Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, August 4, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Lily: Well, if this is what I have to come home to, maybe I should go out of town more often.

Billy: Donā€™t say that. I donā€™t want you out of town.

Lily: [ Laughs ]

Billy: I missed you like crazy.

Lily: Aw! I missed you, too, although it was really nice to see Mattie, though.

Billy: It was lonely as hell here without you. And the kids were on a sleepover, too.

Lily: Oh, Iā€™m sure you enjoyed your ā€œmeā€ time, watching action films with the sound on full blast, didnā€™t you?

Billy: Actually, no, it was all about rom-coms, making sure I was prepared for when you got home. How did I do?

Lily: Well, I mean, clearly, you are an a-plus student. You have the flowers, the candles, the caviar.

Billy: Yeah.

Lily: All thatā€™s missing is a flash mob serenading me.

Billy: Hold that thought. Theyā€™re just about to pop out of the closet in 3, 2, 1ā€¦

Lily: [ Laughing ] Oh, my god! But no, you donā€™t have to watch movies for inspiration. You, just as you are, is all Iā€™ll ever need.

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