it can happen all over again. How

terrible for him to lose his daughter that way, and what, what agony for John to think he was in any way responsible. Well, it’s been traumatic for him, obviously. And for me, too, frankly. Knowing that Victor played a part in it. I’m sorry, darling. You know, I’ve had to dig deep into my feelings about who Victor really was.

Well, Victor was, uh, complicated. A paradox. But then again, so is Doug. I mean, Doug certainly has a past. And look at him now. A model citizen, honest as the day is long, full of empathy for everyone and The most loving man I ever met. He is that. And Victor Victor’s great virtue was falling in love with you.

Aww. Because you brought out the best in him. Well, I don’t know about that. But I do know That you have a gift for saying just the right thing and lifting everyone’s spirits. Well, I try. Let’s have a toast. Okay. What are we toasting to? Oh, to us. Okay. Because. Yes. We know how to pick them. Okay.

So just like that, you and Teresa go from being almost engaged to roommates again. Why not? It was the chance for Teresa to find a place on her own. And there’s no hidden agenda here. If that’s what you’re wondering, Brady, okay. I just want what’s best for her personally and professionally. And I think she has the ability to make some serious waves here within the company.

You sound like granddad right there. Oh yeah. Yeah. You know, when it came to business, he always strived for excellence and he always wanted to set his people up for success. And I’m glad that you are pushing that legacy forward, Alex. I like it.

You know, when I found out Victor was my father, it just put this whole other level of pressure on me when it comes to the family business, so Just want to make him proud. I think if you stick to who you are and know that what you’re doing is right, yeah, I think Victor would be very proud. Appreciate that, man.

Speaking of father and sons, I’m happy to hear that Tate was exonerated. It’s gotta be a huge relief for you and Theresa now that he’s home, right? Yeah. Despite some challenges that may be coming with it. I assume you overheard most of what we were saying and Yeah. You get the gist of the challenge, right?

I do. I mean, aside from just wanting my son to be, you know Stable and healthy and generous and kind. I want them to know what a healthy relationship is. There’s nothing more important. Agreed. Which is why I want the same thing for Teresa. The mother of my son. Which is why I’m going to say this to you again.

Told you in Greece when you two were getting to know each other. Alex, don’t screw with her.

Oh. Damn it, Constantine, you are like a bad penny. I have been trying to reach you. You never respond. Yeah, well, I’ve been busy and this is going to surprise you. But the world doesn’t revolve around you. I’m in a rush. Actually, I would like an update on your relationship with Alex Kiriakis, if you don’t mind.

Given the fact that you made a rather rash and idiotic breakup. Okay. You’ll be pleased to hear that I have moved back into Alex’s apartment. I am pleased to hear that. Yeah, but don’t get too excited because I’m keeping it strictly platonic. Just roommates in separate rooms. For now. I’m not moving fast enough for you, huh?

Actually, Theresa, what I’m about to say might surprise you.


Ah, what did you do?

Can’t I just bring my wife some flowers? Uh uh. No, ma’am. I don’t think so. Unless you’ve done something that you know I’m not going to be happy about. And since I already know something’s going on with you, it was so obvious at the pub. Talk to me.

I hate keeping secrets from you, baby. Well, then don’t. But I don’t want to put you in a position of having to lie for me. Come on. After all these years, you know that I have your back, and I will do anything for you. So tell me what’s going on. I think you might want to sit down. It’s a long story.

I’d be lying if I said that didn’t cross my mind. That it could happen all over again, as you just put it. But, working with the doctors, I Working on myself, that saved me. I still have to live with what I did, that’s, that’s never gonna change. And John, in the beginning, I, I, it was tough, man. Like, I was so, so overwhelmed from the guilt.

How’d you deal with it? I just kept reminding myself, like I do now every day, that those actions were not committed freely. That my will was not my own. Therefore, I was not responsible for those actions. We’re still struggling. I can, I can see it. And look, it took me a long time to come to terms with my past.

And I hope I’m not making it sound like it was easy. No, no, you’re not at all. Okay, John, you, what happened to you? You have to tell yourself over and over every single day that it was not your fault. It was not your fault. You got to put the blame where the blame belongs on the people who try to control you.

Because you and I were victims. But to continue not to be victimized by them,

you have to forgive yourself.

Look at this straight. You, John, and Ava created this whole hazmat incident as a cover for, what’s the word you use? Um, an extraction, an extraction of Clyde Weston from Statesville. So many words, yeah, that’s about right. So you’re telling me that you broke a dangerous criminal off? A, uh, convicted murderer.

In fact, the man who murdered our niece, Abigail, out of prison. What the hell? I was desperate, Kayla. Tripp and Wendy were missing. I was afraid I would never see my son again. So you essentially negotiated with a terrorist. What choice did I have? I knew that Weston would kill Tripp and Wendy without batting an eye if he didn’t get what he wanted.

I had to do something. Oh, so breaking him out of prison was your only course of action. And oh, how shocking that Ava double crossed you. John and I should have anticipated that. Yeah, maybe you should have. I mean, how on earth did you I can’t believe that you would trust her. Listen, everything was moving so fast.

Time was not on our side, and I thought I was going to lose my son. I knew it was dangerous. I knew it going in. But you still went in. My God, Steve. How could you do something so stupid? You

know, Brady, you’ve given me a lot of insight to Teresa, and a lot of, um You know, advice. The past few months. From making sure she feels accepted at work, to being aware that she’s fragile and needy, and that a recovered addict is always on the verge of a relapse. I never said that. Well, it was a subtext of everything you said.

And now you’re telling me not to screw with her. Alex, I don’t want things to end badly for her. I just want her to be okay. Not just for her sake, but for my son’s sake. Right, you know? Right, absolutely. And I get your point on that concern. Right. It just seems like it goes further than that. You know, with this little intervention, if you will, as well as all your previous ones, it suggests to me that you are far more interested in Teresa than just being the mother of your child.

Not so. Are you sure? I’m very, very sure about that. Look, I, I want her to be happy, I want her to be stable. Her life is complicated enough without having to deal with Kristen. Now, why would she have to deal with Kristen? Alex, She’s gonna be around, right? I mean, since you and Kristen are, uh, dating? Right, right.

And that would be a plus for you, wouldn’t it? Because if Kristen is around, as you put it, that could just drive Teresa right back into your arms, wouldn’t it? We’re doing this again? I mean Alright, let’s, let’s do it again. Listen, I, I am not interested in Teresa that way. As I said, I want her happy, I want her stable.

That is the extent of my concern for her. That’s it. Done. Period. End of story. Truth be told, you’re not very convincing. I think you’re lying to yourself. And then I think I should probably just go. Okay, well, just know that Teresa’s back under my roof, Brady, whether you like it or not. And whatever happens, or does not happen, between Teresa and I is between her and I.

Notice served. Loud and clear. Cheers.

Allow me to provide a little insight into the mind of a man. How many times can I say no thanks? Nothing attracts men like Alex more than forbidden food. I have observed this type over the years. The forbidden fruit type, yeah, got it. A rare specimen among the male species. You know, I have to say, I really, really treasure your expertise, Constantine.

It truly, it is just revolutionary. Mock me if you like, but we both know that men like Alex, we want what they cannot have. So you must provide that, create that illusion for him. So he will run right into your arms. And your pet. Mm hmm. Yeah, I already knew that. And you’ll be pleased to know that my plan is to create a slow burn until Alex’s Oh, forgive the purple prose here.

Consumed by the flames of passion.

You think I’m proud of what I did? I wish I hadn’t agreed to it. But I’m telling you, baby, it was just this This awful, sudden convergence of events. Can you at least try to understand that? No, I can’t. I can’t understand why you ever trusted Ava. I keep telling you why because I was desperate. I thought my son was gonna die.

And yeah, things would have been different if Ava had come to me in the first place, as soon as Weston got his hooks into her. But she didn’t, did she? Because she is incapable of thinking about anybody but herself, or thinking about the possible consequences of her actions before it’s too late. I know that.

You don’t have to remind me of that. Well, obviously I do. Because you were deceived by her once again, and in the worst possible way. And every time we are sucked into Ava Vitale’s little dark vortex, we are the ones that suffer. And you and I both know that. No, no, actually, you know it better than I. You know it better than I do, or at least you should.

And yet And yet you let it happen again. And there is no damn excuse for that. None.

Hey, Dad. Hey, there he is. How you doing? Good, man. Where you coming from? Uh, work. Work. But I’m glad I ran into you, because I really actually want to talk to you. Everything okay? Yeah, with me, um, nothing to report, but, uh, I know that something’s been weighing on you, and I, look, man, I have not been that attentive.

I haven’t had the bandwidth to even like You’ve been totally fine here, so forget about me anyway. Let’s talk about something good for a change, like uh, Tate coming back home, huh? Yeah, no, it’s a relief. A big relief for him, huh? But um, we were thinking about going and checking out the Cubbies this weekend.

Their lineup is unreal, isn’t it? I know it is, I know it is. And I was thinking, why don’t you come? Come on, three generations in the stands. Hell yeah! Yeah? I love that. Alright, I’m so glad. I’m so glad you said yes. Legally it is. But, but, I want to know how you’re doing, seriously. Actually, I’m feeling a lot better today.

Yeah, I can see that. I see it in your eyes, it’s almost like you, I don’t know, you found some peace or something. Oh, kid, that’s what I’ve been praying for. I’m starting to think my prayers are finally being answered.

Have I told you lately how much you lift my spirits? Tell me more. I’d love to hear it. Well, it’s not just your words of wisdom and compassion, but it’s the way you keep that wonderful optimistic perspective, even, even in the darkest of times. Well, Maggie, what’s the alternative? Just to sink into despair.

Self pity is so unattractive.

Then I look at you and my whole faith in the human race rises up. You’re all heart, Maggie.

Speaking of heart, uh, how is your little granddaughter Holly doing? Um, she’s fine. Physically. Thank God! She confessed that the drugs she overdosed on were hers and not Tate’s. Oh, I’m so sorry. Yeah. On one hand, I’m relieved. I’m relieved that Tate’s home and free of the charges and Teresa and Brady have that weight lifted off their shoulders.

And on the other hand, I’m, I’m so sad to know that my granddaughter is using. Of course. Of course. You don’t have to shoulder this burden alone. You know Doug and I are here for you. Everyone is here for you. You’re not alone. Come to think of it, you’re not all that alone these days, are you? Because of Constantine, you mean?

Well You seem to be growing closer.

We are, actually. Um, He’s become a very good friend.

Hey. Oh, hey.

Getting some laundry done? Huh. Gave it away.

Did you, um, get the chicken? What? You know, the chicken you were going to make us your amazing chicken piccata. Right, yes, yes, I have the chickens right here. I’m going to bring it in the kitchen, and I’m going to take a shower, and then I’m going to start cooking.

Sounds good. Okay.

Mission close to accomplished. Is the coast clear? Commence. All clear. Good. We can do this. Okay.

What’s wrong? Nothing’s wrong. I’m just going to go to my place and grab some clothes. We don’t need clothes for what I’ve got planned. Oh, well I do need some for work. Okay, and assuming I’m going to stay the night. Oh, okay, right, right. Okay, I’ll be right back. Okay, well you know where I’ll be.


hello. Well, hello there, little bitty. I bet you thought you were rid of me, huh?

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of April 1, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Brady from Days


-The music playing in Sarah’s scene could be heard while Abe was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking to Theresa while Xander was shown.

-Brady could be heard talking to Eric while Theresa was shown.

-Holly cried without any tears.

-Nicole cried without any tears.


-The music playing in Chanel’s scene could be heard playing while Harris and Ava were shown kissing.

-Chad could be heard talking to Abby’s grave while Everett was shown.

-Chad cried without any tears.

-Chanel could be heard talking to Johnny while Ava was shown.


-The music playing in Tripp and Wendy’s scene could be heard playing while Ava was shown.

-Stephanie could be heard closing the door at the Brady Pub while Wendy was shown.

-Sarah could be heard talking to Xander while Rafe was shown.

-Everett’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.


-The music playing in Alex’s scene could be heard playing while Lucas was shown.

-Holly could be heard talking to Nicole while Tate was shown.

-Tate could be heard talking to Theresa and Brady while Lucas was shown.

-The music playing in Brady and Theresa’s scene could be heard playing while Tate was shown.

-The music playing in Nicole and Holly’s scene was drowning out the scene.


-The music playing in Nicole and Holly’s scene could be heard playing while Tate and Brady were shown.

-How much time went by between Thursday and Friday’s episodes? Nicole told Holly that she has been going to therapy for weeks, but in Thursday’s episode she just told her about going to therapy.

-EJ could be heard talking on the phone while Nicole was shown.


EJ from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of April 1, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

Nicole from Days

We loved watching Brady ripping into Holly when she confessed to the drugs being hers. She deserved to hear his wrath because she was willing to let Tate be in trouble for her lie. Just because she lied to protect Nicole doesn’t change the fact that she didn’t tell the truth. Tate suffered because of her yet she acted as if she deserved sympathy. She didn’t deserve any sympathy.

Nicole managed to make Holly’s confession about her. Holly was right about Nicole blaming herself for what she did. Eric also made it about Nicole by comforting her. Nicole didn’t deserve any comfort after what Holly did. Holly also didn’t deserve any sympathy for what she did. She knew what she was doing and didn’t care that Tate was “suffering” in rehab because of her. Holly may have had a change of heart but that didn’t change what she did to him.

Eric needs to realize where his priorities lie. He chose to comfort Nicole and Holly after the confession as if they were the victims. If anything, he should have comforted Brady about Tate being wrongfully accused of giving Holly drugs. We know Holly considers Eric her father, but he is related to Tate. Where was Eric’s loyalty to Tate? Eric acted as if he couldn’t care less about Tate’s situation. His concern was making sure Holly was okay.

It doesn’t say much for the police force that Xander was able to solve who shot Harris by looking at a computer, but they turned up empty. The police should have done the same thing Xander did and looked at the computer. Maybe Xander should join the police force since he figured out what happened based on looking at a computer for a few minutes.

Why was Julie so willing to help Stephanie after what happened between her and Chad? Chad is the one linked to Julie through Abby, yet she keeps showing loyalty to Stephanie. We get that Stephanie needs someone to talk to, but it doesn’t have to be Julie. She has plenty of relatives in Salem she could talk to about her problems with Everett. Why would Stephanie talk to someone linked to Chad?

As much as we think Holly deserved the wrath, she received for what she did to Tate, Theresa didn’t have a right to judge her. Let us explain. Theresa accused Xander of raping her and he suffered for it. She also got JJ hooked on drugs. Let’s not forget that she let Alex think he was Victor’s son. She also helped Konstantin kidnap Sarah and Xander’s daughter. This list is just some of the things she has done in the past which means she shouldn’t judge Holly for what she did to Tate. Now that Tate fell victim to false accusations, it’s wrong to lie. Theresa is such a hypocrite.

Stephanie must not want to be friends with Jada the way we are supposed to believe. If she wanted to be friends with Jada, she would have stayed away from Everett. Stephanie doesn’t have to be his support system just because he doesn’t have anyone else in Salem. If she’s going to stand by his side, she may as well get back together with him. What was the point of breaking up with him if she’s going to support him? It will serve her right if she finds out something about his past she doesn’t like.

We applaud Nicole for not letting Holly off the hook for lying about Tate. Nicole wanted her to apologize and held her accountable for what she did. Holly deserved to be held accountable for lying about Tate. We thought Nicole would have let Holly manipulate her into feeling sorry for her, but she didn’t. Nicole stayed strong and let her have it without being too rough on her. She managed to hold Holly accountable without flying off the handle. If Nicole did go off on her, Holly would have used that as an excuse to do something else.


Holly from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Friday, April 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


Days of Our Lives logo

Transcript provided by Suzanne



Good morning, Dad. Good morning. No, it’s a great morning. It’s a great morning because you’re finally home. Listen, coffee’s there, and I whipped up an amazing breakfast, which I will bring out. Okay? All your favorites. All right. Thank you, Dad. You’re welcome. Yeah, you’re welcome. I’m starving. How’d you sleep?

Um, great. Better than I have in months. I can imagine. You’re finally in your own room again. Yeah. You’re on bed. This is amazing. I just, I can’t believe that it’s April. I mean, three months wasted. I feel like I should still be telling people Happy New Year. Well, son, it is your new year. You know, because you’re finally a free guy again.

Hey, did you have fun over at, uh, what’s his name? Buddy? Buddy’s house? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I just hung out with a couple friends and they actually caught me up on all the cool viral videos that I missed while I was locked up. It’s good. It’s good. It’s good that you’re reconnecting with your friends again.

Yeah, make it up for lost time. Yeah, reconnecting was really great.

Well, your physical therapist was obviously impressed. And you’ve reached almost, what, 100 percent of your goals? Does that mean maybe I can stop going soon? You heard what she said, honey. You have a few more sessions, but you’re doing great. Listen, I’m, I’m really proud of your hard work. Are you proud enough to give me my phone back and let me leave the house by myself?

No. Not yet. Awesome. Well, at least I can be alone in my room, Mom. Honey. Holly!

Oh, I understand, Mr. Shinn. I know all too well the pain of losing a child. So I can’t imagine how terribly difficult this must be for you and your wife, losing your son, Lee. Yes, my brother Stefan has been put in jail, unfortunately, because he’s been in cahoots with Clyde Weston and his, um, drug ring. I know this must be dealt with, and rest assured, it will be.

Okay, so for my new Lady W Daily Horoscope page, you ready? Starting with Pisces, because I’m a Pisces. Hey, I’m a Pisces too. Chadwick! Well, perhaps you’ll want to take this to heart. Uh, probably not. Okay, here goes. Pickles will be a great source of joy for you this week. Tantric is not a cuss word you want to be using around the office.

Although it isn’t a cuss word at all, really. What it is is exhausting.

Okay, if you prefer, I can leave the tantric stuff out. You’re welcome. Chad, Leo. Good morning, Ev. Bobby, fellow Spectator employee. It’s Evan. What are you doing here? Well, uh, considering what’s been going on recently, I’ve been working from home, as you know. Um, but I thought I’d share this news with you in person since it directly affects you.

Me? Yeah. I was talking to my sources at Salem PD and they told me Stefan is in jail. What do you mean he’s in jail? I, I, I haven’t heard anything about that. There’s nothing out there yet about that. Do you mind telling us why? Chadwick’s brother is in jail? Not that it’s my business to ask, but he seems a bit too rattled by the news to do anything other than knit his brow and turn quite pale.

Chadwick, are you alright? No, I’m fine. It’s, I’m just, I’m, uh, Yeah, I’m in a bit of shock. I guess I shouldn’t be. Um, well, what do you, what do you know, Everett? Why is Stefan in jail? He confessed. To running drugs for Clyde Weston. Well, well,

I have to be on my way. Uh, Clyde meaning? Oh, and several more after that, actually. Wow, you’re working hard. No choice, really. Well, you know, now that we have a kid and all, just expenses are piling up. Yeah, I know. And my photography business isn’t quite raking in the money yet, so But it will. I’m sure in no time it’s gonna take right off.

Hey, you two. Hey, Stephanie. Hey. Oh, you brought the baby with you. We always do. Oh, look at him. He’s so sweet. And hey, you ever need a babysitter? Hey. Don’t hesitate to call. I miss being around babies. And kids. I especially miss being around Thomas and Charlotte. Yeah, I’m sure you do. I miss a lot of things, actually.

God, that sounded so self pitying. I just, I’m, uh, I’m going through a rough time. Is it about Everett? Did something happen? Yeah, something sure did. I was totally blindsided.

Well, hey. I didn’t think you’d be in today. Well, I’m not. I’m not officially. Uh huh. What’s all that stuff? I got it from my storage. It has all of my divorce documents in it, along with some other things like my receipts and tax docs. Right, right. From when you were living in Seattle with Robbie. Right. From that very awful time.

Although it did have its moments. Yeah. Listen, I, um, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what Vincent found. Oh, don’t be, because you know why? Vincent is misinformed. I am not still legally married to Bobby Stein. Somewhere in this box, there’s the proof.

Extend through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Ah, that was fast. I told you I was starving. That was good. Thanks, Dad. You are welcome. So, uh, hey, what are you, what are you doing for spring break? You got plans? Or no, I thought I would still be locked up in the halfway house. So I didn’t make any. Right. Well, I have an idea. This weekend, the Cubbies are playing.

And they’re playing the Dodgers. So it’s gonna be a good game, and I was thinking maybe You wanna go? Yeah! Yeah? Yeah! Yeah, that sounds like fun. Good, good. Actually, I have to find my mitt, though, in case we get foul balls. You have to find it. Can’t find your mitt? You can have Dad’s mitt. Okay. Alright. Thanks.


You know, buddy, I know, I know recently you’ve probably felt that like nobody believed you about the drugs and that no one was in your corner. And I understand how rough that must have been, but I want you to know that I, I’m proud of the way you handled it. Even when I stole mom’s phone and broke out of that halfway house?

No, I was not proud of that part, but my point is we make mistakes, right? I make mistakes, but it’s how we atone for them and amend and learn from our mistakes that builds character. And you have a hell of a lot of character, son. I’m glad you think so, dad. I do. I do, and I think you need to take, you know, the past and put it behind you.

Yeah, that’s, yeah. Why, why, why are you saying it like that? I just, I guess because I’m nervous to go back to school. Now that I have a phone, I can see what all the kids are saying about me and about what happened. Yeah, but you were, you know, you’re real friends. They, they, they They stood up for you, right?

Yeah, yeah, they did. Actually, Ted, do you mind if I take off for a while and I go hang out with them? Uh, sure. Yeah, which, which friends? Um, Ian and Aaron, the same friends I was with last night. We were actually, we were gonna go to the mall and check out some used video game deals. Okay, yeah, no, that, that sounds good.

I can give you a lift, because I’m on my way out. Totally fine, I can walk. It’s fine. Thank you. You can walk, okay. Alright, take care. Thanks, Dad. Have fun, man. Thanks.

Yes, finally! You found it? I found it. Decree of Divorce. Look at it, right there. That’s it, you found it. And you said you would. I gotta tell you, I am relieved to not be sleeping with a married woman. Don’t even joke like that.

So, Everett Is actually Bobby Stein. Apparently so. But he has no memory of being married to Jada. Claims he never laid eyes on her until they met here, in Salem. Wow, that is strange. And complicated. I don’t suppose that Jada ever really mentioned much about her marriage to Bobby? Nothing in depth about their marriage or divorce.

Well, it was obviously a very painful time for her. And now she finds out that I was the other woman. The one who came between her and her husband. Except, he doesn’t believe he ever was her husband. Anyway, it’s just, it’s crazy complicated, like you said. Hey, I hope for your own peace of mind you find forgiveness.

I hope so too. Because, You know, we’ll never really know whatever it was going through, will we? I just think that people shouldn’t judge unless they’ve walked in someone’s shoes.

Anyway, um, I wish I could stay in here more, but I have to meet a client now. Oh, of course. Stephanie, it was so nice to see you. You too. And good luck. Thanks. Hey, come here. Hey.

I’m really sorry you’re going through this, Steph. Yeah, well, I’m also sorry for the way I’ve handled it. Why do you say that? Well, it seems every time I Try to talk to Jada, she just gets more and more upset with me. See, she blames me for not knowing that Everett was married when we got together. Wonders why I didn’t do a background check.

Why I didn’t think it was odd that I never met his friends or family. And now that I know that. He cheated on her, blew up their marriage. Well, she’s furious that I haven’t turned my back on him.

Hey, so thanks for meeting with me this morning. Oh, of course. And coincidentally, I ran into Stephanie just a bit ago. Oh, did you? Yeah, I was having breakfast with Erica and the baby and she just walked in and she told us all about Everett and Bobby and how angry you were with her. Yeah. And him. Yeah, and I’m sure she played the victim role.

Poor Stephanie. So confused. Lost. Terrible luck with men. Well, she seemed, uh Well, she seemed really sad about the whole deal. I mean, why wouldn’t she be? But don’t worry, I didn’t let her know that you had just called, or let on to believe that I had known anything about what she was telling us. I just want you to know, I do keep client confidentiality very, very sacred.

Well, I do appreciate your discretion, but I just discovered this. So as you can see, Bobby and I are in fact legally divorced. Actually, I spoke with Rafe’s friend Vincent this morning and more details are coming to light. What details? Unfortunately, this is a legal divorce decree. But the one filed didn’t have Robert’s signature, only yours.

So, technically, you are still married to Mr. Stein. Well,

EJ confirmed that, uh, that Stefan confessed and was arrested. But he, uh, he declined to comment any further. Last time I saw Stefan, he was really drunk. It was an emotional mess. And, um Not knowing that he was involved in a drug rig and working under Clyde. I guess that makes sense. I don’t know, maybe it was a cry for help.

I’m sorry. I’ve got to go. I’ve got a lead on a story at Saxton’s I have to check out. Later, Gators. Okay, so I, I wrote up a story. Are we going to post it? Of course. You sure? Last time it looked like Stefan was involved in the Bistro drug ring, you asked me to look the other way. He was obviously not innocent that time either, so I don’t know.

Maybe you prefer I cover this up too. I’m sorry, excuse me. What, what the hell did your brother just say to you? The bistro, the OD, everything. It’s out of the piece, period. Damn it, Chad. That is outrageous. Not only is it outrageous, it is unfair to Holly Jonas. It is unfair to every single victim of the people who are perpetrating this.

How can you not see that? Yeah, how can you not see that? I call the shots. Now get back to work. And you, stay in your own lane from now on. Keep it down, baby. Come on, baby. Getting out of here.

So, you’ll do what you have to do. Listen, this is an assault on the integrity of this paper. Do what you have to do, Everett.

I will.

So, the Lamira board got wind of Stefan’s arrest. No surprises. And let me guess, the stocks are down, right? Oh, way down. And they are furious. They’re demanding that Stefan resign immediately as CEO, or they’re going to invoke the morality clause in his contract and kick him out. You can’t blame them. I don’t.

Not at all. They’ve been working hard to recreate a positive image for their customers and clients, and Stefan being connected to a drug ring, it’s, it’s, it’s the last thing that Tamira needs. EJ, you don’t think

What? Say it. I wonder if your brother’s responsible for the drugs that put Holly in a coma. It could be. All I do know is that Stefan helped Clyde traffic the drugs through the bistro because Clyde threatened to kill Gabby if he didn’t fall in line. In other words, He was trying to save his wife’s life.

Great. That doesn’t make it right. Yeah, well, none of this is right. Brady. Brady, this is a bad time. Well, given that my son lost three months of his life, you’re going to listen to what I have to say. Okay. What do you want, Brady? Nicole, I want what I already demanded. Alright? And since my demand seems to be going ignored, I’m I’m gonna remind you again, I want a public apology from E.

J. DiMera to Tate Black. Furthermore, I want D. A. DiMera to admit, with full remorse and full regret, that he was wrong. Egregiously so. To accuse my son of a crime that he did not commit that put him through hell. That’s what I want. That’s what I’m gonna get. For my son, for my son’s family. Do you have a problem with that, EJ?

But I don’t understand. I have the divorce decree right here. How is it not valid? Because Robert never signed the divorce papers. Right. And no one would have ever known that had the error not been discovered by Ray’s friend. Yeah, come on. Oh, it’s just for now. Oh, look, it would have come out eventually. I mean, you need that paper to be legit if you ever want to remarry again.

I mean, isn’t it better just to get it all over with now? Damn, I just, I can’t believe this is happening right now. Linda, this is not an insurmountable problem, okay? Not at all. Vincent already sent over the paperwork. All you have to do is get Robert Stein to sign them. Okay, I am going to do that. I’m going to do that right now.

Look, since the raid on the bistro didn’t actually uncover anything, I chose to believe my brother when he said he was innocent. Now, in hindsight, knowing what we know now, that was a mistake. That was my mistake. I own that. But no, we’re not going to cover anything up. You can write your damn story. Good.

Hey. Steph. Hey. Hope I’m not interrupting. No. What’s up? Well, I came to tell you that I decided to stay on as the Spectator’s PR person. That is great news. However ever it is, you and I discussed. I think it’s best if Chad be my primary point of contact. Okay, yeah. Um, makes sense. Oh, uh, excuse me. Sorry. Bobby, uh, Everett, or whatever you’re calling yourself.

I need you to meet me at the pub, right now. I can’t, I’m at work. It’s urgent, it won’t take more than five minutes of your time. Fine, I’ll see you soon.

I gotta run. More on the story? Not sure. But, uh, take a look at what I wrote. If you like it, post it. I’ll be back soon. What was that about?

I have no problem making a public apology to Tate. I didn’t think you would. Given what he’s been through, thanks to your bias against him, and your daughter’s deceit. Sweetheart, do you need anything? Nope, um, I’m just gonna take a walk around the garden. Hey, what are you doing? Shh, your

dad is here. What, my dad is in there? Yeah. Did he know you were coming here? No, no, no, no. Of course not. No, I told him I was going to the mall. And by the way, I’m sorry for throwing pebbles at your window, but since you don’t have a phone, it’s No, it’s, it’s okay. You’re just lucky I was in my room. Hello. I know.

Speaking of phones, I have a little surprise for you. Hmm. Oh my, is this a burner? Uh huh. Oh, And I already put my phone number in there, so we can talk anytime you just have to keep Damn right I will. You’re a lifesaver, Tate.

Ah! Look who’s here! It is the cutest father son duo on the planet. I’m Leo. And this guy, always giving me the sweetest, cutest little gummy smile. Hey Jude, what do you think of my new scarf? Oh, he’s unimpressed. What do you think of it? Snazzy, huh? And get this, I got it on sale at 99. In fact, everything in that store is on sale for at least 40 percent off right now.

If you want to go do a little shopping, I’m happy to watch Junior here for a minute. After all, I am his fairy godfather. He and I have a special connection, don’t we, my little sweet potato? That’s a very kind offer, but, uh, Sloane and I, uh, I’m kind of budgeting right now. We got a lot of expenses. Ah, yes.

Expenses. I’ll get you every time. Yeah. Well, moving off the crass subject of finances, that christening, what a marvelous ceremony. Truly, I was really honored to be included. Thank you. And thank you for such kind words. Well, I can be quite eloquent when the spirit moves me.

So, you’re doing okay? Adjusting to life on the outside? Uh, yeah, I’m doing so much better than just adjusting. Holly, I’m so relieved to be out of the halfway house. Weird people, stupid rules, cringy food. I mean it was beyond horrible. Tate, I’m really sorry. It’s okay. I’m out now. And I get to hang out with you.

So, Some spring break, right? Yeah, it was a total waste. I’m so not ready to go back to school. Yeah, me neither, but we don’t really have a choice. There is one good thing, and it’s our parents can’t keep us separated while we’re there. I know, right? So, how about we make a pact? What do you mean? Okay, um, let’s agree to find each other between periods.

And we’ll hold hands in the halls and talk. And then, and then for lunch we’ll find a really private secret space to, you know, be together with no one staring at us or anything. I have the perfect spot under the oak tree at the far end of the quad. Yes, that’s perfect. But in the meantime

Do you have the gardeners? Hey, why don’t we sneak up to my room before anyone sees us? And I’ll be sure to lock the door this time. Yeah, yeah, I’m down. Let’s just make sure the coast is clear.

Listen, Brady, I told Holly that she not only needs to apologize to Tate, but also to you and Teresa. Well, yeah, you need to make that clear to your husband as well. Although I will, as I said, issue a public apology to your son, do bear in mind that I went where the evidence pointed and did what the law allowed.

No, I will not bear that in mind, EJ, because the reason the evidence pointed towards my son is because of your bias against him, because of your hatred for Okay, okay, okay, stop. Both of you, please.

Excuse me. Honey. Look, none of this would have gotten out of hand if Holly didn’t do drugs in the first place. Or if she immediately told us the truth when she woke up from the coma and was lucid. And Tate screwed things up because he covered for Holly. In the beginning, anyway. But EJ, look, the truth is out now.

And the kids need us to be united. So we need to set a good example and do the right thing.

Well said, Nicole. And I agree that we all need to take the high road. So, Brady. I apologize for having accused your son of a crime it turns out he did not commit. The DA’s office will issue an appropriate statement as soon as possible. I look forward to that.

Hi, Jada. What, uh, what’s this about? It’s about a personal matter. I’ve hired Sloane Peterson as my lawyer. Okay. Hello, Mr. Stein. Uh, name is Lynch. Everett Lynch. Not according to the divorce papers. What divorce papers? Ours. I asked you for a divorce when I found out you were cheating on me. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I don’t remember you. Okay, so why would I remember being married, much less divorced? Well, I guess that last part is understandable. Apparently, you and I never actually got divorced. Under the law, we are still married.

Okay, well, uh, we’ll walk you out.

Take it. What the hell are you doing? My God. Holly. I can’t believe this.

I’m such an idiot for letting my brother use me like that. And then this story. Like anytime I think the DiMeras are rebuilding their image, something like this happens.

Hey, you okay? You distracted? Yeah, sorry. It’s about Everett. Yeah. That makes sense. Chad, it’s all such a mystery. Is he Everett? Is he Bobby? Should I hate him for deceiving Jada and me, or should I stand by him?

Just, I I don’t want to believe that he meant to hurt either of us.

Still married. Okay. Since I don’t remember being married in the first place. What you do or don’t remember is irrelevant at this point. Sloane, would you please just show him the papers? Here you go. You can just sign right here.

That’s it. I guess I will see you around. Uh, wait a minute! What? What the hell is this?

Damn, boy.

Dear Miss Peterson, it’s the month and you still haven’t paid rent.

Damn it, Tate, we are leaving right now. I told you, you were not allowed to see her. I want to see him, too. I don’t care. I don’t want my son to be around you, Holly, okay? You let him take the fall for your drug overdose and almost jeopardized his future. You Surprises me that he wants to be around you. Dad, I forgive her.

Well, you shouldn’t. Okay, um, I, I, I agree with Brady. You know, I think maybe you two shouldn’t hang out together. At least for the time being. No, no, you can’t do this to us. Dad, please. We’re not angry with each other. It’s only you guys who are angry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. The adults agree on this. It’s for the best.

You two are not to see each other anymore.

Look, first and foremost, Seth, you gotta take care of yourself. Okay? And you do that by distancing yourself from Everett. I know right now you’re confused, and you’re hurt, and rightfully so. Okay, look, you asked yourself if you should stand by him. I don’t think that’s gonna be good for you, Steph. I mean, let him lean on somebody else for a change.

Sas just did. He doesn’t have anyone. Not in Salem. I will tell you what, what if What if I do it? What if I lend him an ear whenever he needs it? That’s very kind of you, Chad. With him, I don’t, I don’t think he’s gonna want to open up to you.

Take that personally, I guess. Listen, let him branch out then. Tell him to, uh, join a softball league or, or go to church. You know? I mean, find, find some way to meet new people. I don’t, I don’t think softball or church would interest him. Well, there’s plenty of other ways to meet people. Look, I This advice, I, you know, I don’t I don’t want it to come across as me sounding jealous, cause You know, that’s not it.

I just Look, you’re my friend. And I care about you a lot. And, and I just don’t want to see you get hurt any more than you already have. You

signed Everett Lynch. That’s who I am. Okay. Now I need you to sign Bobby Stein. That is who was married to Jada.

But I’m not that man.

Sorry. I can’t sign for him.

That’d be forgery. I’m, I’m so sorry, Detective Hunter. You’re, you’re gonna have to find another way to, to get your divorce. I’m sorry.

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Days Transcript Thursday, April 4, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


So, we have pistachios, we have granola bars, we have an oatmeal cookie, yes, and books. We have more books of my favorite Stephen King novels, The Stand, and The Shawshank Redemption. Oh, great. The books I’m actually gonna read, you know, cause my life still has no internet, no Wi Fi, So, you know, binge watching Yellowstone is just not in the cards for me, is it?

I’m not complaining. I’m not complaining. This is better than Statesville. Don’t get me wrong, okay? I just, you know, miss the daily brawls at Statesville every now and then. Break up the monotony of this whole place, but it’s okay. I’m at the point in my life right now where I’m, never thought I would say this, but I’m looking forward to Vespers.

You know, a month ago, I didn’t even know what Vespers were. So you’re, you’re praying a lot? Yes, Mom. I’m praying a lot. Praying that I get out of here. Praying that I can see my family. Praying that I get my life back.

Alex. Hi there. Hey, Dr. Evans. Hey. I haven’t seen you for a while. I know, right? Not since, um, the night Theresa left. Please, sit down. Thank you. Of course. I’m assuming Brady brought you up to speed on the latest? Yes, he did. He told me that you’d moved on with Kristen. I have to admit, it made me wonder. What?

It made me wonder why you would get involved with somebody who is so difficult. And I thought maybe you had some, you know, ulterior motive.

So, feel good to be home? Amazing, especially after having that stupid ankle monitor removed. Man, I hated that thing. Well, that thing is gone. We are just so glad that you’re here. So, do you want to take a nap or something? You gotta be exhausted, buddy. Are you kidding? I’m way too wound up to be tired. I’m also kind of hungry.

You hungry? Do we, should we get dinner? What do you want? What do you want? Uh, I’ve kind of been dreaming of a buddy’s burger with onion rings and that, that awesome ranch dipping sauce. Oh, okay. Alright. If you want a buddy’s burger with the onion rings and the amazing ranch dipping sauce, that’s what you’re gonna get.

Your dad’s gonna go out and get it for you. No problem. No, it’s okay. Don’t worry. Um, I, I really want to go out. I just, you know, want to be around people. What people? I, my, my friends. And, you know, I haven’t seen them in a while. I texted them when I got back. We just, we just wanted to hang out. Well, if Holly is one of those friends, you can forget it.

You’re going to stay right here.

Hey, Mom. Uh, Harold said you wanted to see me. Hi, Mom. Sit down, Holly.

Mom, please. Stop. Don’t say another word. Mom, I just. Honey. This is how this is gonna work. I’m going to talk, and you’re going to listen.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Okay, listen, if you’re insinuating that I’m not attracted to Kristen No, no, I wasn’t insinuating anything. Oh, there you are. Oh, I hope I’m not late. Uh, no, no, no, not at all. Uh, not at all. Uh, we’re just, um, Well, we’re, we’re having supper. We’re having kind of a girl’s night out. Oh, nice. Which I’ve been so looking forward to.

And so have I. I’m sorry, do you, do you know Alex Kiriakis? Yes, yes. We have met. Yes, we have, Mayor Price. Good to see you. Looking fabulous, might I add. And may I also add, I am very happy to hear about your recovery. You’re amazing. Not that we all didn’t already know that. Hmm, okay. Uh, is there anything else?

Why are you buttering me up, Mr. Kiriakis? Is there any particular reason? Not at all. I just appreciate strong, beautiful women. That’s all. Oh, I have a feeling that you appreciate a whole lot of women. And I was just leaving for the night. Thank you both, Dr. Evans. Very good to see you. See you soon, Alex. Is he your patient?

Never mind, never mind, I know you can’t answer that. Anyway, I hope he is because I’m guessing that, that guy needs some help. How are you, Paulina? Good. I am just fine and so very grateful that you asked me out. It’s been too long. Has been too long. Has been too long. I was hoping that I could take you to the bistro, but sadly it hasn’t reopened yet.

Probably, probably for the best, for me anyway. Oh, at least I don’t have to stare at all. Buttery French food that I can’t eat while I’m on this miserable low iodine diet before my treatment. Well, hopefully you will find something in this menu to your liking. Oh, I know I can without even looking. I’m gonna have a vodka meat.


Lucas, I’m praying too. Really? I was just hoping you could do a little bit more than that, but Okay, like, like what? You knew that the, that the deal to shorten your sentence was never finalized, right? Right. I know that. It’s not my fault that I got attacked before I could do what I had to do, before I could out Weston.

Well, of course not. But the point is, he escaped, so I don’t know what we have now to persuade them to let you out early. So what are you saying? What are you saying, Mom? I’m stuck here? I just gotta do my time.

Did I say Holly? Did I even mention her name? Holly is one of your friends, right? Is she not? So what? Why are you even asking me that? Are you guys gonna continue to treat me like a prisoner? And my god, I’ve been stuck in rehab and then a halfway house for months for no reason! We don’t think that you are a prisoner, we just We don’t want you seeing or speaking to Holly Jonas for obvious reasons.

We know you’ve been cooped up. We know you’re anxious to get out there and see your friends, but I think your mom, I think she was hoping that you would just stick around here tonight, you know? We missed you. I’ve missed you guys too, but I saw you when you came to visit. I haven’t seen my friends in forever.

So please, just for tonight, can I go out? Just to be a thousand percent. Sure, you are not going to see I’m not going to see Holly Okay, then then I want you to have fun And uh, have a good time, okay, thanks dad. I’ll see you mom. I promise I won’t be out late Better not be

What do you think your consequences should be for what you did To be honest, I kind of thought I’d be grounded by now Yeah, well, I wanted to make sure that I thought things through and that I wasn’t coming from a place of anger or embarrassment or hurt. And I know the purpose of consequences is to stop the behavior from happening in the future, obviously.

So you talk about in therapy, Dr. Evans. We talk about a lot of things. Mostly me. Well, frankly, honey, that’s none of your business. And like I said, I just, I wanted to make sure that the punishment fit the crime. And what you did, honey, was a crime. You lied to the police. You let EJ prosecute an innocent bystander who was your friend.

And I know you said you were trying to protect me. And even if that was true. It is true. Regardless. I think part of you was just trying to protect yourself.

Let me be clear, honey. I am the one who is supposed to protect you, and if you just had been open and honest with me from the beginning, none of this would have happened. It’s true. So whatever punishment you have for me, I know I deserve it.

Okay, Lucas, look. We can’t just give up, okay? I’m not giving up on getting you out of here. I’m just not doing that. It has to count for something, that you almost got killed because you informed on Clyde. Alright? Look it, Harris has recovered, he’s out of the hospital, so You know what? He needs to step up.

He got me into this mess. He keeps making promises he can’t keep. Okay. Trust me. If he doesn’t come through on his promises, then I’m going straight to the governor. And I’m going to do something about this. Cause one way or another, you’re getting your freedom back.

Now, mind you, I’m not supposed to be having more than one alcoholic drink a day on this diet. Uh, and mostly I’ve been drinking water and club soda. I’m glad to hear that. But I decided to indulge tonight because I’m having a girl’s night out. Like you said, with a different, I’m glad we can make this happen.

Me too. Me too. But I’m telling you more later for a no big deal. Cancer, this treatment, ooh, some pain in the ass. Mind you, mind you. I am very grateful that I am alive to be going through this pain in the ass treatment. We are all so grateful. And I suspect that it might be difficult for you to, to be in isolation.

You’re just, you’re normally so active. Oh, I am dreading not being able to see someone’s eyes glaze over when I talk their ear off. You don’t do that. You’re a wonderful conversationalist. And maybe you’ll be able to relish the quiet. Oh, I highly doubt it. See, I got weeks of that when I was in the hospital, so I’m over it.

Truth is, there is nothing about sitting in isolation that I am going to relish. Especially being separated from my husband. Well, the first thing you’re going to do is make amends with Tate. Well, that’s a little hard to do seeing as his parents don’t want me to see him. And you’re going to respect their wishes by writing to them.

And to him, letters by hand, not text or snap. Mom, Tate knows how sorry I am. Good, and you’re gonna remind him. Very sincerely. And very empathetically. Honey, you You took months away from Tate’s life that you can never give back. And quite frankly, I’m surprised that he found it in his heart to forgive you.

Have you, Mom? Will you ever forgive me?

Tate? I didn’t realize you were allowed to Wait, are you supposed to be out here right now? I’m supposed to be wherever I want. Yeah, but you can get in big trouble if you get caught. No, I can’t. I was, uh, I was just released today. Okay. What? Really? Yes. Really. That’s great news, man. I’m happy for you. You don’t have to pretend to care.

That you’re happy. I’m free now. I’m not stupid, alright? And I know you broke up with my mom, and I know you were two seconds away from calling the cops on me just now. Ugh.

Sorry the tape flew out of here so fast. Yeah, well, I can’t blame him. I mean, what kid wants to stay home with their parents and eat cake? I don’t know, I think that chocolate cake was a pretty good reason to hang around. As are you. Back at you. I just can’t believe he’s finally home. You know, I thought this day would never come.

I know. Kind of feels like the nightmare is finally over. Thank God. I don’t think Tate’s going to be too happy though when he sees that all my stuff has kind of taken over his room. I have to clear out of there and, uh Teresa, Teresa. He packs light anyway. There’s no reason he can’t just stay on the couch.

No. He can’t. No, absolutely not. The poor kid hasn’t slept in his own bed in months. I’m not going to do that to him. Okay, then, then, then why don’t you just sleep in my bed?

Uh, and, uh, Marlena, while we’re on the subject of my previous hospital stay, there is something I’d like to ask you about my, uh, well, My near death experience. Okay. See, now I’ve, I’ve heard about what happens when you’re, uh, brain dead. That the brain releases neurochemicals that Make, make you see things that aren’t there.

Did you see something that wasn’t there? I did. At least I think I did. Maybe I was just dreaming. But it all felt so real. First, There was this bright light. That’s a very common occurrence. You know that? Yes. Yes. I do know that. But then

Marlena, do you believe in ghosts?

To be perfectly clear, your mother was the one who broke up with me more or less. Oh yeah. And I’m actually very happy to hear that you’ve been released. Hey, If you remember, I was the guy who hired your first lawyer. And if your mom didn’t fire him, you might have gotten out a long time ago. Not that I’m blaming her at all.

I’m just really happy everything worked out in the end. Me too. Obviously. Yeah. So your mom was crashing in your old room, right? Where’s she gonna go now that you’re home? Uh, I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it. Your bed?

Yeah. I mean, you can, uh, you can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch. Oh, wait a minute, you Did you, did you think that I meant No. No. No. No, I didn’t think that. Absolutely not. Uh huh. Anyway, I wouldn’t take your bed. That wouldn’t be right. Theresa, I would be totally fine with it, okay? No. I wouldn’t do that.

So, I guess there’s only one thing left for me to do. And what would that be? It’s time for me to move out. Where are you gonna go? I don’t know. I’ll rent a room at the Salem Inn. I’ll figure it out. Theresa, you don’t have to do that. Yes, I do. I’m moving out, Brady. I think this is best for everybody. Of course I forgive you.

I’m so, I’m, I’m, I’m angry and I’m sad. I’m done. And I’m scared. Scared? Why? Mom, I’m fine. For now. Honey, how long were you using drugs before what happened on New Year’s? A few weeks. That’s all, I swear. And the drugs you were taking? Where did you get them? At school. And not to like, freak you out mom, but they’re kind of everywhere.

I know, honey, I’m aware of that. But mom, you gotta know that after what happened, oh my god, I will never, ever use again. I sure as hell hope not. And I hope that there are fewer drugs on the streets, at least in Salem anyway, now that Clyde Weston’s drug ring has been busted. Yeah, but, Mom, you also have to know that I never thought something like this could happen.

I mean, so many kids have prescriptions for these pills. Yes, but they’re using them for a medical condition. You’re not. And honey, you have no idea what you’re getting off the streets. And you learned that in the hardest way possible. Believe me, Mom, I’ve learned my lesson. Have you?

I mean, have you used or, or had a drink since that night, since New Year’s Eve? A drink? A drink. You know alcohol is a drug too. And I shouldn’t have to remind you that you are underage. Uh, Okay, well, After the christening, when Eric gave me an ultimatum to tell you the truth, I, I was really nervous and scared, so, So I had some champagne.

Great. Right under my nose. You were busy, and I was very stealth, and it was only two glasses. I promise nobody could even tell.

Well, thank you for being honest with me, Holly. But I need to be honest with you. I want to trust you. I do. But now you’ve just shown me that I can’t.

My fate lies in the hands of Harris Michaels. That’s great. Swell. It’s worked out so far. Look, Lucas. He saved my life. Yeah. Well, he almost got you killed, so. Well, you, my friend, have to have a little faith, okay? But in the meantime, I need you to promise me that no matter how bored you get, you will not leave this place.

No matter what. Because let me tell you, Clyde has eyes and ears everywhere. Even at the Salem PD. What does that bastard want with me? I can’t bring him down. You said it yourself. Okay. Well, I probably know him better than anyone. And let me tell you, that man, unfortunately, is all about revenge. Oh, great.

Great. So even if I get out of Statesville, what’s going to happen? I’m not going to be safe until he’s dead? Paulina, tell me about what happened in the hospital. Tell me about this near death experience. Um,

Buckle up, Marlena. Because you’re gonna think I’m crazy. That word is not in my vocabulary. Well, then, you’re gonna think I’m clinically insane. Look, whatever happened, it brought you back to us, and for that we will always be grateful. Well, it’s lovely to hear that. Okay. So then, uh, here goes.

After I saw the light, Abe’s late wife, Lexi, appeared. At first I thought she was going to take me into the light, you know, to cross to the other side. But she wasn’t. She told me she wanted me to stay with Abraham. Then, all of a sudden, I was healed. He got his memory back. It was a double miracle. That it was.

And look now, I know, I know, I know I had a lot of medication in me. But, Abe, he saw the same thing. Now, do you, so, do you, you think that, Really could have happened.

Do you answering a question with a question that what they teach you to do in shrink school now and then? Yeah, that’s what I figured. Joking aside now. Yeah, I’m just I’m just starting to, you know, to wonder. Wonder what? Well, you know, you know, uh, I heard Kate’s voice from, you know, in the, you know, outside of that urn, you know, at the Brady pub, way back, when she was supposed to be dead.

So, You think maybe I have some kind of extrasensory perception or something? Hmm. You know, there are so many things in this world that we don’t understand. I think nothing would surprise me anymore.

I’m not really sure where she’s gonna live, but I’m sure she’ll figure it out. She always does. Hey, Tate, um, would you mind just letting her know how happy I am that everything worked out okay for you? Why don’t you tell her yourself? You guys work together, right? Yeah, well, she’s kind of been avoiding me at the office, so.

Mm, yeah. You know, I feel like there’s a simple solution to that problem. One that doesn’t involve, you know, playing telephone through me. You are very mature for your age, young man. Has anybody ever told you that? I don’t think so, yeah. Nobody’s ever told me that either, so.

Hey man, if you don’t mind me asking, and you talking about it, what happened? How did you get released? Uh, Holly finally remembered that the drugs she overdid on were hers. What do you mean she finally remembered? Wouldn’t she know that, like, all along? Hard to say. Or you just don’t want to say? At all. That she let you take the fall for her, didn’t she?

It’s, it’s complicated. She was going through a lot. Oh my god, you are covering for a girl who put you through absolute hell. You are a better man than me, my friend. I don’t think I would ever be able to forgive somebody who screwed me over like that. You sure I can’t talk you into staying? You know, I don’t know.

I think it’s best that I just walk out of here on a high note. Instead of you and me fighting, for once we fought together. For Tate. And we won. We did. We’ve come a long way, baby. Yeah, we have. I will, uh, I’ll miss having you around. Ditto.

I’ll see you at the office, right? Uh, yeah, no, actually, I’ve been working remotely since I broke things off with Alex. You know, it’s less awkward that way. Look, Theresa, if you want, I can help smooth that over a little bit. No. No. It’s okay. I’m a big girl. I can, I can handle it. I know. Then I will, uh, See you sometime, somewhere else.

Yeah, definitely. Gee, I can help you with those bags if you want. No, I’m good. Thank you. And I’ll write a thank you note to John and Marlena for letting me stay.

Take care, Brady.

I don’t get it. I just told you the truth and now all of a sudden you don’t trust me? You almost died, Holly. And you still clearly have not learned your lesson. Mom. And the only way to earn my trust back is through time and hard work. So the first thing that you’re gonna do is go to therapy. And not because it’s a punishment.

I just think you need it after all the trauma that you went through. And that is non negotiable. Okay. Fine. Yes. And if the therapist thinks that you need further treatment, then Like rehab? Mom, no. Don’t tell me no. You just admitted that you drank shortly after you came out of a coma from a drug overdose.

I hadn’t just come out of it. I’d been okay for a while. And what, like, you haven’t had two glasses of champagne when you were my age? Come on, you were doing a lot Excuse me! Don’t you dare, don’t you dare throw my past in my face! That was different.

I thought at the very least you would be contrite. I am. I’m sorry. Really sorry.

Honey, can you even grasp what you have put Tate and Tate’s family through? He was beat up in jail. I was in a coma, Mom. For months. It’s not my fault that EJ went ballistic on him. Tate discouraged you from taking those drugs. He was trying to protect you. And the only reason he was made out to be a villain was because EJ believed me when I said you would never take drugs.


The only way, um, that I’m gonna feel better about this whole thing is that I make sure that you are no longer in danger of relapsing. Which means you are grounded indefinitely. What? You can’t do that! I have to see my friend! Well, then you can see your friends here. Now give me your phone and your car keys.

Oh my Now!

You know, I’m pretty sure I can swing an exemption to the no visitor policy since I’m on staff at the hospital. Oh, no, no, no, no. I would not want you exposing yourself to radiation, Marlena. I wouldn’t be. I’d be able to wear the suit and keep my visits very brief. You sure? Oh, I’m sure. Oh, oh, you’re a good friend, Molly.

Oh, and I’m a terrible one. Why would you say that? Because here we’ve been talking about me the whole time and I haven’t asked you a thing about you. Your life has been a whole lot more exciting than mine the last couple weeks. I find that hard to believe. You know, to be honest, you, you don’t, you don’t seem like yourself.

Is everything alright? Oh, I’m not covering very well. Oh, no, I can tell. You’re making the effort, but, uh, I can see the worry in your face. Uh, but hey, you know, if you don’t want to talk about it No, you know, the thing is that it’s, it’s about John. He’s been going through a lot of revelations about his past.

Oh, I’m very sorry to hear that. Ooh, well I’ve been there myself and I know it can be difficult to exercise those deep, uh, to move on. Yeah, well. He, he will be fine. He’ll get through it just fine. And I’m, and I’m there to support him and help him. Yeah, I’m guessing this isn’t your first time at that rodeo.

Yeah. No. But John’s been going through this for a very long time. Well, He’s lucky to have you. I’m lucky to have him too.

We both are.

To us. Amen to that.

Hey, Teresa. Can I help you with that? Uh, no, I’m

Actually, Yeah, that would be great, yeah. You know, I just ran into Tate. I told him to tell you how happy I am that he’s out of the halfway house. But I guess now I’m actually telling you that myself. Hmm. Yeah, right. Um, hey, thank you for what you did to support him. In case I didn’t show my appreciation. No, no, you didn’t.

I also asked him where you’re going to be crashing now that he’s home. I’m gonna get a room at the Salem Inn until I figure out a more permanent solution. Why? What do you mean, why? I mean, half of your belongings are at my place, which is, you know, a little hard to believe considering you have all this here.

Anyway, why would you be spending money on a hotel room? We started this thing off as a platonic living arrangement, and there’s no reason why we couldn’t get back to it. Um, actually, I can think of a few reasons.

Oh my God, you want me to give up my phone and my freedom? Those are the terms. No. Excuse me? Did you just say no to me? Let me remind you who is in charge here. I’ve been in a coma for months, Mom. I haven’t seen my friends. I haven’t done anything but sleep and almost die. If you’re so happy I’m alive, then why won’t you just let me live?

Giving up your phone isn’t going to kill you. Yes, it will. My entire life is on that. Well, that’s your first problem. That’s funny, because you didn’t think so when you got it for me when I was only 10. So then when I walked myself home from school, you’d know I got there. So I could be completely self sufficient when you weren’t around.

Order my own meals, buy my own clothes. That way you wouldn’t have to think about me at all. Whoa, whoa, that is not true. Well, here’s what is true. You’re punishing me for lying and the only, yes, the only reason I lied was so that you wouldn’t think you were a bad mom. But, you know what? The truth is I started taking those drugs because you were completely checked out.

My father died before I was born and all I’ve ever had was you. I mean, yeah, sure, there was Eric before you screwed that up and made him walk out on us. And now there’s EJ who doesn’t give a damn about me and God knows who will be next year.

Give me your phone. Now.

Here, but I’m not giving you the password. Hallie, I’m not going to go through your phone. I just don’t want you to call any dealers. Dealers? Really? Geez, Mom, why do you always have to be so extreme? Oh, you want to go there? Okay. Okay. You plotted to break up Johnny and Chanel, and now you’re all up in it with Tate?

Seems you always want what you can’t have. Just like me. Honey, I love you. I love you with all my heart, and I will do anything to protect you, even if you hate me for it.

I’m gonna go upstairs to bed, and you should too. Good night. Mmm. Mmm.

Oh. Oh, you know, these carrot sticks have a lot more appeal when paired with vodka. Ha ha ha ha. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Maybe. It’s just the company. Oh, I agree. We should do this again soon. Oh, yes, yes, we should now. Soon as I’m un radioactive. Let’s make a date. Yes. You know, you’re going to come through this with flying colors.

Oh, well, I hope so. You know, Marlena, you and me. We’re some tough broads, aren’t we? We are some tough broads. To us. To us, your bride.

Well, thanks for bringing me all this stuff. Especially the books, I really like the books. Ah, more to come. Oh, great. No internet, no wifi, so books are important. I’m gonna be a nerd. Book, bookworm, nerd. It’s gonna be great. Yeah. Well, books are sad for the lonely soul. I’ll just say what they say. Thanks. Yeah, I’ve just never been so lonely for this long, ever, in my life.

You have to hang in there, okay? It’s not gonna be forever.

I hope you’re right. God, I hope you’re right.

No, no, no, no, Bray. Don’t you go there.

I don’t get it. The Salem Inn? It’s expensive. It’s not exactly homey. I mean, why would you stay there when you could just Move back in with me. You really don’t get it. Okay. Um, for starters, you’re dating Kristen DeMera. If I move back in with you, I don’t know. She might put out a hit on me. Teresa, please.

We’ve been on like two dates together. Okay. Uh, you’re also a gazillionaire. It’s not like you need a roommate. So you think I’m going to charge you rent? Come on. I’m just trying to lend. to a friend in need. But if you don’t want to take me up on my offer, I don’t. Well, now, hold on. I didn’t say that I didn’t want to move in.

I just, I don’t want things to blow up the way that they did. I obviously don’t want that either. So I will promise to be a perfect gentleman. But that is about the only thing I can promise. Take it or leave it. Fine, I’ll take it. Oh, great. Let’s go. You shouldn’t

be here. It’s okay, it’s okay, I wouldn’t tell your mom. Why didn’t you answer any of my texts? My mother confiscated my phone. Polly? Hey, gotta go. Okay. Okay. But I’ll see you soon.

What is it now?

I don’t wanna go to bed angry.

You know when you were a baby, like you said, it was you and me against the world. And when we were in Italy, I would watch her every breath. And I would wonder what you were thinking cause you couldn’t talk to me yet. But this, this just brought me back to that time in our lives. When I fought to be your mother.

I will always fight for you, honey. I love you so much and I, I just couldn’t bear to lose you. I just wanted you to know.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne



Well, when I called and told them to shut the place down, looks like they just threw their hands up and walked on out.

Now I sit in here. With Wendy and Tripp.

Stefan just strolled on in.

He had just shot you. And then I went out to loading dock and then That’s where I found you and

Thank God you did. Because I’m alive today because of you. Hey,

are you okay?

I’m just gonna go check the door again, I don’t Hey, hey, hey, the door is, the door is locked. Okay, you know that. I won’t When we were still in the hospital, before we even stepped foot in here, my mom had all the locks changed, she even had this, like, state of the art security system installed.

I’m sorry. I hate being like this. I’m not Usually paranoid or scared of my own shadow. Look, you have nothing to be sorry about. Okay? You are the bravest person that I know. I have hope. After what you went through, after what we both went through. I mean, it’s not like it’s easy to just move past that.

But you will. We both will. Gotta make it till we make it, right? Yeah,

definitely. I’m here for you, Wendy. Always, okay?

Hi. Hey. Hi. You wanna sit? Um.

So, how are you? Me? Uh, okay. I, uh, I had my first hypnosis. Oh? How’d that go? I don’t know, it’s sort of intense. I, uh, I saw something when I was under. Something that, uh,

scared the hell out of me. What? What did you see?

Tell me, Everett. I, uh,

I saw myself.

Hi, mister. Well, hi. Ready to call it a night? Well, I could be convinced. Your place or mine? Hmm. You know what? How about we go to the Brady pub first? Then we’ll decide, because I’m really craving a cup of chowder and a Brady burger. Hmm. You and me both.

Oh, man. I’m sorry. Um. Are they gonna take this? Do you know what, um, Is it alright if, uh, if I just maybe meet you there? Sure. Okay.

See you soon.

Hey Vince. Yeah. Did you find anything? What? Sorry I’m so late. Sarah! There’s a couple of lessons in emergency. Come here, quick, quick, quick. Check this out. Check this out. What is it? What? This is surveillance footage of Harris Michael’s unidentified shooter. When am I supposed to be noticing? Your pants.

Look closely, the stripes. I compared this picture To a photo of these fancy designer pants, and it’s a perfect match. Except, those pants are, well, they cost a bloody fortune, they’re like 2, 300, whereas my pants are like 40, generic, everyman, jogging pants. They’re just knockoffs of these. Okay. So, look very carefully at the stripes.

You’ll see the fancy designer pants, the stripes are thicker than they are on mine. Well, how can you be sure of that? I can be sure about what? Well, that your pants have a different stripe, a thinner one. The police have your pants, don’t they? Oh yeah, they do, but I have these. I have two more pairs of the same type, and here they are.

Remember when you were teasing me about my jogging uniform? Well, they’re on sale, so I’ve got a bunch more. Which means that Which means I finally have proof, Sarah. I’m proof that I’m innocent.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

When you look at me, okay? After what we both went through, huh? How could you not be anxious? Scared of your own shadow, as you put it.

You know, I know you haven’t been sleeping well. No, hardly at all. In fact, when I do finally fall asleep,

I keep having this recurring dream where I’m just, I’m banging on the steel walls of that tank and I’m crying out for help and no one comes. And then when I wake up, I feel my heart pounding out of my chest.

I heard you talking in your sleep too. Shouting, in fact, get me out of here. I can’t breathe.

I didn’t realize that.

Look, you know what? I think that. We need What? Is to rewire our brains with happier thoughts. Okay, I’m all for it. But how? I mean, aside from faking it till we make it? Well, we’ll do both, okay? But, uh, by the rewiring our brains part, what Just have like a fun little date night.

Okay. Yeah, we’ll do something light. Something totally frivolous. And uh,

I have an idea. Don’t go too far.

Alright, dishwasher is running, trash is out, and the kitchen is clean. Oh, is there anything you can’t do? If there is, I haven’t found it yet. Okay, you know what, there is one thing you cannot do tonight, and that is cook dinner. I’m doing that, so why don’t you, uh, put on some music and pour yourself a drink?

Okay, how about I, uh, pour two drinks and keep you company while you cook? Ooh, you wanna be my sous chef? No. No. No, I’m actually gonna watch. Oh. Because, uh, you’re very easy on the eyes, Miss Vitale. Hmm. Back at you, Detective Michaels.

I don’t understand. You saw yourself? What does that mean?

I don’t know.

It was, it was me. Uh, Smiling. But, Different. Different? How? Um, It’s hard to explain. Like, I saw myself. A version of myself. And, uh, it frightened me. Well, what did Dr. Evans say about it? Uh, I didn’t tell her.

Hey, now, look at the stripes on these. Yeah, the width. Now look at those.

They are definitely not the same. No, they’re not. They’re not the bloody same. Oh my god, Xander! Oh, you are so brilliant! Nobody else would have noticed that. Except a man that’s fine for his life. And his family. Oh my god, no, let’s go see the police. Come on, what are we waiting for? Are you sure? No, I mean, of course, I never knew what I was gonna find.

I just thought, Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah, please, uh, send me all the scans. Alright. Alright, thanks a lot, man. I owe you one.

Damn, this is gonna get ugly.

Sarah! Xander? Detective, I have something you very much need to see. Yeah, well, honestly, this is not a great time. Well, this can’t wait, but it won’t take long. But why didn’t you tell Marlena what you saw? So she can help you figure out what it meant, that’s what she does. I know, I know, I know, I just, uh, I don’t know, I don’t know why I didn’t want to tell her about it.

I just wanted to get out of there and go somewhere familiar and nurse a drink, you know? Well, well, well, look at you two. Picking up right where you left off. Wow. That looks and smells amazing. I’ve just made my famous pudinesca. It’s not a complicated recipe as you saw. Well, I mean, it looked pretty complicated to me.

But honestly, I didn’t know that mincing garlic could be sexy. Until I watched you do it. Oh. Wait till you see me grate cheese. Although this time I gotta admit, admission’s not gonna be free. Oh, no? What, uh, what form of payment do you take? Oh, well we’re cashless, Commander, and our credit card machine is down, so You’re gonna have to come up with some kind of way.

Uh, I got an idea or two.

Okay, so this is my brilliant plan. Jenga. Uh, and remember, if you knock over the tower and you don’t yell, Timber, you have to drink. Uh, and I also took the liberty in ordering us your favorite, well, our favorite Pad Thai with shrimp and some of those summer rolls that look like little friendly deep sea creatures.

First, the Wendy. Sorry, I You remember what you said when we were still in the hospital? I said a lot of things. Yeah, well, this one is pretty important. So, I looked it up. I’ll just, I’ll read it. Low oxygen levels can impair both decision making abilities and judgment. Right? So, why did you look that up?

Well, I looked it up because I’m wondering if that’s why you proposed to me. And why I said yes.

Trip, is that the reason you got married?

Why we got married? No. No, it wasn’t the carbon dioxide. No, it’s uh It’s probably closer to, you know, in vino veritas. I know we weren’t drinking alcohol, but our inhibitions were lowered, and so we were saying things that we were already feeling. Just, I’ve been too afraid to say otherwise. Right. I suppose.

Wendy, I, I do not regret or take back anything that I said that night. Do you? I don’t know.

Look, when you admitted to me that even though you didn’t like that your parents put pressure on you to get married young, you did see marriage in your future.

Well because it seemed like our time was running out, I, I wanted to make that happen. For you. I wanted that for myself too, when we were in that tank, you know, losing oxygen, losing our. They are mine, so I look over at you, and I realized more than ever how much I loved you. And I love you. I just, I feel like we skipped over a few critical steps.

Like we just jumped right into wedding vows. I mean, it’s easy to say till death do us part when When you think death is just 10 minutes away

2015 Barolo 98 points Somalia’s dream And it is the most expensive bottle in the house We deserve it Hey Well, cheers to that yes and To surviving,

you know, uh, Harris, when you were in the hospital and I didn’t think you were gonna make it. I was, I was kind of beside myself, as you probably know. Yeah. There were, uh, rumors. To that effect. The rumors were true.

Because I thought I was going to lose the strongest, kindest, most loyal person I have ever known.

The best person I have ever known.

And just, being loved by you, it makes me think that

maybe I am okay. He wants to be with me.

You’re not just, okay.

How can I put this, um,

Just everything I want.

Just everything I need.

Stylish. And very cheap. See, look. See the stripe? Yeah. The stripe in the photo is thicker than that stripe. The shooter was wearing these fancy designer ones. With the ones on your desk, mine, you can get them at your local mall for less than the price of takeout. So, whoever this was, whoever set up Xander, clearly has the funds to afford designer jogging pants.

Yeah, and to put 50k in my bank account. Speaking of which, uh, do I get to keep that? Because, you know, the money’s already there, and I figure the son of a bitch owes me for everything he’s put me through. Well, that’s for the court to decide. Well, so, what do you think? This proves that Xander’s innocent, right?

Jada, I don’t understand why you have to do this. Why you have to give us a hard time. What hard time? It was a simple observation. You two are picking up right where you left off. Look, I get that you’re angry, but we are trying to figure this out. Right. Well, you have a whole lot to figure out, God knows.

There is. And Everett, I hope you don’t mind my telling Jada that you just came from therapy with Marlena. Oh, uh, no, I don’t mind anyone knowing. Very big of you. She hypnotized him. To try to access the things that he can’t remember. Right. So, what did you remember while you were under hypnosis, Bobby? Okay, you know, you don’t have to answer if you don’t, you’re not ready.

Well, I think I have a right to know, considering my life was greatly affected by the things that he can’t remember. Nope, you’re right. You do deserve to know, so, um, I’ll tell you. It’s pretty weird, and it’s probably not going to make sense to you, but, um, I saw myself, smiling.

You saw yourself smiling?

Okay, forgive me, but man, that sounds like some grade A narcissistic Bobby BS to me.

Maybe we should just go, huh? You know what? It’s okay. Alright? Jada’s anger toward me is totally justified. And I understand her skepticism about virtually everything I say. Jada, this may ring false to you, or hollow, But don’t. But, ever since we first met here, at the Brady Pub, on Valentine’s Day, virtually everything I have said to you is completely truthful.

Yeah, well, since you barely have a nodding acquaintance with the truth, Bobby, you’re right. Every word you speak does ring hollow to me. I mean, you’re, you’re claiming to not remember me. To not remember being married to me. How would you expect me to react to that? I expect you to be as upset and confused by it as I am.

And even though you, you probably think I’m, I’m, I’m inventing some, some crazy excuse for having hurt you the way that, that you say I did. But for me, not being able to remember being involved with you, much less married to you, it’s not just confusing, it’s agony. There’s no other word for it.

Maybe you could try to have a little compassion, Jada, and support him instead of condemning him. How about you do that? I’ll pass. All I can say is I am just so glad I don’t have to deal with Bobby Stein anymore. He’s all your stuff.

I will admit, I see a difference. This could be good news for you Xander. Why could it not be? It’s not what’s next. Well, we’ll get on it in the morning. Good job, you two. No, no, it was Alexander. He made this happen. Well, like I was telling Sarah earlier, I was highly motivated. I was fighting for my life and my family.


Ali Horton, she was your first love?

Well, she was my first choice. Serious relationship. And before Allie? Was there anyone else? Oh yeah, there was this girl in high school I had a major crush on.

What about you? It was your first love. Was the guy Samir the skateboarding phenom? Okay, no. It was not Samir. I already told you, I was nine. So we were just best friends, that’s all. So, where’s love?

Freshman year of college. It was this guy, Cameron. We met in a cyber security elective. And, uh, we dated for a while. That was totally smitten. But then, he found someone else. And he broke it off. And, yeah, I was totally crushed at the time.

You know what? All of those relationships, all of them that fizzled out, they all led us to each other. For this moment. And I am so grateful for that.

And Wendy, if our love is real, it’ll last, right? Yeah, definitely. So how about this? We forget about the whole marriage proposal slash wedding in the beer tank and just go back to all those steps we missed. Sounds like a plan. Okay, more than in that case, Wendy Shannon. Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?

Right here. Right now.

Mm. Wow. Ava, that might’ve been the best meal I’ve ever had. Elso, uh, is that, did I say it right? That’s perfect. Mente. . Oh, I said it perfectly. Yes. No ban, but me and Mario, you know, we haven’t even had dessert. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of ideas about dessert. Oh, yeah. Mm-Hmm. . Mm-Hmm. the, uh, kind of dessert that is. Very low calorie.

Oh. Oh, you mean the kind that might actually burn calories? Yes, that kind. But first, I think a, uh, good transition to dessert would be a dance. Okay, if you recall, our first dance was here at the bistro. And, um, I do have two left feet, so Yes, I do remember that. I have a vague memory of that. But, you know, since you are perfect in every other way, I will definitely put up with those two left feet.

Mm hmm. Well, in that case, may I have this dance? Yes, you may. Oh, oh, oh.

Finally, Sarah. We have proof. Yes, because you were determined to find it, and I’m so proud of you. Sarah, I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you never died to my innocence. You, you believed me all along. God, I I love you too.

I’m sorry about that. The way Jada went after you. It’s okay. I get it. I understand why she’s angry. I mean, why would she be? Yeah, but to constantly go on the attack. Do you think Marlena could speak with her? Maybe she could Get her to empathize a little bit and understand where you’re coming from. I mean, the thing is, I don’t understand where I’m coming from or what’s going on with me, you know?

So, I think that the best thing for me and Jada is for me to stay away from her. I am. Hey, you. So, I’m thinking definitely your place tonight. How about we get out of here right now? Uh, yeah, hold on. Hold on, because, um, I’ve got some news. Can’t it wait? No. Can’t.

I just, I wish we could stay in this bubble forever. Who says we can’t? Well, we do have to make a living. Well, you thought about that, figured it out, detective me. Not so much. What are you talking about? You’re going to run this place. When are you going to reopen? Oh, I’m not. I am done with the bistro.

And now, I’d like to make a toast.

To sign language. Because of your brilliant, timely proficiency with it. Helped us get rescued. Okay, just sign language.

No, I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I can’t. It’s the smell of the beer. I just can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m the one who’s sorry. I Joey thought it was funny to send a spirit, but you know, it’s not, it’s not funny. It’s not funny at all. It obviously, it obviously triggered you very badly. I’ve been trying so hard.

To stop the images in my head. But I can’t. No, I just keep seeing us in that beer tank. I keep seeing Goldman. And then I, I remember that feeling. That feeling of not being, not being able to breathe. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Yes you can, you can. Win, you gotta home, you’re home, you’re not in danger anymore, okay.

I feel like hell, I feel like, I can’t just, I can’t just keep pretending like nothing’s wrong! I just can’t. Yes! So?

Our little angel is fast asleep. Yes. It’s so funny, isn’t it? Like, she’ll go from being wide awake and laughing and crying and just filled with baby energy, and then slowly her little eyes will start to close. When she’s laughing, which is pretty much my favorite thing that she does, she really looks and sounds like her mom.

See, and she reminds me of you in so many ways. Really? What ways? Your expressions. The way she knits her brow right before she’s about to cry, That knowing look that she gives me right before I’m gonna give her a bottle. It’s amazing, isn’t it? We made this life. This sweet, beautiful life. I’m so grateful we did.

She’s, she’s everything. And because she brought us back together. As she did. What’s that expression? Life is what happens when you’re making other plans. Well, I’m so grateful that life happened and I’m so grateful for you.

What? What do you, what do you mean you’re not going to reopen? Look, this place, it almost destroyed my life. It almost killed you and my son. No, I get, I get it. I understand. And of course I want whatever’s best for you, but you. What are you gonna do? I will figure it out. You know, I’ll find another job, a legit job, in case you were wondering.

I’m serious, Harris. I am never going back to that life. Never.

Trip. I’m so sorry, I’ve all, I’ve picked this all up and No, no, you won’t. Okay? Just Just talk to me.

It’s not right. I mean, here I am acting like I’m the only one who suffered through this whole thing, Tripp. You were there too. Wendy, you have nothing to be sorry for. Okay, not for knocking over the Jenga tower, not for anything. Okay, and I’m glad you let that out. I don’t want you bottling any of your feelings up with me.

What we went through? It’s terrifying. It’s traumatic.

If it sounded like I thought we could just move on, like it didn’t happen, that’s not what I meant. I know that’s not possible. I just thought that distraction might do us some good.

So I’m the one who’s sorry. Steph, um,

There’s something I need to tell you. You may not want to hear it, but it’s something I really need to say. Uh oh. What’s this news that I need to hear right now? I got a call recently from an old friend of mine. We were at the academy together, uh, later on. He went to law school, started a private practice just outside of Seattle.

And, um, anyway, I, uh, asked him to do some digging for me.

Well, I’m not exactly sure how to tell you this.

I don’t know what’s going on with me, but what I do know is I love you, and I believe that we can get through this. I believe there’s hope for us. I know that’s a lot to take in, given what’s, what’s been going on lately, but My feelings for you haven’t changed. I love you, Steph. You’re everything to me.

Rafe, you’re scaring me. What’s going on? Just say it. So, your divorce papers? They were never properly filed.

You’re still married to him. Legally, you are still Mrs. Robert Stein.

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Days Transcript Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


I am so glad that you showed up to my door last night. I’m so glad you let me in. Yeah, well, you know you’re pretty hard to resist.

Okay, it is almost four o’clock. I think we should actually get out of bed today. Get what? Get out of bed? We already walked all the way through the living room to pick up the food that was delivered. Hmm. Yeah, that’s true.

You have somewhere else you gotta be right now? Nope.

My son is safe. My business partner You got somewhere else you’d rather be right now? Oh, definitely not.

Hey, beautiful. Hey. You look tired. I’m beat. I thought business would slow down after Easter, but it is so crazy busy. Which is great, right? Yeah. Yeah. And you know that now that mama is healthy and in remission. Thank goodness. Yes. Yes. Um, I have to start focusing on the bakery again. And, um, I’m basically here on my own right now.

I let two of my staff take off and, um, You know, they were, they were just working so much overtime while I was in the hospital. So you’re a good boss. Well, I am also a boss who’s great. Is over what? Mm-Hmm. already. I feel like I just got here. Sorry, boo. But I gotta take some bread outta the oven, but I will be here for a little while longer.


Hey, Julie. Oh! Oh, Stephanie. Oh, honey. I’m so glad you’re here. And thank you for being willing to help. Oh, I’m honored to be asked. Well, I decided that we needed fresh young eyes on the house project. I wanted to have new life, but I still wanted to say, welcome home. I’m, I’m in. I love interior design. I watch those home makeover shows all the time.

Decades ago, and I mean decades ago, I had a small antique shop. I did a whole lot of interior design. It was always so much fun. I thought of you, I thought perhaps you could use a pleasant diversion to take your mind off a certain journalist we both know.

Everett. Hello. Sorry, um, I hope I’m not late. No. You’re right on time. I’m so glad you’ve decided to try hypnosis. I’m hoping that, uh, we can get some clarity on your past. Actually, um, I think it was a mistake coming here today.

Hey, baby. Brought you some flowers for Easter. I know they’re a little bit late. I’m sorry.

So, um, I took the kids for a Easter egg hunt on Sunday over at the Kariakis Mansion. And, um, Maggie hid all these plastic little eggs around the grounds for the kids to find. And, uh, I put these little, little candies in them.

Of course, it turned into a competition. Thomas won. Yeah. Charlotte cried. She’d have been there. It was actually kind of hilarious. But Thomas ended up sharing with her in the end. So it all, it all worked out. Yeah, we had fun. Can you believe we’re living at the Kiriakis mansion? It’s just,

it’s crazy, right? Good news is the Horton house is being renovated. So we should be, we should be back, back home soon.

I miss you so much.

I’m sorry. Um, I’m sorry.

The man who took you from us, he escaped.

And it’s all my fault.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Funny, I was lying in bed last night trying to Not to think about that certain journalist we both know. And my mind pretty randomly wandered to, of all things, that time capsule that you found and couldn’t open. I still can’t open it. And I’ve been obsessing over where is the key and what could be inside the time capsule.

And I’m afraid that key is just gone with the wind. That’s gotta be one funky key. Oh, I prefer to think of it as unique. Like my grandfather. I’m sure he wanted everyone in the family to gather and figure it out and solve it like a puzzle. Maybe you could get some ideas online. Post a picture of the box.

Use the internet, what a good idea! Oh, yes! I could help you with that! Oh, sweetie. Not now. Thank you, but not now. I’ve decided I’m not going to obsess on the time capsule. I’m going to devote all of my focus to this, to the house project,

because I know that my grandparents would want this place to, to be ready for all the generations to come.

This is all on me. It is. I mean, if I, if I hadn’t have interviewed Clyde for the, You know, I put his picture in the paper. He never would have retaliated. I

pushed him. And I, and I, you know, I put the whole thing in motion. I mean,

you know, I,

I just wanted to make him pay. For what he did to you.

You know.

Instead, he tried to kill our babies.

Our babies.

Our family. He

sent a henchman to, uh, torture our home.

That was your great grandparents house. You know, he

He spent all of your happiest days as a child there.

I let you down, baby. And I let your family down.

And now, you know, Clyde Weston escaped.


I’m gonna make it right.

I promise you, Abby. I will make it right.

There are a lot of misperceptions about hypnotherapy. I don’t know if you’ve read much about it. I have. Pretty good deal. I know that, uh, I’ll have access to my free will, more or less, and that, uh, I’ll remember everything afterwards. Yeah, that’s accurate. And what we try to do is access parts of your memory that maybe haven’t been available to us.

But that’s what freaks me out, Dr. Evans. I mean, part of me definitely wants to know the truth, you know? But, uh, As I told you the other time that we discussed this, Another part of me is Afraid of what I might find out. I understand. You will be right here with me. You’ll be safe. And if at any point, You don’t feel able to go on, we will stop.


let’s give it a shot.

What are you thinking? I don’t want to ruin the mood. What? Come on, tell me.

Clyde and Goldman are still free. And we don’t know where they are or if they’re coming back. Yeah. For you. For Tripp. And Clyde really wanted his freedom, so I wanna think that he’s not gonna jeopardize showing his face around here anytime soon. Alright, listen. Clyde has a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them.

It’s true.

I’m gonna join the manhunt as soon as I can. What? Okay. Yeah. Not today. No, not today.

You know, you’re healing. You’re healing really fast. It’s like you’ve almost got all your strength back. Yeah, almost. I’m actually pretty impressed by your stamina. Well, I aim to please ma’am.

But, you know, before we get into another round, I’m kind of hungry. Should we, should we order some more food? Order? Wait, wait. You, you, you forget, sir, that I am an excellent cook. Well, no, I have not forgotten. Okay. I just didn’t want to impose. Okay. Well, no, no, no. You know, cooking is one of my greatest pleasures.

So you know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna go in the kitchen. I’m gonna whip something up for you. Don’t move a muscle.

Okay, the front doors are locked. Good. No more customers. So you ready to go? Just about. I just have to wrap this bread. Oh, damn. What? I just got a big order for tomorrow, so, um, I’m gonna have to prep for it now. Or, maybe you could just say, sorry, no, it’s too late in the day to start a new order. No, if I do that, then tomorrow morning is just gonna be a nightmare, so I have to do it now.

But, I don’t want you to have to wait, so how about you head home, and then I will catch up with you later. Well, maybe I can help. You. You’re gonna help me bake. Well, I’m no baker, but I could follow directions, I’ll wash the dishes, tidy up. Yeah, thank you, but I can handle it. Come on, give me a shot. Look, you get some extra help, I get to spend a little extra time with my wife.

It’s a win win. Oh, okay. But do not distract me by looking at me with those big brown bedrooms. See, see, no, don’t do that. Okay, fine. Maybe I could, you know, if it helps, I could wear a flower sack over my head. Yeah, that actually might help. It’s fine. You know what? I can resist. I have willpower. Alright, come on.

Let’s get to work. Okay. That might be a little too contrasty. You hate it. Okay. Okay. What’s the bar? Oh, hey. This is me. Hang on a sec.

Oh, it’s from a potential new client, which is good. I could use the business, especially since I’m dropping the spectator. You are? Why? Well, I’m thinking about dropping it. I, I haven’t decided yet. Because of Everett? Yeah. Or Bobby. Whatever his real name is. Oh, honey. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I admit, it’s very upsetting.

And it’ll be even more upsetting if it turns out it’s true that Everett was dating me on the side while he was married to Jada. No, he wasn’t. Yes. And now she can’t stand the sight of me. Oh, it wasn’t your fault? She accused me of missing the signs. Clearly Everett was hiding something big and I chose not to see it, she says.

Now maybe she’s right. Julie, maybe Maybe I did ignore what was right there in front of me the whole time.

You’re doing just fine. With every breath, double your relaxation.

Let all the tension flow out of you.

I think you’re in a safe place now. Can you tell me where you are?

Yeah, um,

there’s a gazebo. Okay. And a stream, a brook.

Alright, are you, are you there alone? Is anybody with you? No, I’m, I’m not alone. My mother is there. Helen.

Tell me about your mother. She’s, uh, She’s wonderful.

Elegant. Strong. She, she likes to bake. She’s wearing, um, an apron. And her hands are, are, are full of flour.

Is she sitting beside you? She’s, she’s looking out at the water.

She’s smiling.

Is there anything you’d like to talk to her about? Anything you’d like to ask her? Everett?

Everett? She’s there. You can ask her right now.

Why’d you do it, Mom?

So, Mrs. DiMera, where do we start? Well, Mr. Dupree, I’m glad you asked. Okay, so, cooking is An art, so it allows for improvisation and imprecision. Kind of like making a movie. Right, right. But we are not cooking. We’re baking. Which is a science. So, it calls for a step by step process of precise amounts of ingredients, timings, and temperatures.

Oh, so you’re a scientist. I’m impressed. Why, thank you. Alright, alright. First, I would like you to preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Yes, chef. Oh, well, technically I’m not a chef. Okay, then what should I call you? I don’t know, how about wife? Or babe? I’ll go with wife.

Stephanie, you cannot blame yourself for Everett’s lies. You didn’t know what was going on. And you were devastated when you found out he’d been married to Jada. Yeah, I was. And the timing couldn’t have been worse. See, I was just starting to think that maybe Everett was the one. Again. And then everything blew up in my face.

Again. How do you feel now? I feel confused. Angry. Really angry. Actually, I’m furious. Just when I thought that I could trust him again, that we might have a happily ever after, boom, this happens. And then I feel guilty. For being mad, like, why am I being unsympathetic to what Everett’s going through? Forget Everett.

Forget Everett’s problems. Darling, this is the time when you certainly should be thinking about yourself and taking care of yourself. And you’re not alone. I mean, you got the family. Lean on us, please. I will. And when the truth comes out, and it will, And whatever it is, we’ll get you through it. Hello? Hey.

Ah, hello darling. Good to see you two here. But I didn’t expect to see you. I thought you were coming by tomorrow. Uh, yeah, no, I was, but um, uh, I was supposed to come by and check out the, uh, Thomas and Charlotte’s remodeled bedroom. Oh, right. Yeah. So it is now a good time. Wonderful. Yeah. Oh, perfect. Great.

Yeah, you go upstairs and look around and have an opinion, and then come down and share it with us, and you can help us look through all of these fabric swatches. Ooh, can’t wait.

What did you do it, mom? Why did you do it?

Everett, you’re safe.

You’re safe right now. Nobody’s going to hurt you. No. I’m not. I’m not safe. That

hits the spot right there. I’m glad. I haven’t been grocery shopping in a long time with everything going on, so, uh, It was either French toast, or egg salad sandwiches, or scrambled eggs with toast. Well, you know what? All of that sounds good compared to the hospital food that I was just eating. You know what sounds good to me right now?

Hmm? Mmm, fresh pasta. What? Yeah. Don’t tell me you’re craving my seafood linguine. Oooh. Well, that would be heaven. But, uh, Hey, you know what? We should, um, We should go over to the bistro since it’s closed now and operations were shut down. We could have a little private dinner, you and me. I mean, it’s clean, it’s fully stocked.

What do you say? That sounds like a, That sounds like a plan. Okay. Then I’m going to be the chef, and I’m going to pick out the menu. Okay. Deal. But I just want you to know that I’m a very tough food critic. Oh. Oh, I see. Okay. Well, um, let’s see. I can guarantee that it is going to be Savory. Succulent. And very satisfying.

You know, actually, um, Who needs a fancy meal When you are all of the above.

You know, sometimes I still forget that we’re married. That’s right. I mean, we didn’t have much time as newlyweds with everything that’s happened, and as magical as our night was in the Salem Inn, that does not tick off the honeymoon box in my book. Well, we could go back to Italy. I could come and do the demerit jets.

You know I can’t go to Italy right now. I know. I know. You gotta stay close to home for a while. Yeah. Yeah, but as soon as the time is right, we will definitely take that trip to Italy. But in the meantime, how about we take Sarah up on her offer for the Horton family cabin? I mean, it is secluded out there on Smith Island.

Relaxing, peaceful. Nobody else around? Just the two of us? Sounds perfect. How soon can we go? I don’t know. I was thinking drapes. But is elegance passe? Is it old fashioned? No, not at all. It can be really beautiful. The kids are gonna love the remodeled bedroom. I mean, there’s even more space than there was before.

Well, there’s no furniture in the room and no children and no toys. Oh, yeah, that’s right. No, none of that. Uh, why don’t I, uh, bring us a snack? I have tuna sandwiches and fruit in a cooler. I Sounds amazing. Okay, I’ll be right back.

So, the kids must be anxious to move back in here. Yeah, they can’t wait. I mean, the Kiriakis place has been great. And Maggie dotes on him, as you can imagine. Oh, I definitely can. So, any, um, updates on, uh, Everett or is he going by Bobby now? Actually, I met with him yesterday to talk to him about hiring a new PR firm for The Spectator.

What are you talking about? You’re terrific. You can’t leave us. Thank you, but I feel awkward staying on. I’m sure you understand. You want me to fire him, again? Don’t do that. At least not yet. Okay, well, tell me when.

Um, what do you think about the house? It’s great. Yeah, no, it’s amazing. And, uh, I mean, you know, I obviously feel responsible for everything. For the fire. And, uh, it just breaks my heart that Doug and Julie had to go through all this. But it didn’t have to happen. It wasn’t your fault, Chad. Oh, yeah, it was. My egg busted on.

I mean, I practically taunted him into doing all of this. The man’s a lunatic. It’s a monster. Everybody knows that. Okay. I still feel responsible, so what do you want me to do? You know, for the fire, for, for, uh, him escaping, you know? I know it doesn’t make any sense, but, uh, you know, I went to talk to Abby about it at her grave site, which You know, I, I, I guess saying that, you know, maybe it sounds crazy, but, uh, You know, I mean, he’s the one that took her from us, so I don’t know, maybe it isn’t, but, you know, Thanks to me, who knows what other harm he’s gonna cause.

God only knows what he’s gonna do next.

Everett, tell me what’s happening.

I know you can hear my voice. Tell me what you’re seeing.

Nothing. Just, uh, A darkness.

Okay, that’s good. That’s good. Can you find a light? Can you find your way into some light? Just I can’t. Okay,

okay, okay, that’s enough. We’re gonna end now. I’m gonna count to three and when I do, you’re gonna be wide awake. Relaxed. Refreshed. You’ll remember everything we’ve talked about. One. Two. Three. Open your eyes.

Okay. Good. You’re right here. You’re right here with me. And you’re safe.


would you tell me what you remembered?

I remember.

I’m sorry, um, I, I, I don’t know. All right. You said that you saw Some darkness. And something was disturbing after you saw your mother, is that right? Uh, I’m not sure. She’s kind of fuzzy. How do you feel now? A little shaky.

We made a very good start today. Clearly there’s something bothering you, something blocking you from going forward. We could deal with that in our next session. If you’d like to? Yeah. Definitely. Good. You let me know if you have any, any memories at all. I will. I, uh, I should probably get back to work. Um, just have to get going.

But, uh, thank you so much. And, uh, I’ll, I’ll set up another appointment.

I hope it helped ease your mind. Going to visit Abigail? Yeah, yeah, I did. It’s not your fault for what happened. You know that, right?

Everyone’s safe. The house is still standing. And before long it’s gonna be as good as new. Your family and your friends care about you so much. Lean on us. Okay. Thank you. And you too. I mean, I know, I know you’re going through a rough time as well, so. Here we go. Uh, Julie, I, I’m so sorry. I’ve got to run, actually.

I, I’m going to go meet that, um, new client that I mentioned. Okay, uh, sandwich for the road. And how about an apple? Love it. Thank you. Thank you. Um, keep me posted on design choices. Oh, of course. Of course I will, dear. Bye, John. See you, Steph. You

don’t look too happy. Talk to me.

It’s just, um, I’m just so sorry about the house. I mean, it’s all my fault. Julie, it’s all my fault.


Oh, so you don’t need a fancy meal, huh? Uh, maybe we need some nourishment. We have been burning calories. Yeah. I do so enjoy burning calories with you.

You know, I do have a feeling is that we’re going to be burning a lot more of them too. So, uh, you want to go to the bistro? Go there and just rejuvenate. Yeah, let’s do it. But I feel like I should shower first before our dinner date. I feel kind of sweaty. Yeah. Well, you know, calorie burning will do that to you.

And you know, I have been just as active as you are. So.

Ergo, I think that I need a shower too. You say, did you say ergo? I did. Mmm, I like your logic.

Wait, wait, wait, right here in the kitchen. Yeah, sure, why not? Because it’s a health violation. And you know that I’m already in the doghouse with the health department. Thanks. Okay, so we wait. We wait. Or, I have a few, uh, big, soft flower bags. Still on their pallets, in my storeroom. Uh, flower bags? Would that not also be a health code violation?

Not if we throw them out afterwards. I like the way you think.

Hey. Hey. Hi. You’re Cyd?

So, how are you? Um,

I had my first hypnosis session today. Oh, yeah? How’d that go? Uh, intense. I saw something when I was under something that scared the hell out of me.

Chad, you’ve got to let it go. I’ve made, uh, such a mess of everything, Julian, you know. Now Clyde’s free. Nobody blames you for the fire. Well, I did. For a nanosecond, but I was wrong, I was really wrong. Look at me. Chad. Say, I am not to blame for the fire. Say it. Chad! I’m not to blame for the fire. Good. And now, second, I am not responsible for the criminal actions of Clyde Weston.

Do you have to say that out loud to me, too? No. Good.

I went to see Abby today to apologize. Oh, honey. My mother struggles, Julie. You know, sometimes I, um, I think I’m doing my best to raise these kids without their mother, and then other days I feel like I’m

I’m failing. And today is one of those days. I just I miss her so much all the time. Baby, we all miss her. This isn’t something you can do alone. Don’t you know how the family loves you? Supports you and the children? Why do you think I want to build this house back up again? Because it’s, it’s something that we all have a constant in our lives.

It’s a symbol. It means, it means family. It means love. It means hope.

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Interview with George Lopez, Selenis Leyva and Al Madrigal

TV Interview!


LOPEZ VS LOPEZ — Season: 2 -- Pictured: George Lopez as George, Selenis Leyva as Rosie and Al Madrigal as Oscar -- (Photo by: Carlos Eric Lopez/NBC)

Interview with George Lopez, Selenis Leyva and Al Madrigal of “Lopez Vs. Lopez” on NBC by Suzanne 3/28/24

This was a short interview, but it was a lot of fun. I was embarrassed that I had noted the wrong name for Selenis’ character, but Al made me feel better about it.  Then Al gave a completely non-serious deadpan answer to the question I asked him! George then intervened with a comment about “Green Acres” (not really sure what the relevance was). After I thanked them for their time, George asked me if I had watched the new “Shogun” miniseries, so I replied, “No.”I should have said, “Not yet,” or “I would love to talk to you any time about TV shows, but they only gave me 5 minutes! Sorry!” I had to leave in the middle while he was talking because I didn’t want the NBC PR to be annoyed with me…

MORE INFO: Trailer

LOPEZ VS LOPEZ -- Pictured: "Lopez vs Lopez" Key Art -- (Photo by: NBCUniversal)Lopez vs Lopez

Season 2 premiere: Tuesday, April 2 with back-to-back episodes at 8:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. 

George Lopez and his daughter, Mayan, return to NBC to put the fun back in dysfunctional family comedy. This time there will be big life changes for Mayan and the whole Lopez familia while George takes his first step in sobriety. Get ready for another season of Lopez vs Lopez that will have you laughing, crying and shouting ‘ta loca!


George Lopez

LOPEZ VS. LOPEZ -- Season: Pilot -- Pictured: George Lopez as George -- (Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC)

George Lopez/Executive Producer, “Lopez vs. Lopez”

George Lopez plays himself and serves as executive producer on the NBC comedy “Lopez vs. Lopez.”

Lopez’s illustrious and multi-faceted career encompasses television, film, stand-up comedy and late-night television. Lopez has broken ground for Latino comics by embracing his ethnicity, confronting racial stereotypes, and fighting for his community on and off the stage.

Lopez can be seen in Snoop Dogg’s sports comedy “The Underdoggs” and the indie “How the Gringo Stole Christmas,” directed by Angel Gracia. Lopez joined the DC Extended Universe last summer in “Blue Beetle.”

He will release the third installment of his middle-grade novel series, “Chupacarter and the Screaming Sombrero,” in March and is currently performing stand-up in arenas across the country on his “ALLLRIIIIGHHTTT!” comedy tour.

Lopez has four HBO specials: “The Wall,” “It’s Not Me, It’s You,” Tall, Dark and Chicano,” which was nominated for a Best Comedy Album Grammy Award, and “America’s Mexican.” His acclaimed comedy concert “Why You Crying?” debuted on Showtime in 2004. He released his third stand-up CD, the Grammy-nominated “El Mas Chingon,” in 2006 and was nominated for his first Grammy two years earlier for “Team Leader.”

Lopez produced and starred in “Lopez,” a semi-autobiographical sitcom for two seasons on TV Land. In 2014, Lopez co-created and starred in the multi-camera ensemble comedy “Saint George” for FX. He hosted TBS’ inaugural late-night talk show, “Lopez Tonight,” for two seasons, marking his return to series television after co-creating, writing, producing and starring in the groundbreaking hit sitcom “George Lopez,” which ran for six seasons on ABC.

Lopez’s film credits include “Walking with Herb,” “No Man’s Land,” “The Tax Collector,” “El Chicano,” “Valentine’s Day,” “The Spy Next Door” and “The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.” He starred in and produced the drama “Spare Parts,” based on a true story about four undocumented Mexican American teens who team up to build a robot for a national competition. Lopez was the focus of the award-winning documentary “Brown Is the New Green: George Lopez and the American Dream,” as he struggles to stand for Latinos in a manner true to their realities and aspirations.

Lopez has lent his voice to a string of animated hit films, including “Gnome Alone,” “Escape From Planet Earth,” “Rio,” “Smurfs,” “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” and “Cats & Dogs.”

In 2004, Lopez’s autobiography “Why You Crying?” earned a spot on The New York Times bestseller List. Lopez released his second memoir in 2013, “I’m Not Gonna Lie and Other Lies You Tell When You Turn 50.”

Time magazine named him one of the 25 Most Influential Hispanics in America in 2005 and the Harris Poll named him one of the Top Ten Favorite Television Personalities. The following year, Lopez received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Selenis Leyva

Rosie “Lopez vs. Lopez”

LOPEZ VS. LOPEZ -- Season: Pilot -- Pictured: Selenis Leyva as Rosie -- (Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC)

Selenis Leyva portrays Rosie on the NBC comedy “Lopez vs. Lopez.”

Leyva is best known for her role as Gloria Mendoza on the Netflix critically acclaimed series “Orange Is the New Black.” She recently appeared alongside Michael B. Jordan in the hit film “Creed III.”

Leyva starred alongside John Boyega and Connie Britton in the film “Breaking,” which was nominated for an NAACP Image Award (Best Indie Film) and won the Special Jury Award for Ensemble Cast in the U.S. Dramatic Competition. She also won a 2021 Gracie Award for her work on the Disney+ original series “Diary of a Future President,” which honors standout women in entertainment and news that addressed timely topics and social issues.

Leyva is an outspoken activist for LGBTQ+ rights and often is invited to college campuses to speak on diversity and inclusion. Selenis most recently promoted the release of her memoir, “My Sister: How One Sibling’s Transition Changes Us Both.”

Leyva was awarded the Anti-Violence Project’s 2016 Courage Award and the Stonewall Community Foundation’s Vision Award for inspiring visibility, advocacy and outspoken support for the transgender community. She has been featured in publications such as the Huffington Post, Time magazine’s Motto, People magazine’s Latina Love Project Series and Splinter.LOPEZ VS LOPEZ — Season: 2 -- Pictured: Al Madrigal as Oscar -- (Photo by: Carlos Eric Lopez/NBC)

Al Madrigal

Oscar, “Lopez vs. Lopez”

Al Madrigal stars as Oscar on the NBC comedy “Lopez vs. Lopez.”

Madrigal is best known as the senior Latino correspondent on “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and whose film credits include “The Way Back,” starring Ben Affleck, and “Night School,” alongside Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish.

Madrigal has written for multiple series, including “I’m Dying Up Here” and “Broke,” and is currently developing multiple projects within his current deal at CBS Studios.

In 2022, Madrigal teamed up with AWA and former Marvel Editor in Chief Axel Alonso to release “Primos.” As an entrepreneur, Madrigal and fellow comedian Bill Burr founded the podcast “All Things Comedy.” The ATC network is producing several films and series, including “Old Dads” for Netflix and “Drugstore June.”


LOPEZ VS LOPEZ — Season: 2 -- Pictured: (l-r) Selenis Leyva as Rosie, Al Madrigal as Oscar, George Lopez as George, Mayan Lopez as Mayan, Matt Shively as Quinten, Brice Gonzalez as Chance -- (Photo by: Carlos Eric Lopez/NBC)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Days Transcript Monday, April 1, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, so

how do I look gorgeous? Oh, you didn’t even look at me. So how do you know I saw you 30 seconds ago? You were perfect then. Besides, we’re not going to a red carpet event. Yeah, yeah, I know, but the paparazzi were at the hospital when I got released. They could be there today, too. Oh, you sure I look alright?

You look lovely, as always. Somehow, I don’t think this has anything to do with your appearance. No, you’re right. It’s not. Today, I find out, of course. If I’m cancer free, dare I hope for another miracle?

There you are. Off to work already? Yes, I have an early shift. What you got there? Oh, Justin just, uh, dropped this off. It’s, uh, All the evidence against me. Prosecution has to share up the defense. There’s a flash drive in here with loads of pictures on it too, apparently. I wish I didn’t have to go in. I’d help you.

Oh, it’s alright. I know you’ll be with me in spirit. Definitely. I’m so glad we’re in this together, Sarah. It means so much to me. You believing in me. No, it’s not just me. Harris doesn’t think you shot him either. Yeah, that’s a start. Now all we have to do is find actual proof that I am innocent. Can you please just stop talking about Holly?

My God, you’re acting like she’s some kind of villain. Tate, that girl nearly destroyed your entire future. And as you very well know, there is a restraining order against you, so she shouldn’t even be calling you in the first place. Which is why she had to pose as my mother to get me to come to the phone.

Really? You’re defending that? She wanted to see how I was doing, Mom. She’s my friend and she cares about me. So will you chill the hell out? Excuse me. First of all, do not speak to me that way. And secondly, no, I’m not going to chill the hell out until you tell me why you won’t stop speaking to that spoiled little brat.

Everybody go. I just went out to make a call. Didn’t you get the memo? Party’s over. Oh, that’s okay. I was on my way out anyway. I’m, uh, going to see Tate. Leave her alone. Leave her alone, what I’m just stating a fact. Which you at least stated to get my stepdaughter upset. Can we not do this, please? I’m out of here.

Brady, wait. Don’t go yet. Why?

Mom, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. Honey, sorry for what? What? The drugs. The drugs that I OD’d on. They were mine. I’m so sorry, I should have told everyone from the beginning. Do you think? But why now, Holly? What, did you have some sort of epiphany? Okay, don’t come down on her. Don’t expect me not to come down on her, because I’m about to, okay?

Because it’s been my son, my son who took the rap for this the whole time, my son who went to jail, my son who’s been going through hell because you decided to lie about this for weeks! Honey, is this true? The jokes are yours. You seriously don’t believe this story, do you? AJ, please! You were right, I should have told everyone sooner.

You knew about this? Eric, he could just He knew that I was upset, that something was really bothering me, so I had to tell him. I just, I couldn’t keep it in any longer. Honey, if this is true, why, why did you go to Eric and not me?

Extend through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives. I

told Eric because I was scared. I knew he wouldn’t judge me, and I was afraid that if I told you the truth, that you would blame yourself. Well, since you’re finally being honest, Holly, I trust you’ll tell us the whole story. What whole story? Well, you say that the drugs weren’t tight, so Was he your dealer?

What is, what is your problem, man? Why do you hate my son so much? Take it down a notch. Stannis. Tate had nothing to do with how I got those drugs. He told me not to take them. He warned me not to take them. Oh, please. The delinquent who was kicked out of boarding school is suddenly a saint? Elvis, we can take this right outside if you want, man.

Oh, gladly. Will, you just listen. Please. Alright, if everyone could just calm down and let her speak. Mom. Remember the other night when you and EJ came into my room while I was recovering and you thought I was asleep? Well, I overheard what you said. About how you were afraid you had been a terrible mother.

How you thought you’d been selfish and you hadn’t paid enough attention to me. And, I knew you blamed yourself when you were pregnant. With the whole accident, with my baby brother. I thought it was your fault he died. And so So I thought if you found out you had a druggie for a daughter too, on top of it all, I didn’t think you’d be able to take it.

I thought it’d be too much for you. Honey. My precious girl. Mom. I’m so sorry. Do you actually call this evil or something? Mom, she’s not a bad person, I swear. Oh yeah? Tell that to your ankle monitor. This is my fault, not hers. You’re sneaking out of here. I’m going to see her. Going to see her? Tate, you broke into the DiMera mansion, the house of the district attorney who hates your father and is out to get you.

Stop yelling. Everyone in this place can hear you. Well, you know, I don’t give a damn, because you went in jail for something that you didn’t commit, and now you’re in a halfway house for some earthly reason, all because of this girl that you are defending, who knows perfectly well how she OD’d, but claims that she can’t remember, and so now everybody hates you.

You should finally believe me. Tate, we have always believed you. From the beginning, we told you that, over and over and over, and we have been praying that that selfish That selfish little girl would just wake up and, and clean up this whole mess, and instead what does she do? She regains consciousness and she throws you under the bus.

So, so this girl that you say is a good person, I’m not buying it. Holly Jonas is bad news. She is a selfish little, little liar whom I absolutely despise with every fiber of my being. Honey,

you know you could have come to me. I’m sorry. I thought I was protecting you. So you confided in Eric. Why? Because he was a priest? Because Holly and I are close. Hold on. Hold on. It doesn’t matter who confided in who. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the here and now. That’s my son. Who’s been in a halfway house going through hell because you’ve been lying for weeks, Holly!

Brady, I’m sorry. It was a horrible mistake. One that I will regret for the rest of my life. I just wish I told the truth from the beginning. So how do we know you’re telling the truth right now? Because, because I have proof. Proof? It’s in my room. Show me.

I have a pretty heavy rotation today, so I’m going to be home a little late. It’s just so much of this. I’ll probably be stuck in the same spot when you get home from work tonight. Well, you know. Be sure to check on the wee bear every once in a while. Oh, I will definitely be peeking in on the wee bear in every 10 minutes or so, so not to worry there.

And I’ll call during my breaks to check in on my sweethearts, all right? Now, get to sleuthing. I have a very good feeling about this. I’m not going to give up until I find something. I know you will.

Oh, I could never make it as a detective. Just searching for clues all day. Needles in a haystack.

Are you done with your nap already? Oh dear. Come here, darling. It’s okay. Shh, shh, shh, shh. Yes, it’s okay. Daddy’s here, don’t you worry. And he’s not gonna let anyone send him up the river for something he didn’t do. Don’t you worry. No. I’ll make you proud of me soon enough, Victoria. That I promise. Are

you ashamed of me, Mom? Honey, how can I be ashamed of you when I know you only withheld the truth to protect me? I just, I wish you had come to me about this. I’m really sorry. I just, I didn’t want you to fall apart. I love you for that. I do, but I’m fine. I’m a lot stronger than you think. So, um, show me this proof.

Isn’t that the jewelry box you got last year at the garage sale? That’s what I told you on the way.

I don’t know what to say.

Look, we need to go downstairs and show everyone this. Right now.

Here they are. These are mine. I promise you, Tate was shocked when he saw these at the New Year’s Eve party. I even offered him some, but he wouldn’t take them. He was upset that I was going to. He tried to stop me from taking them. Holly. And yet you let my son take the blame for your overdose this whole time.

Well, you know, maybe she didn’t remember right away. Maybe she only remembered recently. Is that it, Holly? Did the coma affect your memory?

So how was the scan? Being in that tube was a very weird experience, let me tell you. Oh, thank God I’m not claustrophobic. Oh, and having to lie perfectly still for another 30 minutes. Well, that was hard for you, I’m sure. Oh, oh. Paulina? Babe, I’m sorry I kept you waiting. Oh, no, no. No problem. Oh, so, what did the oncologist, uh, have to say?

Well, uh, he was called away, but he asked me to go through your test results. Okay, so Tell us the good news.

Please, will you quit yelling at me? Oh my god, do you not understand how upsetting this is, Tate? I mean, this has been hell on all of us. Me. Me, most of all. So I don’t need you getting mad at me on top of everything else.

You’re right. You’re right. I’m sorry. I, you’re right. I should, I shouldn’t be lashing out on you. Don’t worry.

Okay, look, um. I want to tell you something. And I’m really, really hoping that you’re going to take it to heart. Is this going to be another lecture on relationships? No, no, it’s not, it’s not a lecture per se. It’s just a few words of, of wisdom. So Relationships are complicated. Yeah? And um, I know I’ve had my fair share.

share of them, and I have learned a lot. I’m sure you have, Mom. But this isn’t like when you were younger. Everything’s different now. Okay, fine, yes. Maybe we didn’t use apps back in the day, or what do you, what do you call it? When you ghost each other, or we didn’t communicate on social media, but those feelings that you get when you’re involved with somebody, they’re exactly the same.

What? And you think I don’t know that? Just let me I’m not a little boy anymore. Let me finish, please.

You know that rush? That rush that you feel when you’re involved with somebody? That’s infatuation. A crush. But guess what?

It’s exciting, but it’s temporary. It’s not the basis of a strong and healthy relationship. Not something that can last decades, like your grandparents marriage. I’m not looking for something that can last decades. Oh, I know I’m not a little kid, but I’m not middle aged. I’m not looking to get married. I know.

I know that you’re not middle aged or looking to get married, Kate. But you are ready to start thinking about relationships. And you have to understand, the key to a successful relationship is is mutual respect. And you think I don’t know that? Well, I don’t know. I think you clearly forgot that one when it comes to Holly because she clearly does not respect you or she wouldn’t have let any of those things happen.

And she doesn’t give a damn that you were falsely accused of a terrible crime or she would have come forward and told the truth. Am I wrong?

I’m sure she has her reasons for not being able to tell the truth.

There it is. Making excuses for inexcusable behavior.

Okay, well, this is turning into somewhat of a lecture now, so I am gonna just stop there and I’m gonna just keep it really simple. And I just want you to ask yourself this. Tate, look at me. Ask yourself. Do I trust Holly enough for her to be honest? Will she always have my back? Where

was I? Witness number five. I was getting in my car in front of the bistro and I heard sirens, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I thought I saw someone running away from the back. I think it was a man, but I’m not sure. It could have been a large dog. Big help. Witness number five. Now, let’s see here. Witness number six.

There were a number of homeless people in the area, probably junkies. One man was passed out against a what? What’s that got to do with anything?

I envy you, little one. Why wouldn’t give for a nap right now? But sir, No rest for the wicked. Witness number seven. I heard two gunshots and saw a man crumble to the ground. I was across the river and could barely see only figures in the shadows. Bollocks.

You’re scams. Show that you are in complete remission. There is no sign of cancer. God. Oh, for this wonderful, wonderful news. I germed up the doctor. Oh, does this mean you have to scrub up again? No, no, no, no, no. Uh, it’s totally okay. Moments like this are the best part of my job. Paulina, I am I’m so happy for you.

Oh, I’m even happier for me. Oh my gosh. Oh, well, so what’s next? I mean, I know I have to, you know, have those radioactive iodine treatments again, right? Yes. So, um, once that’s scheduled, you will be on your way. Admitted to the hospital and then you’ll be isolated for a few days and after that, you’ll have to take a couple of precautions, all of which will be explained to you in detail, and you can always look up any instructions on the hospital portal.

Oh, so, but, yeah, okay, but, uh, what about, you know, after that, when I, when I go home, um, will I still be able to have all the Bear Claws from Sweet Biz to my heart desire. Oh yeah. I can have some too, can’t I? Oh yes. And once, once your treatment is completed, you can have as many Bear Claws or anything from Sweet Biz.

It can be a healthy part of your diet. Oh, fine. Fine. Well then, eh, babe and I, oh, we’ll be, we’ll be just fine. Oh yes, we will. We’ll be just fine. We will. Oh, God bless you. No, it wasn’t the coma. I mean, yeah, at first my memory was a little bit fuzzy, but after a day or so, I remembered everything. And then because what I heard you say about blaming yourself, I lied, and I didn’t know how to take back that lie.

I mean, I was too much of a coward to take it back. Well, Holly, I’m sorry, but I’m done with the talk, okay? I don’t know if they get it, but I get it. You decided to not hurt your mother’s feelings and ruin my kid’s life instead. All right, EJ, here’s what’s gonna happen. I want you to get my kid out of that halfway house, now.

And I want all the charges dropped on him, now. You understand? It can’t happen immediately, Brady. It’ll take time. Time is something you don’t have, because if it doesn’t happen immediately, I will file a civil suit. By the way, I want an apology, EJ. A very public apology for my son. I want it in newspapers, I want it in The Spectator, I want it in skywriting!

Damn it. It’s okay, your stepfather will take care of this, it’ll be fine. Mom! No, it won’t be fine! I made such a mess out of everything! Nothing will ever be fine again! Honey. Hey, Nicole. Let her go. Let her go. It’s okay. It’s okay. How

long have you known? Um, she told me today. After christening, I just I just felt that was her place to tell you, not mine. You’re one of the few people I know who still keeps the confidence. Yeah, well, my seminary training still kicks in now and then. You know, she wasn’t going to go to the christening. But then I told her, you know, if she doesn’t go, then we’re not going to go.

I’m glad you were all there. It meant a lot to me. Yeah. Me too.

Somehow comforting. You know, I felt a little, just a little bit closer to my little boy, up in heaven. Nicole, you’re a, you’re a good mother. Well, I don’t feel like one right now. But if Holly learns from her mistakes, then It’s taken care of. Um,

for being there for Holly. Always. Hey, Jane. Hey,

you. Hi.

That was a very brave thing you did in there.

I love you, you know?

I love you, too. You know, sometimes I just wish that you and mom would

You know,

your mom and I, we’re, we’re both happily married now. Which means you have even more people. In your life, who care about you?

I’m always here for you. I know.

Oh, thank you again, dear Sarah, for getting me through this. I know I could be a handful. Oh, well, you know, maybe two handfuls. No, you are not a handful at all, Paulina. You, in fact, are my favorite patient. And not just mine. All the nurses and doctors here love being around you. You make us feel appreciated.

Oh, laughter is important, right? Especially around here. It is, it is. And make sure that you check your records online and make a follow up appointment with your oncologist. Oh, we can do that. Okay, okay, well, um, we’ll see you, dear, and um, take care. And enjoy that precious little girl of yours. I absolutely will.

And you guys take care, both of you. Okay.

Hey. Hey. Is everything okay? I’m just super frustrated. It’s like, I’ve been searching for hours, and I’m just banging my head into a brick wall over and over again. It’s like an endless maze of dead ends. You will find something, and I’ll help you as soon as I’m home. Oh, that’d be great. Thank you. Okay, I have to go do my rounds, but, um, maybe take Victoria for a jog.

Clear your head. Well, that’s a fantastic idea. It’ll give us an excuse to test out that new stroller your mum gave us. Okay, well, let me know how it goes. Kiss my girl for me. I will. Love you. I love you too. Did you hear that, little one? Mommy sends kisses. Yes. And she thinks that we should get some fresh air.

So, we’re gonna go play with your new stroller. What do you think of that, pumpkin? I’ll just get changed into my jogging clothes and Wait a minute. Rafe said that one of the witnesses described my jogging clothes. I wear them every time I run. They’re pretty distinctive.

So it’s done? EJ made the calls? That was quick. What? Um, Justin, this is really, really good news. Um, uh, let us know if we can do anything else. Okay, thank you. What’s going on? Pack your bags. Buddy, you’re coming home. What? Are you serious? Thousand percent. I’m coming home now? Today? Oh my god, I can’t believe it.

What’s it? Well, you just. It just goes home, and we just wait for what happens next? No, what happens next is going to happen tonight. Justin’s going to have someone come to the house and take that ankle monitor off. What? I don’t have to wear this stupid thing anymore? No, you don’t, because all the charges have been dropped, including the restraining order, and Justin confirmed it with EJ.

This, I, I, I just, this, this is, this is fantastic. It’s so unexpected, but why, what happened? Holly, Holly admitted it. Holly admitted that Tate had nothing to do with the overdose, that the drugs were hers, and that he even tried to stop her from taking the drugs. Oh, thank God. Finally. Son, everyone now knows that you were telling the truth all along.

Oh, wait a minute. What do we have here?

Oh my god, something, something must have

Well, that’s what I get for wearing the same tracksuit all the time. Victoria, this is it. It’s a slam dunk. Yes, yes indeed. Daddy’s gonna be a free man. Your daddy is gonna be free.

Well, my two favorite words in the world are now cancer and free. Ooh, smashed together in one sentence, of course. Oh, yeah. You know, I had a feeling. I had a feeling, but until you hear it from the doctor, I I just couldn’t rest easy. Well, I’m going to rest easy tonight. Just want to spend a cozy night at home with my husband.

Blissful and carefree. Oh, Abel, I have never, never loved a humble or bold as much as I do at this moment. Yeah, I know, I know, I gotta have to spend several days at the hospital again for that iodine treatment. But for now I’m not going to worry. Well, it’s just standard procedure. You’ll get through it with flying colors.

Oh, well, flying colors is fine. Fine with me. As long as I don’t glow in the dark. Oh, you are always glowing, my darling. Only when you’re around. E. J., what a day. Yeah.

But I am grateful for Eric helping out and encouraging Holly to be truthful. Well, she obviously loves and trusts him, which gives him credibility to me. Yeah. Yeah, Eric and Holly, they have a very special connection. So you had the charges dropped? Done deal. Okay. Thank you. I’m sure you had a steamroll over bureaucracy, and I, I know that Holly will be relieved as well.

And I’m sure she will be, since it’s obviously been weighing heavily on her, her deception. And it’s obvious that she cares about Tate a great deal. But we’ve known that for a while.

And now I’m wondering, and I’m sure you are as well, Who did she get those drugs from? Did she go off on her own looking for them? I don’t know, EJ. I don’t know. But we’re going to have to question her. Where they came from and, and who gave them to her. And not just for the obvious reasons, but because they nearly killed her.

And that would have destroyed you, I know. Yes. But now the most important thing is to support her. Help her through this very difficult time. And we will do that together. As a family.

So Holly confessed. She did. She did to me, to Eric, to her mother, even to EJ. Our lovely DA, who is probably very humbled at the moment. Yeah. Wow, I can’t believe it. Holly really came through for me. Yeah. Finally. And I’m going to call my dad as soon as we wrap up, because your grandparents are going to be very upset.

Very happy that you are coming. Let’s go out and celebrate. Bistro! Oh, no? Bad idea. Brady Pub! Better. I should call Holly. Um, why don’t you wait until you’re settled in? You know what? Don’t go overboard with thanking her. Okay? Because I’m still very, very angry with what she’s put you through. I was angry too.

But I’m not anymore. I mean, come on. She told everyone she didn’t have to I told her she didn’t have to What what do you mean? The last time Holly and I talked I Told her she didn’t have to tell the truth about the drugs to anyone Hey You’re gonna continue to let her off the hook continue to take the fall for her Why do you keep protecting her like this?

You are aware. She almost ruined your life. Please stop It’s okay. It’s over now. Okay. Okay, you’re right. Yes, it’s over. It’s over. You’ve been vindicated. I’m so gleeful. So should I start packing now? Yeah, but you should start packing right now. Man, I cannot wait to get out of this place. Oh my god. Come here.

I don’t know.

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Days Opinions For The Week Of March 25, 2024

Opinion Article


by Michele & Cheryl

John from Days

Maybe it’s just us but we find it hard to believe that John was so broken up about killing Konstantin’s daughter. John has killed people in the past and some of them were probably innocent. Now he is suddenly so upset that he killed Konstantin’s daughter. Speaking of Konstantin, we find it hard to believe he forgives John for killing her. He was like a man on a mission trying to make John pay for what he did. Now suddenly Konstantin wants to forgive John. Since he still has the pawn card, Konstantin probably has plans to make John his pawn.

Was Theresa really angry about Alex was “dating” Kristen because she loved him or was she trying to hold on to her meal ticket? She was the one who didn’t want to be with Alex so she didn’t have a right to be upset that they could be together. Theresa should have thought about her plan before she decided to break up with him. She must have thought she could have things both ways.

Brady wasn’t acting like a man who wasn’t interested in Kristen. He seemed jealous at the idea of Alex being with Kristen. When Alex and Theresa got together, he seemed jealous that they were dating. Now that Alex is “dating” Kristen, Brady was jealous again. Does Brady secretly have feelings for both women? Brady is in denial about his feelings for Theresa and Kristen.

Eric proved he’s the worst husband in the world. We don’t know why Sloan would even want to be with him. Eric always puts Nicole ahead of her no matter what the situation is. We know Sloan is a kidnapper, but Eric doesn’t. He continues to put Nicole ahead of Sloan regardless of her feelings. Eric should think about his wife’s feelings instead of his ex’s. How would he feel if the shoe were on the other foot? He would expect Sloan to choose him over her ex.

Do the writers need to consult the soap bible so they can remember the history of the characters? The people in Salem tend to forget that they are related. Theresa referred to Sloan as Sloan Peterson as if they aren’t related through marriage. Tate referred to Johnny as Holly’s stepbrother as if they weren’t cousins. Johnny and Tate are linked more than Holly and Johnny, yet Tate acted as if Holly was closer to Johnny than he was.

We loved seeing Jada rip into Stephanie about Everett. At first, we thought Jada was being a little hard on Stephanie when she said she wouldn’t have hooked up with Everett if she knew he was married, but the longer they were talking, we were Team Jada. Jada was right about Stephanie standing by Everett’s side when Jada told her what he did to her. Stephanie was acting as if Everett needed her by his side just because he didn’t have anyone else in Salem. She didn’t care about her friendship with Jada. Jada doesn’t have family in Salem either, but Stephanie’s concern was Everett.

Why wouldn’t Eric’s siblings be at Jude’s christening? It’s not believable that Carrie and Rex would miss the christening. You would think the writers would have written an excuse for why none of them were there. It’s a safe bet that the christening wasn’t planned on short notice, so they had time to be there. We understand they aren’t on the show anymore, but they could have recasted them or made an excuse for why they are there.


Eric from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Nitpicks & Flubs For The Week Of March 25, 2024

Nitpicks & Flubs


by Michele & Cheryl

Sarah from Days


-Sarah could be heard putting cups down while Kristen was shown.

-Xander could be heard talking to Sarah while John, Marlena, Steve, Maggie, and Konstantin were shown.

-Theresa called Sloan “Sloan Peterson.” She didn’t have to say Sloan’s last name when she’s married to her cousin.

-Kristen could be heard talking to Brady while Sloan was shown.


-Stephanie could be heard talking to Kayla while Wendy and Tripp were shown.

-Abe could be heard talking to Paulina while Wendy and Tripp were shown.

-Alex’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Jada could be heard questioning Tripp while Theresa was shown.


-Nicole could be heard talking to Holly while Eric was shown.

-Everett could be heard talking to Stephanie while Tate was shown.

-Everett could be heard talking to Stephanie while Harris was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Holly while Eric was shown.

-Tate referred to Johnny as Holly’s stepbrother as if he’s not his cousin.

-Stephanie could be heard talking to Everett while Tate was shown.


-Earlier in the week Sloan was okay with Nicole hosting Jude’s christening. When she was recasted, she suddenly had an issue with Nicole hosting.

-The music playing in Eric and Sloan’s scene could be heard while Leo was shown.

-Theresa could be heard talking to Brady while Sloan was shown.

-Brady’s flashback could be heard before it was shown.

-Nicole could be heard talking to Holly while Eric and Sloan were shown.


-Tate could be heard reading from his journal while Leo was shown.

-The priest could be heard talking to Leo while Tate was shown.

-Tate could be heard reading from his journal while Sloan was shown.


Tate from Days

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

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Days Transcript Friday, March 29, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Jude, you have become a new creation and have clothed yourself in Christ. See in this white garment, the outward sign of your Christian dignity, unstained into everlasting life of heaven. Amen. Sorry. So sorry. And sorry to you as well, oh lord. Oh lord. I have something to say. Something that is very important.

Something that cannot wait. Leo, what are you doing? What I should have done from the very beginning.

I should have told the truth from the beginning. And I never would have been in this mess. I lied for Holly so many times. And I helped her break up Johnny and Schnell. And then she ODs and I lie because I don’t want her to get in trouble. And then the only one who gets in trouble is me. Sir, are you sure you don’t want to schedule that private confession in the confessional?

No, this is something I need to say in front of everyone.

I get that telling the truth is hard, but Holly said she would. So why the hell did I tell her not to? I know why? Because I want her to think I was this totally selfless. God, it was so dumb and pathetic. Now I’m going to be stuck in this stupid room, writing in this stupid ass journal for a long time. And I have no one to blame but myself.

I’ve been to a lot of interrupted salient weddings, but a christening? Leo. Don’t make me regret inviting you. Why was he invited? Shall I summon the police and have Leo removed so he can crack on with the baptism? Honey, he hasn’t committed a crime. No, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Oh. Shh, shh, shh.

What I neglected to say, well, the truth is, um,

I didn’t disclose that I am covering today’s blessed event for the society pages of the spectator. Therefore, if anybody has any objections to their photograph being taken. Speak now or forever hold your peace. Is that all? No. While I have the floor, I would also like to say, I know a lot of people here have suffered losses.

Speaking for myself, I lost the love of my life.

Not to death, but still, my heart aches for him and always will.

Nicole and EJ lost their baby, which was a terrible loss. And I know that it’s just the tip of the iceberg of losses that people gathered here today have suffered.

But precious baby Jude, who is being christened here today, Has his entire life in front of him.

And that brings us hope. And I am honored to be his very godfather. Some may cast a skeptical eye, but that is a role that I take very seriously. You see, this little boy means a lot to me because

Well, because he’s an amazing kid. Two godfathers for the price of one. Here’s one lucky kid.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

Parents and godparents, this light is entrusted to you to be kept burning brightly. This child of yours has been enlightened by Christ. He is to walk always as a child of the light. May he keep the flame of faith alive in his heart. When the Lord comes, may he go out to meet him with all the saints in the heavenly kingdom.

You have been clothed in Christ, baptized in his name. Alleluia. Hallelujah. I need some air. John?

Doc, why don’t you go back inside? I’m okay. I just I didn’t feel comfortable hanging out in the house of the Lord, knowing what I’ve done. But isn’t this really the best place?

God’s mercy has no bounds. Do

you remember what I said this morning before we came to the christening?

I urged you to focus on the blessings of the day. Our family and a new child. Forget about your own pain for right now. Just for, just for the one day, you know, and I love you. If you can’t do that for yourself, then maybe you could do it for me, because it’s very hard for me to see you suffering.

Constantine was able to forgive you for the death of his daughter, if you even had anything to do with that. So can’t you at least forgive yourself?

My whole family’s at a baptism right now, and I hope they’re praying for a miracle for me. Because otherwise I’m gonna be trapped in this place for a really long time.

Um, okay, I’m taking off. I’m gonna go see Tate, okay? Okay, tell him I’ll be there, uh, by the time biz hours are over, okay? I will. Hey, hey. So, a little dramatic interlude? What the hell was all that about? Ah, language, Melinda. Have you forgotten that we are in a church? No, but I think you’ve forgotten not to be a blithering idiot.

My God, I think I saw my life flash before my eyes. Yeah, well, all’s well that ends well. Holly, honey. EJ and I are gonna head out. We need to get home before the guests start arriving. Okay, sounds good. Um, I’ll see you in a few. Alright, I’ll see you at home. Okay.

How was the star of the show? He was such a trooper, huh? Yes, he was. Shit. And now his little eyes are closing, so we’re gonna take him to the car. Great. You know what, I’ll be right there. Okay.


Hey. What is it? Hi, Mom. Hi, my love. Wow, nice dress. You look very pretty. Thank you, honey bunny. Um, tell us the christening. Oh, Jude got through it with flying colors. Didn’t even cry once. Really? Mm hmm. And your dad was a very, very proud godfather. Yeah, he’s gonna be a great one. Make sure to tell him that, okay?

Cause he’s not so sure. Why isn’t he sure? Oh, is it because I’m a screw up? What? No, Tade. It’s because he thinks he is, and we both know he isn’t. He loves you so much with all of his heart. He’s a really good dad. Actually, I, I took this picture of him at the christening. Like, there he is. With his godson. Oh my god, he’s holding him like a little football.

Yeah, he used to hold you like that too, you know. Are you scrolling for pictures of Holly, Doug? No, I was actually looking for one of you and Alex. Didn’t he go with you? No. Actually, we broke up. Oh. I didn’t know. It’s because of me, isn’t it? You

doing okay?

You know, I knew it was going to be hard watching Eric and Sloane christen their son after just losing our little baby. But I, I am glad that I showed myself I could get through it. And you did. You were heroic, in fact.

Hey, Jay, I don’t, I don’t know about that. I, I just, my whole goal was to not fall apart and I think I managed that. Anyway, thank you, thank you. For letting me do this. Throwing the reception, I mean. I’m not letting you do anything, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you. How generous you are. So nice that you, that you’re willing to do this, that you want to do this.

I don’t know how you feel about Eric. But this is important to you, so it’s important to me.

You know, I couldn’t help but be distracted by Holly at the church. I mean, I know she was reluctant to go because she didn’t want to be around Theresa and Brady, but it’s important. I mean, she’s just not only seemed uncomfortable, but she seems so sad. It’s not like her at all. Hey, she’s been through a hell of a lot.

I’m sure it’s just gonna be a long time before she feels like her old self again. Yeah? It’s okay. Eric, if I

tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone else? I promise. I might not be a priest anymore. But anything said in confidence here is sacred to me. I promise. Whatever you share with me will stay between us. Okay, then. God, I’m ashamed I’ve kept this a secret for so long and I don’t think you’re going to be too shocked when I tell you this, but you’re going to be really disappointed in me.

The night that I OD’d, I’m 100 percent sure the drugs I took weren’t teeth. Because they were mine.

Oh, you’re still here? Yeah, and I’d like a word. I sense a lecture coming. Leo, while I am very grateful you didn’t blow our baby swap secret sky high in the middle of Jude’s christening, How should I say this? Are you insane? Look, me in a church is like Mother Teresa in a casino. I was a fish out of water.

I was overwhelmed by the majesty of it all. And that priest, he got me feeling all repentant. Then I looked over at Nicole, and she looked so sad, and I started thinking about the night Jude was born, and I don’t know. I think I was compelled by the Holy Ghost. Whatever, the point is I was moved to do the right thing by Nicole and EJ.

Until EJ mentioned calling the authorities and you realized how much trouble you would be in. Well, yeah, until then. That’s part of why I decided to shift gears. Yeah, and before you did that strategic shifting, I highly doubt you considered how much trouble we’d be in. Although I imagine you thinking of your gravy train ending factored into you not blurting out the truth.

Well, I saw Sloane looking all Madonna esque. Oh, the Virgin, not the Queen of Pop. The Virgin. Oh, clearly it was an apparition. And then I glanced at Nicole and I thought about that pouty teen Holly and what a hot mess she’s turned out to be and I thought, it might be best for everyone if I keep my mouth shut.

Yeah. So I did. Will you both stop looking at me like I’m Vlad the Impaler? I am looking at you like you’re Leo the loose lipped nutjob who almost ruined my life! And mine! And yours! Well, almost doesn’t count, now does it? Look, I promise I will never be tempted again to tattle on the three of us. Can you both stop being negative Nancys and let’s go party?

The champagne sitch at the DiMera mansion, it is on point. I would not.

Hello everybody. Hey. Hi. See you again.

Marlena. Oh. John. Hey buddy. How’s it going? Eh, it’s going well. Where’s your wife? Well, she was hoping to get here on time, but they were short staffed at the hospital. She couldn’t leave. Oh, what a shame. Hey. Hey there. Hi there. Hi. And where’s, uh, where’s Kate? Well, she’s here. She’s helping, uh, put up the buffet tables.

That, uh, Christine was very moving, wasn’t it? It was perfect.

Joan, um What are you up to? Catch that incredible Royals Rangers game Sunday? No, I missed it. Excuse me. What did I say? It’s not you, man. Is he okay? Marlena. No, he’s not.

Damn you all.

Talking to yourself? Never a good sign. I’m here because I love Eric and his little boy, but I can’t get out of this house soon enough. You’re free to leave anytime. E. J. It was so kind of you and Nicole to host the reception. Oh, this was all Nicole’s idea. I assume it’s my fault that Sammy isn’t here today?

No. Could be further from the truth. Sammy actually had a friend who’s recently lost her husband, so she felt she had to be with her. Oh, I see. And Belle? Belle is with Sean. Oh. Well, I wish them all the very best. No, you don’t. Demures don’t wish the very best to anybody but themselves. Just screw everybody else.

John. My grandson is locked up because of that stuff your brother is spreading out there on the street. Running a drug front for Clyde West and doesn’t get any more evil than that. And I

And you’ll what? John.

Stay away from my family, Junior. You’re real. Or I’ll You need to learn to finish your sentences, John. I think you know how he was going to finish that sentence.

No, Tate. Alex and I didn’t break up because of you. Why would you think that? Guys, you’ve had to take so much time dealing with my problems, worrying about me. You are my priority. You always will be. I’m done. Alex and I, we, we took a break because of a lot of reasons. Took a break? Does that mean that you’re going to get back together?

Why do you care? I don’t know. I guess because I don’t like seeing you alone, Mom.

Well, that’s really sweet. Um, I don’t know. Well, maybe Alex and I might get back together again. Hmm. Time will tell.

Finally made it. Oh, hi. Hi. I’m, I’m glad you did. And I think you’ll be happy to know that Kristen agreed to steer clear from today’s festivities. Oh, well, it’s always a pleasure not to see Kristen. It’s open to see Rachel, though. Brady, I’m sorry. I, I can’t. It’s Imagine being separated from my own child.

Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s pretty bad. But it’s also pretty selfless of you to do this for Eric and Sloane, given that you just recently lost a child. I mean, everything you’ve been through, really? Brady, it’s not selfless, it’s selfish. You know, I guess I’m just trying to prove to everyone, including myself, that I can be truly happy for them.

And are you? Mostly. More or less. You know, I really thought everyone would be here by now, and, and, and, we’re in the world with Holly. You must be so disappointed in me. I’m not here to judge you. I promise I won’t tell anyone. But I insist that you tell your parents. No, I can’t. Tate even said I shouldn’t.

Do you really think Tate wants to stay in a halfway house because of what you think your parents are going to think of you? Eric, it’s not about me. It’s about my mom. She’s going to have such a hard time when she finds out I’m not her perfect little girl. She’s going to blame herself for everything. For the baby dying, my ODing, and After all she’s been through, this would kill her, Eric.

Holly, your mom is a lot stronger than you think. I don’t know. Well, I do. She is tough, and she is resilient. Trust me, I know.

You’re in agony, all because of this.

Tate is suffering because of your behavior. Yeah, I know.

Holly, you need to do this. Not just for Tate, but for yourself.

Eric, are you coming? Can’t have the guest of honor being late. You’re right. I’ll be right there.

Holly, I want you to think about what I said.

When’s this party getting started? Uh And where are the guests of honor? No idea. Ah, I have arrived. Well, this should liven things up. Bill. Huh? What was that all about, to start you, Paul? Back at the chapel? What do you mean, stunned? All I did was give a heartfelt speech about love and loss and the preciousness of life.

For which I got a round of applause, left many people feeling verklempt in case you didn’t notice. Yeah, well your speech didn’t exactly start out heartfelt. Alright, and why would you interrupt the christening? Just to tell people that you were here to cover the event. Prospector, why? Why would you cross examine a guest at said christening whose only intention was to lift people’s spirits?

Whose only agenda today is to celebrate your adorable grandson with whom I have a very special relationship. And why would I actually somewhat believe this guy for once?

All right. How are you doing? Well, I’m, I’m okay. But I’m, I’m not sure about Holly. I mean, at first she wasn’t going to come to the service at all. And then she changed her mind and said she was going to drive herself. And then when I told her EJ and I were leaving, she said she’d be along in a few minutes.

And now I, I don’t know where There she is. Oh, honey, honey, honey. Stop. Oh, my God. No, no, honey. I’m fine.

Hey, buddy. I saw you staring at the old man’s portrait. You know, back in the day, when I worked for Victor, I did that willingly. But I had no choice when Dr. Rolf implanted that chip in my brain. And for all intents and purposes, turned me into Stefano.

I could have killed you, John. I came real close. But you didn’t. You didn’t kill me because there was something inside of you that stopped you. No. It was sheer luck. You saved yourself.

Well, I just wish I could have done something to save that young woman.

Holly, what are you doing out here? Uh, you know, I just, um, needed some fresh air. It’s really stuffy in there. Yeah, it’s a little chilly outside. You’re not even wearing a coat. Why don’t you come inside?

You know, I was, I was actually hoping that Johnny and Chanel would be here. I, I’d ordered them a wedding gift and it finally arrived and I thought I would give it to them. I actually have it in my trunk. Oh, that’s very thoughtful of you, Marlena. As you may know, Johnny and Chanel have hardly left Paulina’s side, but they did manage to carve out some time and get to the Salem Inn to celebrate their wedding night.

Albeit a few weeks late. Okay. Thanks for letting me know. You’re welcome. I love it. Stefanoff’s. Gotta be turning in his grave. A house full of braids, celebrating a happy family occasion. Steve, would you tell me what’s going on with that guy? Sorry, dude. Not my story to tell. Sorry everyone. We had a diaper emergency, but, uh, you see all these people there for you, bud.

What do you think? Oh. Damn, where’s that plastic bag? You mind if I try? Yeah, we can play pass the pussy, baby. Yeah. There you go. Alright.

Wow, so many friendly faces, not one of them’s a fellow JD. Hey, you are not a juvenile delinquent, Tate. Oh, Uncle Eric looks so happy in this one. But, Nicole doesn’t, she looks really worried, doesn’t she? Yeah, actually, in that picture, she does. It’s weird, right? I mean, I think that she’d be happy now that Holly’s out of her coma and doing really well.

Still, I think it was really rough for her to go today, you know, considering she lost a baby a few months ago.

Someone’s had a big day. Yes. It was a great day. Oh yeah. Here you go, mama. Almost perfect.

Uh, if I could have everyone’s attention, please, just for a second. I would love to make a toast. To my beautiful, beautiful godson. And to my brother. And my sister in law. My brother Eric. He’s been waiting a long time to be a dad. And I have no doubt that he’s gonna be a hell of a good one. I learned from the best.

And Sloane, You’ll undoubtedly be a wonderful mother. So with that, Cheers, and God bless! Cheers!

Where the hell is Holly?

Serenity House, Salem. This is Olivia. How may I help you? Hello. May I please speak with Tate Black? This is his mother. Tate? You have a call? Hello? It’s your mother? What?

I’m his mother. I will take that call. Thank you. Who is this? Hello?

So what do you think, Doc? Can we get out of here yet? Oh. I’m sure Eric will understand. All right.

Hey, great party. Especially the food. Yeah, I agree. Are you leaving already? And by the way, where’s Kate? Uh, she’s helping pack up the leftovers. We’re gonna donate them to a food bank. Well, that’s very nice of you. Eric, darling, it’s been a wonderful party, but we have to go. Okay. It was a beautiful christening.

Thank you. Thank you all for being here. Hey, we love that little guy. And we love this big guy too. We’ll see you, Eric. Love you. Love you. Congratulations, man.

Well, this boy’s looking ready for a nap. I think the party’s over. Yeah, okay, um

Something wrong? Can I get a minute? I just need to talk to her before we leave. Again? Well, it’s important. Well, Jude’s about to start screaming his head off, so Well, I just can’t leave yet. Well, I can’t leave yet. As awesome as this party has been, despite the boring and snooty guests, so how about I give you and the baby a ride home, swan dear?

Sure. And we’ll drop Melinda off too. Oh, great. I’ll be happy to drop Melinda on her head at her house. Hey, Leo, would you, uh, mind grabbing the seat out of the car? Sure. Shall we?


is trying to be nice but it would have been a hell of a lot easier if we could have just had the party here. Yeah, we wouldn’t have had to slap all this stuff over to that old mausoleum.

Oh good, you’re open. Don’t tell me you’re still hungry. Actually, I’m looking for a scotch. A little early, don’t you think? Don’t dare judge me, man. I have no special occasion. How about that? Does this have something to do with what’s going on with John? Could say that.

Well, you know, when I was a priest. I used to tell all my parishioners that no one was ever unworthy of God’s love and forgiveness.

But then again, I really wasn’t a priest.

Because everything that I believed about myself was a lie. As is everything that I knew. I believe about myself now. I know, I know, I know. I shouldn’t allow myself to suffer so much over this because Constantine is the one who truly suffered. But, but do you think you can come up with a way to help me get through this?

What is that? Asking too much? It’s not asking too much,

and of course he will help you with it. I will too, because we are in this together. He’s sound asleep.

Well, you did have a very big day. All that love and attention, which some people never get in an entire lifetime. All in one day. Oh, is that your excuse for being an obnoxious, unscrupulous creep? Actually, it is. What’s yours? You know what? Since you both seem to be in this let’s insult Leo mode, despite the fact that he already has very low self esteem, I will be on my way.

Leo, before you go, I need to say that what happened today can never, ever Don’t worry, I will never try and do the right thing again. We have made this pact official, Leo. No one will ever speak about how this is Nicole’s baby ever again. Hand to God. And look, if I couldn’t tell the truth in a church, what would possess me from trying to tell the truth somewhere else?

Oh wait, I know. If the money stops rolling in. How did I know you’d say that? The same way I know that the money will keep rolling in, otherwise our three lives go down the proverbial toilet. We are an unholy trinity, girls. The only three people in this town who know that that child sprang, or rather was pulled very lovingly and gently by me, From Nicole DiMera, and we are the only three who will ever know.

I’ve instructed the staff you are not to receive any more calls here. Great.

Who was that? I don’t know, Mom. You’re the one who talked to her. It was Holly, wasn’t it? Maybe. Has she done that before? Called you here? Once. Did you talk to her? I thought she was you. Oh my god, you should have hung up then. Right when you realized that it wasn’t me. I mean, do I have to remind you that there’s a restraining order here?

We just talked about this this morning. Do you want to go to jail? Tay, do you, do you want to ruin your whole future? What is wrong with that girl? Hasn’t she done enough to ruin your life? Mom. She better leave you the hell alone from now on.

Where’d everyone go? I just stepped out to take a work call. Didn’t you get them, my mom? Party’s over. It’s okay. I was, uh, on my way out anyway. I’m going to see Tate. Leave her alone. What do you mean, leave her alone? I was just stating a fact, EJ. Which you only stated to upset my stepdaughter. Okay, can we please not do this now?

Fine. Yeah. I’m outta here. Bye. Brady, wait. Don’t go yet. Why? I’m sorry, Mom. I’m so, so sorry. Sorry, honey, for what? The drugs.

The night that I OD’d. The drugs were mine.

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Days Transcript Thursday, March 28, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, you clean up nice. Oh, sorry. A lot on my mind. You look lovely as per usual. And you seem awfully distracted right now. Um, I assume it’s about Stefan turning himself in? It is. It’s a lot to process. But you know what? Not today. I’m going to compartmentalize, as they say. And we should get going, actually.

I’ll get Holly. Oh, hey! Why aren’t you dressed? We’re gonna hit the road in like five minutes. I’m not going. Well, well! If it isn’t the godmother herself. And how are you this glorious morning? Doing well, Leo. And you? I’m fine. Exceptional to a fault, as always. Exceptionally overdressed for working at the paper, no?

Uh, Lady Whistleblower is always fashion forward, no matter the venue. Today, however, Lady W is playing hooky. Oh, well, if you excuse me. So, where is it? Where’s what? The christening gift for your godchild. Bad form for the godmother to forget something so important. But maybe, just maybe, yours truly may have the fix.

Did you pack more bottles? Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I also packed some extra onesies, because who knows, I don’t think it’s gonna be able to stay in that christening gown. Not long, I’m guessing. Yeah? Oh, I cannot believe you used to wear this. Well, you know, it’s family tradition, and uh, as you know, you just keep it going.

Yeah. I just can’t stop smiling. Uh, yeah. I can see that. I knew this was going to be the happiest day of our lives. And now that it’s here, it’s just kind of like, Wow. Hey, what are you thinking? Oh, God, it’s just, Having the party at the DiMera’s with Nicole hosting. I, I, I’m trying to stay positive, Eric, I really am.

But I, I don’t know how to feel about it. I’m still so, so uncomfortable. Sloane, we talked about this. I know, I know, I know we have. And I know, especially on a day like today, I should be more forgiving. But every time I look at Nicole, all I think about Is, is, you know, when she thought June was her baby and, and, and kidnapped him.

I mean, do you know how hard it is for me to not think about that?

You know, Godfather, it’s got a nice ring to it, huh? Have you given it a spin? The Godfather. A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man. That’s not bad. Thank you. Yeah. Maybe I should bring some cannolis. That’s funny. I know. Are you gonna eat that breakfast? Cause I will. Hey, hey, hey.

I got a fork here. I’m not afraid to use a fork, okay? I know. Alright. Actually, you know what? I have to call Tate. Um, Okay.

Hi, can I speak to Tate Black, please? Yes, this is his mother, Teresa Donovan.

Hi baby, how are you? Good. Um, listen, so the plan is I am gonna come and visit you after Jude’s christening and then your dad, he’s, he’s gonna come see you after the party.

Yes, of course we’re gonna see Holly at the chapel. Oh, I hate seeing Tate like that. I mean, he seems so upbeat, and then when Holly’s name got brought up, he I know, and he’s upset about the restraining order. I mean, he’s gotta stay a hundred feet away from her, which I think is extreme, but it’s no surprise EJ’s driving this train now.

I don’t know. You know, if they were to stay a million miles apart from each other, I really wouldn’t mind. God, Brady, why can’t that girl just come clean and tell everybody that Tate did not give her the drugs? Tracy, you know why? Because she’s, she says she doesn’t remember what happened that night on New Year’s Eve.

Well, let’s just hope that Sloane Peterson comes up with something to force EJ to drop the charges. God, I don’t, I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think our boy is going to be in that halfway house until, you know, Till the trial. But you know what? You shouldn’t be worrying about her. You should be focusing on your schoolwork instead of thinking about the girl who got you into this mess.


do you need some help with that? Please. Hey. At that time when we were on vacation. Yes, we did. We got that tie from an old man on the Via Della Spiga, who couldn’t stop telling me how beautiful you are. I couldn’t stop agreeing with him. Oh, I remember that. You know, we should plan a vacation. In fact, something has occurred to me.

I’ll give you a hint. Aloha. Hmm? I see what you’re doing, Don. But running away from what you’ve done isn’t going to change anything. Okay, fine. Then what is? Because you are agonizing over something that you What is something? That something was the murder of an innocent young woman. I took her life. And that is something I gotta live with for the rest of mine.

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

John, John, by your own admission, you have no memory of that time.

And, and there’s no clear cut evidence that you had anything to do with that girl’s death. Steve was there. At the scene of the crime. And he does remember seeing anyone else there but me. Stefano and Victor were also involved. So who knows what the truth is? And I’m not even, I’m not even sure that I trust Steve’s memory.

John, you were You’re, you’re punishing yourself. You’re beating yourself up. You’re questioning who you are. That isn’t okay. Look, you, you doing this is, is, is so painful and it’s even hurting me. I’m sorry, baby, because the last thing I want to do is ever hurt you. I know that. But it does hurt me because I know you.

I love you. I know who you are. You are a good and decent man. Look at me. You need to forgive yourself. I don’t know if I can do that.

Well. How’d it go? Tate is obviously still hung up on Holly in spite of it all. I think he heard me, or at least he pretended to hear me. Oh, don’t you two look spiffy. Well, as do you both. Are you ready for the big event? Ah, the christening, definitely. The reception at the Damaris. Not so much. Okay, but we have decided that we are going to keep an open mind.

We’re gonna try. We’re all gonna try. Who knows, maybe, maybe this is the dawn of a new era of peace and harmony. All thanks to that beautiful grandson of yours. Bless his heart. And what do they say? Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Tell me you are not being serious. Oh, when it comes to giving gifts, I am never not serious. Probably in defiance of the bad gift givers in my life, like my very stingy mother, who on my last birthday gave me a partially used soap on a rope. The birthday before that, a mood ring toilet seat. I mean about the christening.

You are not actually going. Why wouldn’t I? I’m an invited guest. And to state the ombudist, there would be no event to go to had you and I not made sure that that precious little boy, soon to be christened, didn’t end up in the loving arms of Eric and Sloan, and not in the arms of his real mother, Nicole Walker Demura, who’s hosting the party, and ain’t that ironic?

All caps. Fine. I get it. You and I are connected in that way, but that doesn’t mean that we can Partners in baby stealing. Yeah. Not very proud of that. In fact, if I had to do it over again Well, you don’t have it to do over again. So let’s not talk about it right now, okay? Or ever, for that matter. Today is about the future.

A future that requires you keeping your mouth shut. That is, if you want to continue living the lifestyle you’ve grown so accustomed to. The outside of prison lifestyle. Got it?

Look at you, all dressed up in daddy’s fancy christening gown.

Oh, I’m glad it fits him. Perfectly. You all packed up? Yeah, I, I think I checked the bag like six hundred times. You ready to go? I am. Eric, I am so sorry about being such a downer about Nicole hosting the christening party. It’s okay. You were just being honest. I was, but I’m gonna take the high road, okay? I mean, it’s very kind of Nicole and EJ to host the reception, and I’m sure it’ll be a beautiful celebration for our amazing baby boy.

I’m sure it will be.

Holly, honey, of course you’re going to the christening. We’re all going to the christening as a family. Holly, what’s really going on? Nothing. Just, I don’t have the energy and the thought of being around so many people just makes my head want to explode, so. This is about self care, okay? Wait, are you, are you warm?

No, I don’t have a fever. Should I call Sarah just in case? Mom, stop, that’s enough, okay? Look, I know you’re worried about me, but I’m fine, seriously. So, you guys go to the christening without me. I don’t want to hold you up just because I couldn’t pull it together. Well, if you’re not going, I’m not going.

Bloody hell, if you’re not going, neither am I. Oh, we could all stay home.

Hmm. Tacky, tacky, Melinda, bringing up my little arrangement with Sloan, which for the record is no more odious than your arrangement with her. Well, odious arrangements aside, I comfort myself in knowing that Jude is with amazing parents. They’re gonna raise him to be the best version of himself. I’m not so sure about that.

Yes, Eric has fatherhood down to his science, but mommy Sloane, there is not a maternal bone in that woman’s body. I disagree. I think that Sloan is taking to motherhood quite nicely. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I would like to check in on my godchild. Yeah, go for it. Come on.

Guess I’ll go check in on the big man.

Look, I just wanted to tell you that I think Eric made a very wise choice when he asked you to be, to be Jude’s godfather. Alright? I know you’ll take the role to heart, and I know you’ll give that little guy all the support he needs. I was honored to be asked. Well, I was glad you accepted. Eric did mention that you were, uh, reluctant.

Thank you. At first, I was, I haven’t been very confident in my parenting skills these days. Yeah, he mentioned that too. So Brady, listen to me. All right, as hard as it is and believe me, I’ve been there. All right. You can’t blame yourself for things that are not within your control. And all we can do is love our kids unconditionally and be there for them.

Yeah. Lots

of catch up on, don’t we? Yeah. Yeah, we do. Do you know what it was like for me to watch the Super Bowl alone this year? Picked you, dad, in a room full of chicken wings and pizza and a giant 4K television and no one to It was awful. Yeah, well, I had no one’s ass to kick in fantasy basketball this year, so Okay, stop it.

And um, Mom, thank you for opening up to me. Really, for having the courage to tell me the truth about you and dad. I’m so glad I did. Just seeing you both laughing together, it just, you have no idea how happy it makes me. That’s all we can do? Yeah. And speaking of being here, I spoke to Kim the other day.

She is very grateful for what you’ve done for Teresa. Well, I was just glad that I was able to be there. Especially since I’ve been there, Roman, so Theresa and I aren’t together anymore, but she’s always going to be family. Isn’t that right, dear? That’s why you’re also a great dad, too. Alright. And that’s why you’re going to be a world class godfather.

Serious. I’m very proud. The man you’ve become, Brady. I am very, very proud of that. This is crazy.

You guys can’t miss the christening. Well, I’m not going to leave you home alone. Nor am I. And it’s not like anyone’s going to miss us. Mom, that’s ridiculous. Eric would be so crushed if you two weren’t there. The same would be said about you. Honey, Is this because Teresa and Brady are going to be there and it’ll be uncomfortable because of the situation with Tate?

It’s all of it. Okay? It’s a whole vibe. Alright, well, I promise you, Teresa and Brady will be on their best behavior. And like EJ said, you will be missed. If you’re not there, Eric loves you. And he would be sad if EJ and I weren’t there. So we are not letting you stay home alone. Like I said. Okay, fine. I get that today is important.

And you and EJ 100 percent need to be there celebrating, too. Which means I have to go. Since you won’t leave me home alone. So let me get ready. I changed my mind. Yay, Holly, I’m so relieved. And you know what, I bet it’s gonna be a beautiful christening. And it might even cheer you up, brighten your day.

Yeah. Seriously doubt that. Bye. Uh, but you guys should go without me. I don’t want to make you late. I’ll meet you there. Okay, well make sure you’re not too late, okay? Okay, I’ll try.

Teenagers, huh? Oh, they sure earn their reputation. Yeah, yeah, we understand. Yeah, we will. Love

you too. Bye.

And Kayla. She won’t be able to make it. Unfortunately, the hospital is understaffed. Oh, no, that’s too bad.

Godmother has arrived. Melinda, please come in. Hope I’m not too early. No. Uh, before the day gets too crazy, I just wanted to make sure I gave this to you. Just a little something for Jude’s savings account. Melinda, you didn’t have to do that. Well, I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to. I know. And there he is.

Hello there, beautiful. What a sweet little angel you are. Hey, Melinda. Hmm? Um, there’s something I need to talk to you about. Oh. Yeah. It’s godmother stuff. Oh, okay. Um, at the start of service, godmother, you will have to carry Jew to the front of the chapel. Will that be okay with you? I would absolutely be honored.

Hello. Are you here for a confession? How much time do you have? No, nothing to confess. Though this seems like a wonderful place to do it if I was in the market. Well, you’re always welcome. That’s good to know. I’m actually here for a christening for Jude Brady. Ah, yes. Yes. I’ve known that little tyke, your blessing, his whole life.

Isn’t that wonderful? And everyone who’s here will in some way bear responsibility to the child throughout his life. Really? Everyone here? It takes a village, as they say, to not only encourage spiritual growth in our children, but to be examples of good, kind, honest people. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish setting up.

Well, I’m good and kind. Sort of. Sometimes. A little. Honest, not so much.

For one day, can you just put aside your guilt and try to focus on the joy of this new life that we’re celebrating? All right? Can you just do it for me?

I will do that for you.

Thank you.

Why are you trying to punish yourself for something you might not even have done? Because I’ve always been afraid that I was capable of a heinous act like this. In fact, I think a part of me always knew I had. I can’t do it anymore, Doc. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t wake up in the morning, I can’t eat my oatmeal and kiss my wife goodbye and go off to the office knowing who I am and what I’ve done.

John, I don’t think you’re thinking rationally right now. No. Okay. Put yourself in my shoes. Come on, Doc. How do you move forward without dealing with the past and taking responsibility for it? I know how you’re feeling. I did. Unconscionable things at a time when I wasn’t It wasn’t you! And this wasn’t you!

It’s not the same! Well, should we head to the chapel? I think it’s about that time. Uh, give me a second. Adlai, what’s up? What? Are you okay? Are you sure? Did you get checked out? Okay, now don’t worry about that. We got that covered. Okay, don’t worry. Go home. Take care of yourself. Call me if you need anything All right Take care One of my employees he was taking the food over to the mirrors and There was car wreck fortunately, nobody got hurt but Car is, uh, undrivable.

That’s not a problem. I can take the food. I can have the dimericum. Not your problem, Katie. That’s nonsense. You’re the godfather. You’re the grandfather. You can’t be late. I’ve got this. Go. Both of you. Now. I’ve got it. Hi. It’s pretty straightforward. The priest is gonna ask you a few questions. Simple stuff.

And you know what? You’re gonna crush it. Sounds great. Um, are we ready to roll? Uh, I gotta call Sammy back. She left me a message from earlier. Great. Tell her hi from me. Tell her I wish she could be here with us. I will. Okay.

Oh my god, how am I gonna get through this? You will get through it because you have to. And because you have everything you’ve ever wanted, remember? And by the way, what’s with Leo? Was he officially invited? Couldn’t be avoided. Same thing with allowing Nicole to host the after party. But Sloane, this is your baby and your event.

Look, I understand that, that Nicole has no idea when it comes to Jude, but her and Leo in the same space for any length of time is just so risky. I know. I know. It’s a good thing I ran into him today. Leo? Yeah, I reminded him that he should keep his mouth shut if he knows what’s good for him. Well, damn well better.

Something about this place always seems to calm me down. Yeah, me too.

Is that?

That’s Leo Stark. I hope he’s not here to write some gossip. Most likely. Hello. Stunning Dr. Evans. Handsome John Black. How are you both doing today? Well, we’re just fine. And yourself? Oh, I’m feeling reflective. Spiritual. Peaceful. And also a bit God fearing, which is interfering with the other feelings. I could understand how that would happen.

But I must say, I am blown away by Eric and Sloane and their generosity inviting me to this blessed event. I’ve never been much of a churchgoer, except for when I was young and my mother forced me to go by threatening to remove my kneecaps with an ice cream scoop. Leo. But, I am certain that today is going to be enlightening, uplifting for all of us.

That Leo Stark is quite a character, isn’t he? One way to think of him. Yeah. You’re concerned about having a reporter here, though. You know, he babysat for Jude at one point. And Sloane and Eric both said he was just great. Oh! Hey! Oh, hey! And Godfather. Theresa. Hey, hey. Hi there. There he is. Are you ready for this?

Yeah, big day. And where’s Kate? Well, we had a delivery snafu at the pub, and uh, Kate kindly offered to take care of that. In fact, I gotta give her a call check in with her, so if you’ll excuse me. Right, yes, yes. Doc and I, we have made plans to go see Tate. Oh, you will appreciate that. How are the two of you holding up?

How are we holding up? We’re doing okay. We’re hitting a lot of meetings and we’re putting sobriety first. Well, we’re really just trying to stay present for Tate. Oh, that’s good to hear. Actually, speaking of visiting Tate, I’m going to go see him right after the christening. Oh, what about the demerit house gathering?

Uh, I send my regrets. I think it’s best to just steer clear of E Gen.

Don’t think that’s gonna be too easy to do. You’re looking

Lovely, Nicole. Thank you, Roman. Um, where are Eric and Sloan? I don’t know. I haven’t seen them. I’m sure they’ll be here any minute.

No interest in going to that house afterwards for the big party. Honestly, just thinking about it makes the hairs on the back of my neck just stand up. You know what? You’re a better person than I am, Brady. I’m just doing it for Eric and Jude. I’m gonna suck it up and do what’s right.


I just want to say thank you to everyone for being here on this special day. Jude, he’s really lucky to have everyone in his life. We’re all lucky. Here, here. That was very eloquent, Eric. Mercifully brief, light on the schmaltz, always preferable in my book. Thank you, Leo. And I promise that whatever happens here today will be off the record.

That precious little angel, he looks exquisite in his christening outfit. That was the same one that Eric wore when he was christened. I bet he wore it well. Um, final diaper check before the big event. How

are you doing? Well, initially I was doing okay, but I don’t know, being here in the house of the Lord and seeing a little baby, I’m having a hard time. I will be with you every step of the way. Catch you. I’m gonna go see the phone. Your father, Annie Sloan, she’s getting Jude ready for his christening. And I’m pretty sure no one else is here.

We can just wait a minute. There she is. Hi. Hi. Oh, I’m so happy you could make it. Wouldn’t have missed it. If everyone can start to take their places. Hey. Hi, Holly. How’s Tate? Oh, he’s doing really well. You know, minus the ankle monitor and the restraining order. Yeah, thanks for that, by the way. Much appreciated.

What? I’m not allowed to talk to her?

Welcome friends and family. What a glorious day to be together to celebrate this beautiful life before us. A joyous moment and a testament to the blessed gift from God to you both.

Eric and Sloan, is it your will that Jude should be baptized in the faith of the church which we have all professed with you? It is. I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. God, the father, our Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin, given you a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and he welcomes you into his holy people.

He now anoints you with the chrism of salvation as Christ was anointed priest prophet and King. So may you live always as a member of his body sharing of a lasting life. Amen. Amen. Ah! It’s a good thing Detective Hunter’s cars are rolling forward. Oh, God. Oh, God. Just breathe. Just breathe. That’s what they say in the movies, right?

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Oh, if you say deep one more time, I’m going to pull your vocal cords out. Careful. I think she means it. Ah! Ah! Where’s the baby’s father? EJ needs to be here. He’s going to be a no show, unfortunately. Oh god, it’s close. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s very close. Not that much is obvious.

And panic attack and goose bump inducing. Oh, someone needs to catch this baby. Please. Hey, I am holding her hand and hyperventilating. You’re not doing anything. Me? You’re the one who insisted on being here in the first place. Guys! Okay, okay, okay. Oh my god, oh my god. An actual human being is about to emerge from there.

I need I’m not gonna I’m not going to faint. I’m going to be calm. I’m going to be cool. No! Please, I need to push! I’m going to pretend that I am Dr. Leo Stark, who has delivered millions of babies so brilliantly that when they pop out, they don’t even cry. They just smile and wave. Now, come on! Pepper him right in here!

The baby is coming! Okay, Nicole, look at me, look at me, look at me. You got this. We have got this. I need you to take one last deep breath. Okay. And then push a little tissue. It’s a

boy. He’s so adorable. That teeny little nose. All those little fingers. He’s my precious baby. It’s a little miracle. Jude, you have become

a new creation and have clothed yourself in Christ. See this white garment as the outward sign of your Christian dignity unstained into everlasting life of heaven. Amen. Sorry. So sorry, and sorry to you as well. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. I have something to say. Something very important. Something that can’t wait.

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Days Transcript Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Oh, my. I can’t believe that you fell into this. Yeah, that’s, uh, quite unbelievable. It’s gonna be perfect for June. I think so, too. Oh, and I have a suggestion, if you don’t mind. Um, I think you would do well to, to get a port a crib. Yeah. For the reception. I mean, I don’t know if he’s going to need a nap, but I can’t imagine they will have an actual crib at the DiMera mansion.

As opposed to the pub, for which dad has watched all the Brady grandchildren since forever. I don’t understand why there was a change in venue. Nicole, she wanted to host a party for Jude. And what did Sloane say about that? She wasn’t thrilled because I said yes without asking. Oh, Eric. I know, I know. But how was I supposed to say no to Nicole?

After everything she’s been through.

So, Eric’s gonna want to take a ton of pictures tomorrow. Uh, do you think we should set up outside? I mean, the daffodils are finally blooming and I did plant those lovely California poppies. Yes. Honestly, I don’t think anything is going to beat that creepy ass Stefano DiMera portrait as a backdrop. I mean, it’ll just look like a poster for a horror movie.

That is not true. Okay, speaking of garden, do you want to go outside? I think we could both use some fresh air. Um, nah, I’d rather not. I just want to go to my room. Thanks. Honey, wait. Honey, is everything okay? No, it’s not.

Alright, Dr. Nichols told me to read back what I wrote, so uh, here goes nothing. Dear Annoying Stupid Journal, My therapist said I can write whatever I want in here, as long as it’s honest. But, I gotta say, this feels really weird. Yeah. Uh, I don’t think I’ve written by hand since the third grade. It was Tyler’s class.

God, she hated me. Anyway, I don’t need therapy to get me back on track. Get me, yeah, whatever that means. I just need to get out of here. Hi. Seriously, only you would be mainlining caffeine at this hour. Sure. That’s, uh Good idea. Well, no tremors. Haven’t keeled over yet, so that’s positive. Thanks for meeting me.

Well, I’ve been wanting to talk to you too. Oh, really? I’ve been trying to reach you with a spectator, but Chad said you’ve barely been around. Yeah, I’ve had a lot on my plate. Great. Great. Well, I’ve wanted to deal with you directly since You were the one who retained my firm. Yeah, okay. It’d be best if you hired a new PR firm for The Spectator.

I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to work together anymore.

So, uh, you wanna let me in? Are you afraid I’m gonna shoot you?

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

Alright, what can I do for you, Xander? Not a thing. I, uh, came to thank you, actually, for helping me make bail. I owe you, mate. You don’t owe me anything. I couldn’t positively ID my shooter, so the judge made the right call. He did. That’s the other reason I’m here to see you. I, I wanted to say that, yes, I have done some terrible things in my past, but I am a changed man because I’m a father now.

Nothing is more important to me than being a good person. For my daughter and for the women I love, I, I want them both to be proud of me. So I want you to know for certain, straight from the horse’s mouth. I did not shoot you, detective. I am innocent.

Steph, don’t do this. Don’t punish yourself because you’re angry with me, which you have every right to be. Look, I hired you to do PR and social media for the paper because you’re the best that there is. But if you don’t want to deal directly with me, um, I’m sure Chad would be more than happy to be your point.

I don’t want to deal directly with you in a professional setting, Everett. Bobby, I don’t even know what I should call you. I can think of a lot more names, and they’re worse than the ones you just mentioned. Does this mean you’re finally admitting that you were married when you and I were together in Seattle?

That you cheated on Jada with me?

If I understand what happened,

there’s still a lot more questions than there are answers. But yes, I have come to realize that there’s a lot more gaps in my memory than I, than I initially thought. What kind of gaps? Um, well, for instance,

I can’t remember my father. Hello.

You know that Sloan has issues with Nicole, and for good reason. So what, you want me to uninvite Nicole to the christening? You can’t, you can’t uninvite her to the christening since you already have her planning the entire reception at DiMera Mansion. I know.

You know what, it’s just that Nicole and Holly are like family to me. Oh. Well, how does Sloan feel about this? Well, she’s not exactly happy with me. But you know what, Nicole, she stopped by the house this morning and believe it or not, Sloan and Nicole, they kind of, they kind of bonded. Really? Yeah. Well, you know, Judy was a bit fussy this morning, so Nicole, she kind of calmed him down.

Yeah. So I actually seem to be grateful. Well, that’s a very positive step. Yeah. I still worry a little bit.

Worry about what?

Your relationship with Nicole is very complex. And I think you’ve got to be sensitive for other people. I am trying my best, Mom. Listen, I think you need to stop worrying too, okay? Okay, I won’t worry. I just, I just want you and Sloane to be happy. And what is that supposed to mean?

I want you to be happily married. What did you think it meant?

What’s the matter, honey? Are you Mom, relax. I’m not feeling sick. I’m just upset. About Tate. Yes, about Tate. When I told you the drugs weren’t his, I thought he’d be released from that halfway house. But instead, you didn’t believe me. Honey, it’s not that we didn’t believe you. You admitted yourself that you don’t remember everything that happened.

Well, I remember everything before that night perfectly. And I never saw Tate using drugs. Ever! Well, there’s a first time for everything. And Tate was acting awfully suspicious that night. Okay, so? It’s not like you can prove he roofied me. And why the hell did EJ have to go slap a restraining order on him?

EJ and I agree that you and Tate need to take a break from each other’s company. God. You act like Tate’s this horrible influence on me, and we literally went on one real date. And look how that turned out. Not because of Tate.

Mom, listen. What happened on New Year’s Eve, it wasn’t his fault.

It was mine.

I’m sorry. I, um, I just thought you were trying to tell me something that Cole might have Set in therapy. Well, that would be quite an ethical breach, wouldn’t it? Yeah, it would. I’m sorry that Jim’s asleep. Oh, it’s okay. I will see plenty of him tomorrow. Yeah. By the way, um, I’m looking forward to tomorrow, and Brady is, as well.

He’s taking his duties as godparent very seriously. I’m so glad you asked. With all that’s been going on with him lately. Yeah, he needed this. Yeah, I know. And of course we’re all hoping that Tate is released. As soon as Holly wakes up and, um, remembers what actually happened on New Year’s Eve. But it seems that she doesn’t remember where she got the drugs.

Brady thinks, uh, She’s not telling the truth. Of course, he, he would seriously want to believe his own son. And Nicole wants to believe Holly’s telling the truth. As much as I hate to say it, because I love, love Holly. But, say what? Brady’s not the only one who thinks Holly’s not telling the truth. Holly,

honey, look at me. She’s not. You have got to stop blaming yourself for that night. Even if Tate didn’t give you those drugs, they weren’t yours. Mom. Honey, let me just finish, okay? Marlena made me realize that self blame is a coping mechanism. And it’s just sometimes the way we deal with trauma, but You know, it’s not, it’s not really good for anyone.

And that, that night, Holly, that terrible night that you OD’d, I thought there is no way those are Holly’s drugs. Not a chance. But then, self doubt started creeping in and, and I started to question myself. And I was wondering, man, am I oblivious to what’s going on under my own roof with my own daughter? So I started to blame myself for failing you as a mother.

For not being more attentive, and, and missing out on your birthday, and, and making you worry about me when I should be worrying about you. Mom, you were going through so much when you lost that baby. Please don’t be so hard on yourself, okay? Honey, I just, I want you to understand what I’m saying. I realized that you do not do drugs, and you were the victim on New Year’s Eve.

Someone maliciously put drugs in your drink without you knowing about it and it almost ended your life. And I blamed myself for no reason. Just like you are now. My sweetheart. What could you possibly be sorry for? Why would I want to be with someone who obviously doesn’t care about me? When? Holly only dated me to get over her big crush on Johnny DiMera, her step brother, and now she won’t admit those were her drugs that made her OD.

Hers, and hers alone, which makes her selfish and mean. Not my friend. God, I need to get over her. Wait, you don’t remember your father? You never realized it before now? Yeah, I don’t know. I, uh, guess I thought it was sort of an out of sight, out of mind sort of thing. But when I was in session with Marlena, you know, she, she asked me about my mom.

And even though she, she died when I was younger, I could still see her face, you know? I could, I could smell her, her perfume. But when she asked me about my dad, uh, I don’t know. Total blank. It’s really strange. Steph, did I ever tell you anything about him? No, you didn’t. I mean, I remember asking you about him once.

You just kind of zoned out on me. So I, I figured it was a sensitive subject. And I never asked again.

Well, thank you for your time, detective. I’ll be on my way. That’s it? Yeah, that’s it. I came by to say my piece, which I’ve done. You, uh, you drink scotch? Um, yeah. Yeah? Single malt? Okay. Of course. Okay, got some right here.

Ask how you can so calmly offer to share a drink with someone who everyone else believes tried to kill you. Because I have a gun.

And I believe you didn’t try to kill me.

Detective Michaels, it uh, obviously means a great deal to me that you believe in my innocence, but why do you? Well, from one ex mercenary to another, I know what it’s like to be accused of something you didn’t do. And of course, there have been plenty of times I was guilty. Likewise. But I have been working really hard on myself, turned over a new leaf, and I get the impression that you’re trying to do the same thing.

I have been, yeah. And look, like I say, I’ve done many regrettable things in my past. But I’d never be stupid enough to try and shoot a cop. Not anymore, especially now that Sarah and I are back together and we have our little girl, who’s the light of my life. I mean, I’m so happy. Why would I risk it all to put a bullet in you?

I mean, no offense, but I don’t even know you. Right, right, which is the assumption why you were a gun for hire. Yeah, but I wasn’t. I just wished there was some way to track down who sent me that text and deposited the money into my account. Well, we know that forensics came up empty. Okay. So, assuming you were set up.

Do you have any idea who might have been behind it? Wait, you think Holly may be lying? I think it’s possible. Um, I told Brady that I would talk to her and I did. She was evasive. Oh. Well, I’m glad you spoke to her and I’m sure that Brady will be very grateful that you did. And, I just hope the truth comes out.

Soon. Yeah. So how are you doing, Mom? Me? Yeah. Brady said that John’s been a little, I don’t know, out of sorts lately. Is there anything I can do? No. No, darling. Well, if you ever want to talk about it. You’ll be my first call. Well, I should get going. Let me walk you out.

Thanks for coming by. Love this boy. Thanks. Honey, you have nothing to feel guilty about. Nothing at all. So can you just be kind to yourself? Yeah, I’ll try. Listen, I have to go pick up a few more things for the christening tomorrow. Do you want to come with me? Mom, I’m kind of tired now. Well, call me if you need anything.

I love you. I love you too, Mom. See you.

Serenity Salem halfway house. Come on, come on, come on. And then she comes down to the police station to tell the truth. At least that’s what I thought she was going to do. But she didn’t. And now I’m not even allowed to see her.

Maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe I don’t need her in my life anymore.

So did Marlena have any idea why your memory was so badly affected? I mean, yeah, she said it very likely has to do with the brain injury from the accident. Hmm. And she suggested we try hypnotherapy. Sounds like it’s worth a try. Yeah, I said I would give it a try. The truth is

What? I don’t know. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just scared of what might come up. You know, especially since I was told I was, uh Monster. That I did Awful, unforgivable things. But Everett, if If you’re upset that you did those things Or maybe I didn’t It’s pretty clear that you did. And maybe with hypnotherapy You’ll learn that there was some Mitigating factor And it could be that you’re Just a different person now.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, maybe. In which case, I suppose it would be too much to ask. Too much to hope for that, that you and I, uh, Never mind. I know it would be too much to hope for.

Everett, I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this mental health issue. I really am.

And I know that you don’t have a lot of people to lean on here, so I’m not going to disappear on you. I appreciate that. And I did have real feelings for you. Which, as you know, I was starting to To have, again, but It’s okay. I I think I I know where you’re going with this.

I’m not saying anything’s impossible.

If it’s meant to be. When it’s all said and done. We will figure it out.

Okay. I’ll take it.

Don’t give up on my stuff.

Hmm. Can’t say I’m a sister because she’s only eight. Do I say I’m a long loss? And who died tragically in a skiing accident. No, I can’t call him dead, uh,

Yes, that’s it. That should work.

Good evening, Serenity House, Salem. Hello, may I please speak with Tate Black? This is his mother, Teresa Donovan.

Phone call, Tate Black, from your mother. Tell her I’m meditating, or whatever. I’ll call her tomorrow. She says it’s important. Okay, okay, I’m coming.

Dr. Evans, hi. Herbert, hi. How are you? I’m, uh, I’m, I’m okay. I’m, I’m headed home. Yes, I am too. So, uh, have you had any more memories? I haven’t, no, unfortunately. Oh, well. We’ll keep working on that. Yeah. Okay. Good night. Yeah. Dr. Evans, wait. Jada,

hi! Wait, you’re not even going to say hi? I didn’t see you. I have a lot on my mind. Me too. Listen, I got the distinct impression at the hospital earlier that you were We’re upset with me. I’m upset at the entire Bobby situation. Why wouldn’t I be? Right. Of course. I am too. Listen, Jada. We’re friends. And we were both victims of his lies.

So can we please just Get together and talk about it. See, the thing is, I don’t see you as a victim. I’m the one who was cheated on. Well, yes, but And maybe it seems a little irrational. I mean, maybe it is rational. But I Can’t help but keep bumping up against the fact that You are the other woman You helped break up my marriage

I’m sorry, you feel that way Jada that you think of me as the other woman

But don’t you think the person you should be mad at here is Everett? Oh, I’m plenty mad at him, too Jada, I know that you were hurt. And I am so sorry about that. But I didn’t know that Everett was married. And if I had, I never would have gotten involved with him. You sure about that? What? That you didn’t know.

Yes, I’m sure I didn’t. Or maybe a small part of you just didn’t want to know.

Why would you say that? Stephanie, did you ever hang out with his friends? Meet his parents? Look them up on the internet? Yeah, none of the above. Right. So, Stephanie, this man was keeping his life a secret from you, obviously. And you, being a smart woman, had to have suspected that there was a reason for that.

And yet, you didn’t. You didn’t do any digging. You didn’t even pick up a shovel. Because maybe, you don’t know, maybe, maybe you just didn’t want to mess up your life. You know, you were just so blissfully happy and in love that you didn’t want to find out anything that would screw that up and mess up your perfect little life.


unfortunately. Salem is home to a number of people who would love nothing more than to do me in. EJ DiMera probably being at the top of that list. So, when I got that text, ordering me to carry out the hit, I ran over to the DiMera mansion to confront EJ about it, but Stefan was the only one home, it turned out.

I see. And, you no longer think that EJ set you up? Well, I just, I don’t know why he’d want to do you in. I mean. Sure, maybe he was trying to protect the family name. You did do that drug bust on a DiMera owned business, but it just doesn’t seem like reason enough to have you murdered. You’re the cop. What do you think?

Nothing concrete, so far. Right. Well, as far as I know, there was only one eyewitness to the shooting. And that was you. So are you sure you don’t remember anything at all?

Well, I know I agreed to try hypnotherapy. But, I have to admit the more I The more I think about it, I don’t know, the more afraid I am of what might come up. Huh. I understand. And the truth is that Not knowing could be even more destabilizing. And, and knowing might help you get rid of some of your fears.

So maybe, um, maybe we just want to move forward. I see what you’re saying, but, um, honestly, I, uh, I’m not sure.

Hey, Mom, what is it? What’s so important? It’s me. Hey, hey, remember, you’re on the phone to your mother. Right, right, yeah, of course. Uh, hi, mom. Uh, I’m doing great. How are you? Are you okay? I’m okay. But Tate, I’m so sorry about everything that’s happened. And she’s being such a jerk. I really wanted to see you when I came to the police station.

So badly, but they wouldn’t let me. I know. And now this restraining order. I just I can’t stand that this is happening to you because of me. Well, there’s something you can do about it. I know. And why don’t you?

I was stopping by the chapel to see Father Bernard. About the reading for the Baptist. Right. Well, I’m sure you’re surprised to see me here. Yeah. I’ve never really been much of a church goer, even when I worked here. But, ever since losing the baby, and everything that Holly’s been going through, I’ve just been talking to God a lot lately.

Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from Him yet. Well, just keep listening. Okay. Yeah. You know, actually, I’ve, I’ve been doing the same thing lately.

You know, running into you, here, it just kind of feels like, Like what? Feels like fate.

Nicole, I have a confession.

Sorry, I don’t remember anything. But whoever it was, They shot you in the chest, so you must have been face to face with him, or her, or them. Yeah, look, even if I, uh, do recover some of those memories, I’m not gonna tell the prime suspect anything about the investigation. I’m sure you can understand that.

Yeah, so, I will tell you this. Uh, while the charges against you remain active, and assuming that you’re innocent, I’m I will do everything in my power to clear your name. You just gotta be patient. That’s not my strong suit. Yeah, well, the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn. And I believe we’re gonna find that shooter.

I don’t know about that, mate. And you know what they say? No justice, no peace.

You think I have a perfect life? Really? Thanks. Well, first of all, you know damn well that I have my struggles just like you do. And my God, Jade, where is this coming from? Oh, am I not supposed to ask you questions? And I’m not a detective like you are. No, you’re not. In fact, have you ever had a job where you even had to get your hands dirty?

What the hell does that have to do with anything? Oh, nothing really. I mean, I guess it’s irrelevant. But what is relevant, huh? If I found out that a guy cheated on my dear old friend with me, I wouldn’t be sticking by his side. That’s not what I’m doing. That seems like that’s exactly what you’re doing.

Being all so sympathetic to the poor guy. Who cares if he’s a lying sociopath? Your heart is just bleeding for him, isn’t it? Everett is going through a lot right now. He is very confused. And he doesn’t have any friends or family here. Poor bastard. Have a good day. Everett, you know, whatever we discover in therapy under hypnosis, and, and it may be nothing at all, but whatever it is, I will be with you every step of the way.

Thank you. Of course. I will see you at our session. You will. Promise. Look, when

I told my mom and EJ the drugs weren’t yours, I thought that would be enough. But it wasn’t, Polly. Listen, Tate, would you just let me explain, please? I’m sorry. When my mom lost the baby, she was in a really dark place. I mean, she was out of her freaking mind with grief. And then when I OD’d, she was totally about to blame herself if it turned out those drugs were mine.

For, for not being there for me. For being not a good enough mom. Tate, it would kill her if she thought those drugs were mine. I honestly don’t think she could take it. And she, she sort of lost her mind when that little boy died. If I told her the truth about what happened on New Year’s Eve, she would just totally fall apart.

Look, I, um, I gotta know that you weren’t being selfish, that you were just trying to protect your mom. I am, but Tate, I feel so bad about what you’ve gone through, what you’re still going through. It’s okay, I’m not gonna be in this place for much longer, at least I hope not. But your mom going off the rails, that could, that could destroy your whole family.

So you shouldn’t tell her, ever. What? Tate. It’s okay, really, don’t worry about me. But I am worried about you. Look, this, uh, this halfway house, it’s not so bad. I mean, you know, it’s not a five star hotel or anything, but the food’s not horrible. Tate, are you Just take care of your mom. Okay? EJ’s home. I have to go.

You have a confession.

Wouldn’t you rather talk to a priest? No. This is something that I want to tell you. Only you. Okay, I’m, I’m listening. Oh. When you, when you came by this morning, I was, I was getting out of the shower and

Well, I kind of eavesdropped on you and slumped for a bit. Okay. Yeah, well, it’s just because I was worried that you two weren’t going to be able to get along. Once I saw you help her calm Jude down, Wow. It just did my heart good. I’m glad.

You know, after everything that we’ve been through, I’m just, I’m really grateful that we can still be friends.

So am I.

Wow, that really wasn’t much of a confession. No. I guess not.

I guess I just, I just wanted to share with you how much our friendship means to me.

As yours does to me. Well, I’m gonna let you finish your prayer. And, uh, I’ll see you here tomorrow for the baptism. Yes. Yes. I’ll, um, I’ll see you tomorrow. Okay. Yeah. Take care.

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Interview with Ryan Hansen

TV Interview!


Ryan Hansen, who guest-stars on "Night Court" as Judge Abby's boyfriend this week.

Interview with Ryan Hansen of “Night Court” on NBC by Suzanne 3/22/24

It was so much fun to speak with Ryan! I learned that he’s from San Diego, among other things. It was one of my best interviews, I think. I look forward to seeing him again on the show, 3/26/24, the season finale. It sounds like a great episode! Check out our cool video!

MORE INFO: Official Site Promo (Instagram) or Promo (Twitter)

NIGHT COURT -- "The Best Dan" Episode 213 -- Pictured: (l-r) Melissa Rauch as Abby Stone, Ryan Hansen as Jake -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)Ryan Hansen is an American actor. He was born in Fountain Valley, California, and raised in El Cajon, California, but has since moved with his wife, Amy Hansen, to Los Angeles. His wife is a former roommate of Kristen Bell (star of Veronica Mars (2004)). Hansen is involved in the campaign, “Invisible Children”, and has appeared in the online series, “The LXD”, of which 50% of the profits are going to the Invisible Children Campaign.

He is best known for starring as Dick Casablancas on the noir drama series Veronica Mars (2004–2019), as Kyle Bradway on the Starz comedy series Party Down (2009–2010, 2023–present), and as Nolan in the horror remake film Friday the 13th (2009). Hansen also had a recurring role on the comedy series 2 Broke Girls (2012–2017) and the web series Burning Love (2012–2013).


Night Court

The eternally optimistic Abby Stone (Melissa Rauch) follows in the footsteps of her revered late father, Judge Harry Stone, as she takes on the challenge of overseeing the night shift of a Manhattan arraignment court.

Abby always sees the best in people and her passion for justice is undeniable. In her quest to bring order and dignity to the court and reign in its colorful crew of oddballs, she enlists former night court district attorney Dan Fielding (John Larroquette) to serve as the court’s public defender. Still exceedingly self-confident, Fielding must adjust to a new boss and a new job – defending the downtrodden. And, beneath his arrogant demeanor, there is an empathetic side to Fielding that Abby is determined to unearth.

They both must contend with Olivia (India de Beaufort), the court’s officious assistant district attorney. Driven and ambitious, she views the night court as a steppingstone on her way to bigger things. Donna “Gurgs” Gurganos (Lacretta) is the night court’s sharp-witted bailiff. Gurgs takes her job very seriously and is fiercely protective of her night court colleagues. Rounding out the staff is Wyatt Shaw (Nyambi Nyambi), the court’s new clerk. He’s a jack of all trades and devoted single dad trying to make it all work as a law student at the same time.

From executive producer and writer Dan Rubin (“Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”), “Night Court” is based on the original hit series that ran for nine seasons on NBC. Melissa Rauch and Winston Rauch executive produce through their After January Productions. Mona Garcea oversees for After January Productions and John Larroquette serves as a executive producer.

“Night Court” is produced by Rauch’s After January Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television and Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.

NIGHT COURT -- "The Best Dan" Episode 213 -- Pictured: (l-r) Melissa Rauch as Abby Stone, Ryan Hansen as Jake -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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NIGHT COURT -- "The Best Dan" Episode 213 -- Pictured: (l-r) Ryan Hansen as Jake, Julia Duffy as Susan, Melissa Rauch as Abby Stone -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)

Days Transcript Tuesday, March 26, 2024

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Hey, Mom. Oh, my goodness. You didn’t tell me you were coming today. What a surprise. Oh, I wasn’t even sure that I was until these arrived. A little gift for Wendy and Tripp. Uh, from who? Why don’t you come with me to find out? I Well, uh, you know, I have a little something myself for them. They’re discharge papers.

So why don’t you just give me a second. I’ll finish them up and we can go give them everything together. Perfect. Sounds like a plan. I’m so glad we’re going home. Oh, me too. Can’t wait to sleep in my own bed. Oh, won’t that be nice? Comfy mattress and some soft pillows. And Tripp,

Look, I know we both said this before, but I think it bears repeating. I have never felt closer to you than I do now. Because of what we went through, yeah, but also because of how brave you were and how safe and loved You made me feel, even when we were both losing hope. You did the same thing for me? I hope so.

Anyway, one of the moments you made me feel the most safe and loved was Okay, I know we were both dizzy and weak and Oxygen deprived. But I remember me accepting your marriage proposal And then us saying our vows and After I asked if you would marry me for real when we were rescued If we were rescued you remember that too, right?

Yeah. Yeah, of course I do Well, what I don’t remember clearly is what your answer was. So maybe you can give me an answer now?

I am so glad to have you home, my sweet love. Oh, it’s so good to have you back 100%, my darling husband. Oh, and to have you home. Oh, you know, all my life, uh, I’ve comforted myself by believing that no matter what. What terrible things, uh, befell me that, you know, I thought I would be okay. Mm hmm. Because someone was looking after me.

You know, I wasn’t sure who, either God or guardian angel. Now, mind you, mind you, some part of me knew it was wishful thinking, a little self important too, thinking I was special somehow. that I was singled out to be taken care of in that way. But I just, I just needed, I needed to believe that so I could, you know, keep on keeping on.

Well, I have comforted myself that way too. Well, Abraham, now, we know, though, we know. We know someone is taking care of us. It’s not just wishful thinking. Yeah. We know. This is a priority. Good, you’re still here. Yep, and headed home for the night. Let’s, uh, talk tomorrow. No, no,

we gotta, we gotta talk tonight. Now, about your relationship with Kristen.

Oh, so that’s who was at the door. Harold helped me in. I’m guessing you were just too lazy to get up. Well, darling, that’s what servants are for. To what do I owe this pleasure, Teresa? What the hell is going on between you and Alex? Just spill it, Kristen. What are you doing? What is your endgame?

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.

You know, at first, I thought I was hallucinating. Oh, scared me out of my mind. You Wasn’t sure if Lexi was taking me up or up the stairs or down, or where she was taking me. But, once, once that fear disappeared, Abraham, I’ll tell you, just an overwhelming sense of peace. Just came over me and I knew everything was going to be okay.

You know what we experienced that night? It was something beyond a miracle. Hmm. Oh, Abraham, oh, I, oh, I do, I love you. I love you with all my heart. Oh, my very strong and healthy heart.

Thank God.

Thank Lexi. Guardian Angel.

That conversation, yes, and my proposal. Yeah, sure. I know it was under really strange circumstances, okay? We were both scared out of our minds, and dazed, and struggling to breathe. But I just wanted you to know Hello, hello, hello! Hey! How are you feeling? Uh, great. Yeah, we’re fine. Yeah, I’m ready to get out of here.

Well, before you head out I have a surprise for you. Oh? From Joey. He’s been checking in with me non stop. Oh. He’s been very worried about you two. So I was instructed to deliver these as soon as they arrived. Ah. This is for you. Thank you. And this one’s for you. Oh, heavy. Well, come on. Aren’t you going to open it?

We want to see what’s inside. Well, there is no end game, Teresa. Nor am I up to anything. Alex and I were just dating, that’s all. Getting to know each other better. Oh, Paul, please. You haven’t shown one iota of interest toward Alex this whole time, and now you’re locking lips with him in the square? Oh, that’s because he wasn’t available before.

Until you moved out, and after rejecting his proposal. I mean, wow. Where was your head on that one, Teresa? Oh, my God. I mean, that man, he is just Fascinating. Witty. Oh my God, those abs. What possessed you to give all that up?

As I thought we established earlier, my relationship with Kristen is none of your business. Anything. Anything involving my daughter is my business. Your daughter? What do you mean? I mean, Alex, what are your intentions towards my child? Towards your childbred? You gotta slow down, pal. I just started seeing Kristen.

Okay, being a stepdad to an eight year old girl, it’s not on the immediate to do list for me. What? What is the look? The look, Alex, is because first you’re dating Teresa, the mother of my son. Now you’re dating the mother of my daughter. So what? So what? You don’t see a pattern? Here? Don’t you think? No, I don’t think I see a pattern, Brady, but What exactly are you accusing me of?

Wow, cheers to life. That is totally not what I expected. That is such a Joey gift. Yeah, yeah, always a family comedian. Hilarious. What’s in yours?

Oh, it’s my favorite Seattle beer. Oh, so hilarious. Like you never want to drink beer again. Oh, yeah. Let’s get that right back in here. Yeah. All right to come in? Hey, there’s detective. Yeah.

I hate to interrupt, uh, but I have some follow up questions for the both of you about your kidnapping. Okay. If you’re up to it. Of course. Yeah, anything you need. Abe, I have something to admit

to you. What? Well, see, um, I’m a little bit jealous. Jealous? of Lexi. Oh, I know. I know. I know. It’s not rational or fair to her memory, especially after the miraculous gift she gave us both to want to be the, um, to want to be the love of your life, to be, to be the one, I guess, I guess it’s my need to want to be special to you.

Oh, is that greedy of me to want that, to need that? It’s not greedy. It’s human. Paulina, my wonderful, wonderful wife. You’re the one that I love now.

I love you with all my heart. And for the rest of my life.

Oh, Lucky! That makes me. Oh, Abraham.

Clearly, you haven’t been listening. Kristen and I are getting to know each other, Brady. That’s all. Alex, you know, you know that Teresa despises Kristen, right? You ever seen two feral cats in a freaking bag? It’s not pretty. So what the hell does that have to do with me? You knew damn well that Teresa would blow a gasket seeing you kiss Kristen like that.

Well, Teresa went bye bye. She can’t have it both ways. Bye bye. I mean. It’s just over? Just done? Just like that? Doesn’t make sense, Alex. I’m sorry. I saw the way you reacted when Teresa was high. I know you care about her. You do. Cared. Past tense. Yeah, sorry. I’m not buying it. Listen, if all you’re trying to do is make Teresa jealous, I think you’re making a mistake.

These two women are like fire and dynamite, Alex. I swear to God, they might just blow up in your face.

I did not give Alex up. Well, that’s not what I heard. Well, his proposal to me wasn’t even real. It was a pity proposal. That says a lot about you, doesn’t it? And why do you even care that Alex and I are a thing? I mean, you’re shacking up with Brady these days. I am not shacking up with Brady these days. I am staying at John Marlena’s house temporarily in my son’s room.

Well, that seems very convenient for you and Brady, I suppose. Listen to me, there is nothing going on between me and Brady. Our son is in a crisis. And we are united together in helping him. That’s it. That’s the truth. Okay, Teresa, then I’ll clue you in on my truth. I will tell you what I’m really doing with Alex.

First things first, I’m glad you’re okay. The whole department was very worried about you guys. And kudos to you for knowing sign language for beer. That was very quick thinking. Very smart. I just hoped someone would get it. Well, they did. Obviously. Okay, so I was looking over your statement from the night you were rescued.

Thank you. And is there anything else you’ve remembered since you were questioned? I’m pretty sure I covered everything. What about Officer Goldman? Did she give you any clues on where she and Weston might be headed?

Yeah, so besides being our brother’s beer mule, what’s been going on with you? Oh, nothing you need to hear right now. Okay. It’s my mom, I have to take this. Hey, Mom. So, how are you really? I saw that icy look between you and Jada. I’m sure Dad filled you in on everything. He did. But listen, if you want to talk, I’m here, alright?

I know you are.

My mom has been calling me non stop since the rescue. She is wanting to make sure exactly when we’re getting out so she can have the car outside waiting for us. Well, I understand that. Listen, Tripp, we thought we lost you. So if your father and I hover over you more than usual, just, you know, you’re just going to have to deal with it.

I’m sorry. Hey, no, I was afraid that I was never going to see you guys again. So, a little hovering is fine with me. Oh, I can’t wait to hear this. Do tell. Tell, tell me. Tell me what’s going on between you and Alex. All right, Theresa. Well, as you know, I am a single parent, and it has been a very long time since I’ve had companionship.

And Alex, he’s just, oh, he’s such a gem. He’s witty, he’s sexy, and I really do love being with him. And Rachel, I really think she’s gonna benefit from a positive male influence. Yeah, I believe it. That’s Brady’s job. Oh. Well, in a perfect scenario, Rachel would have both her parents together, but, uh, Brady, uh, he’s not open to that idea.

Oh, Paul, please. This is not 1955. You know, men and women can co parent without being together, right? Yes, right. That is very true, Teresa. And I’m sure you would agree that it is usually best for a child. To be with her parents together in a loving relationship. And, you know, as much as I’m enjoying being with your ex, if someone were to help Brady with the idea of a relationship with yours truly, then I dare say Alex wouldn’t stand a chance.

I’m going to see myself out.

All this resentment of me playing games with your ex, it’s kind of hypocritical, don’t you think? How’s that? I’ll break, come on, you have to remember. While I was with Teresa and I walked into my apartment and the two of you were hugging and kissing on my couch. All right. For God’s sake, we’re gonna do this again?

What do you mean we’re gonna do it again? Were you, were you not Playing games? Were you not messing with my head trying to make me jealous? Alex, there was and there is no reason for you to be jealous about that. Listen, Teresa, we talked about this. Teresa and I share a son. He was having a hard time.

Teresa fell off the wagon. I was there for her. We told you at the time it meant nothing. Why are you bringing this up again, man? Probably because I didn’t believe you at that time. Just like I don’t really believe you right now

Well Look, all I can tell you is I’m happy that you gave me the real scoop about what’s going on with Kristen. I want you to take it from someone who knows you’re not dealing with one, but two women That are a lot of work And they can make you really miserable Just don’t say I didn’t warn you, okay?

We need to talk Brady, how did you get in here? Harold let me in. You obviously didn’t hear the doorbell, did you? Well, I was listening to Bach. It’s the Goldberg Variation. It’s very magical. Um, do you want to sit? No, I’m not going to stay long. I just wanted to let you know I had a really enlightening conversation with Alex.

Oh, well, how is my boyfriend? He’s perplexed, Kristen. Yeah. He views what he’s doing with you as purely fun and games. He was very surprised to hear that he was a candidate to be stepfather to my daughter. Oh, well, I mean the games are certainly fun. Um, and as for future, um, I think Alex would make a great stepdad for Rachel.

And who knows, maybe, uh, we’ll even give her a baby brother or a baby sister. Just, just, just stop. Starts the line. Give me a break, okay? He said in no uncertain terms that you are not serious. You’re never gonna get a commitment out of that guy, okay? Brady, I think you’re actually jealous. I don’t recall Officer Goldman saying anything about where she was headed.

Okay. Then let’s go back to the kidnapping. Uh, you said you and Tripp were in the park during the geocaching event. Right. That’s where Officer Goldman approached us. She said we were in danger. That, that she’d been assigned to follow us and that, that she needed to escort us to a safe location. And given everything that had been going on, I don’t know.

We went with her.

Then what else? We got into the back of this unmarked van. And then she drove for a while. And Tripp and I remembered hearing sounds like, like airplanes.

And then when she finally stopped, she told us to get out. And took us to that beer tank. She locked us up in there, as you know. If, if you want to stop. No,

it’s okay. Whenever you’re ready.

When we were in that tank, Officer Goldman would show up, randomly. With food, water, She made Tripp make that video. And then after God knows how long, because we had no way to tell the time, we heard

the fence close. And we thought, this is it.

And so in those last moments, we exchanged wedding vows. And then, we held each other until

Somebody stopped breathing, I guess.

Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. I know that was very hard for you.

So, uh, you consider yourself married now? I don’t know. It just felt right at the time. Well, listen, if you and Tripp Have the real deal. It’ll last.

I keep thinking about you and Wendy in that beer tank for all that time. How did you survive? Well, I mean, food and water was graciously provided by Officer Goldman, your friendly neighborhood kidnapper. You know, and that kept us going up until she tried to kill us, at least. How did you keep from going crazy?

Yeah, we used our imaginations, played games, talked about the future, made travel plans, even got married. What? What? So you’re here to pick up the stuff you left behind after you bolted? Just stopping by. How are you? Peachy. Haven’t seen you around the office lately. Hey. Yeah, well, that’s because I’ve been working remotely a lot, you know.

And, um, I’ve been seeing Tate a lot since he’s local again now. Right, right, right. That makes sense. You know, um, when I saw you with Kristen earlier Oh, she’s a wild child, isn’t she? Yeah, wild, like straight out of the jungle wild. Anyway, um, It really got me thinking that I need to dig deep, dig really deep down and think about our relationship.

And? And, when you proposed to me and I flew off the handle and I packed up my bags, maybe I just, I don’t know, I think maybe I overreacted.

And then I vowed to love her and cherish her until I drew my very last breath on this earth. Wow, so romantic. It was. And, uh, and then I asked her, you know, in those final moments of ours, if she would marry me for real once we were rescued. And did she say yes? Oh, Tripp. You and Winnie are obviously so in love.

And then to go through what you did together. I’m just, I’m so happy for you both. So am I. No, I know I am. I am. Yeah, but why do I feel a but coming? Ah, you know, I’m very touched by everything you just told us. And I, and I think that Wendy is a great girl. I do. It’s just that you were all so young. And you were in a very intense.

situation. I think what I’m trying to say is that, um, I just, I just think maybe you should wait to think about marriage. You know? Give it a little time, and if you and Wendy are meant to be together, you’re gonna be together. Just don’t rush into anything, okay? Hey, so Wendy and I just wrapped. Tripp, do you mind if you and I talk now?

Um, Sure. We’ll get out of your hair. Yes, let’s go check on Wendy.

So, ready to start?

You think anyone will miss us if we stay home all week? I think your constituents will come looking for you. But maybe, maybe we should start planning a nice, long, relaxing vacation. Somewhere tropical. To eat? Yeah, like, uh, in one of those huts that just sits up on the ocean. Just you, me, and, oh, the ocean.

Oh, yeah. Sounds like heaven. Oh, look. I can just feel that tropical breeze. Right now.

So you think you may have overreacted. Big time. Well, I would have to agree with that, Teresa. You moving out was an, that was a major overreaction.

Especially because I was just being honest about my feelings. Yeah. Well, maybe I just didn’t want to hear your feelings. But, um, now, after I’ve had some time to think, I think that I should re evaluate my decision. I’ve missed you, Alex. I’ve missed your touch. Haven’t you missed me? I know you have.

Yeah, that little kiss between us definitely raised her hackles. There is no doubt about it. She is mighty jealous. Well, good. That’s how it’s supposed to be. You keep making her jealous, and you keep making her want more and more of what she can’t have. And Alex, this time, don’t look things up.

Teresa, this isn’t a good idea. Sounds like a good idea to me. No, I think you need to go. Teresa. Now.

In any conversation that you had with Officer Goldman, were you able to pick up any clue? As to where she and Weston were going. No, uh, Goldman didn’t really say much. Just, you know, do this, do that. Read the script. Right. And at any time when Goldman opened the tank door, was there anyone with her? No. No, she was always, always alone.

Listen, my mom, she’s been calling and texting me the whole time. Do you mind if I answer her?

Uh, anything else? Uh, not at this time. But this is an open investigation, and I need to speak to you both again, okay? Yeah, for sure. Um, we want to help you catch Goldman and Clyde Weston, obviously. It’s just, I think, right now, I think it’s time for Wendy and I to finally go home.

Hello, hello! Hey! Hi, how’d it go? It was okay, I guess. Tripp told us more about what you guys went through in there. And how you kept each other’s spirits up. In the vows. Beautiful. Yeah, they were. I’m so sorry that you went through all of that. I’m so happy my brother wasn’t alone.

Jealous? Of you and, and Alex? Yeah, no, I don’t think so. Then why are you here? What is it to you who I spend my time with? Because we share a daughter. Yes, and our daughter would be better off with her parents. Oh God, you’re gonna go, you’re gonna go down this road again. No, no, she wouldn’t be better off.

Because we’re awful together. We’re the Hindenburg of relationships, Kristen. Brady, we loved each other once. Yeah, in a very obsessive, destructive way, yeah. Why would you say that? We brought out the best in each other. Kristen, maybe, yeah, maybe, for about, maybe five minutes of that. I mean, I remember, I mean, I think you do too.

Or maybe you just don’t want to admit it. Hmm. Or you’re suppressing the memories. You and I used to be very dynamic. I don’t know if you remember, okay, yeah, yeah, I don’t care. I’ve heard all this before, right? Especially when we were alone in the bedroom. In the bedroom. Yeah. Kristen, stop. Let me remind you.

What the hell are you doing? What you want? What we both want. That’s not what I want. That’s not what I want. It’s the last thing I want, okay? What the hell is wrong with you?

What’s wrong with me? How can you say that, Brady? I kissed you because I was drawn to you. You’re a drunk. I’m out of here. You know, you know, Brady, that there’s an attraction between us. What I know is that you and I are a train wreck.

Oh, Brady, your mouth says no, but your lips say yes. It’s just a matter of time. Are you sure this is what you want? Yes. Yes, it is.

All right, then. I’ll go.

But I hope I’ll see you again. Sam. We’ll see. Oh. Oh. Oh my. Oh. Oh. My

heart is beating so fast. Oh. Oh. It is? Are you okay? Oh no, I’m more than okay. Oh, in fact, I think my heart can beat a little faster for a bit. Oh. What are you saying? Hmm. I’m saying that the good Dr. Johnson didn’t say anything about limiting our physical activity. But she didn’t, did she? Well, so how about, uh, say we Take this ticket around for a test run.

What do you say? Eagle. I thought the paperwork was all done. What are we waiting for? Oh no, Kayla’s filing it now. And then we can roll. Okay. Is that your mom again? Yeah. She has the car outside waiting. You ready? I am more than ready. Well, listen, first I want to say,

Mindy, I love you so, so much. And after what we went through together, my love only grew stronger. But we need to take our time. Make life altering decisions when we’re not about to die. Exactly. So, uh, one day at a time? Sounds good to me. We’ll get there. We will.

Regular or diet? Yes. Regular. You got it. Of course.

You see, now this This is simple, and easy. I really thought I had something simple and easy with Alex, but Seeing him with Kristen earlier really makes me wonder. Well, I wouldn’t go too hard on him yet. I am sure as soon as Kristen shows her true colors, um He’s gonna go running for the hills. Thanks.

Don’t mention it. Ready was here. It will work. Eye on the prize.

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