Y&R Best Lines Tuesday, August 10, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Nick: Having seen Summer over there really seemed to have hit her stride, I had a feeling this might happen.

Phyllis didn’t. She’s heartbroken.

Nikki: Well, that’s natural. Mothers want their babies nearby. And she’s been used to seeing Summer every day since she’s been staying at the hotel.

Nick: Yeah, she just wanted to be close, you know? To — to be a part of those milestone moments, like a wedding, maybe some grandkids one day.

Nikki: I’m gonna need a moment to sit with that. I mean, I understand that. It’s bound to happen one of these days. It’s just very strange to think of you as a grandfather.

Nick: Yeah. And that would make you —

Nikki: No, no, no. Not talking about that.

Nick: [ Laughs ] Okay.

Chloe: That’s Sally Spectra.

Phyllis: Sally Spectra — oh, trust me, you don’t want to get involved with that one.

Kevin: Who is this person and why are you asking us to avoid her?

Phyllis: You were so kind warning me not to get involved in your mother’s blackmail scheme, so I am returning the favor. Okay? Um, trust me, you’ll thank me. And if you don’t believe me, just ask Lauren.

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