Y&R Best Lines Monday, September 20, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chloe: Well, that is the sweet and wonderful thing about kids. They bring out a side of you you never knew existed.

Sally: Yeah. I mean, I always saw myself as, like, single-mindedly career-focused, with a hot love life on the side, of course. I just wonder how working parents juggle having a career and kids the way that you do.

Chloe: Yeah. Trust me. It’s, um — [ Laughs ] It’s not easy.

Sally: Yeah. Well, I always admired people who do it all, but, I mean, single parenting? Wow…like, when I realized all that Adam has to handle on his own…

Chloe: Okay, well, Connor does still have a mother — Chelsea — who’s my best friend and who is also going to be our co-worker when she decides to come home, so…

Sally: Yeah. Nope. I have heard your message loud and clear — stay away from Adam. But, you know, seeing him as a good dad made him ever hotter.

Chloe: [ Coughs ]

Sally: [ Chuckles ] I’m just kidding! I gotcha.


Adam: Look, Rey, it has been rough on Connor hearing that Chelsea and I are splitting up. I wanted Sharon to talk to
him, maybe give him some tools to help him cope. Really hope that’s not an excuse for you to get pissed off.

Rey: Not at all. As I told you before, Connor and I became good buddies on our road trip. I care about him, and I’m glad you finally decided to be honest with him. The boy deserves to know the truth. And Sharon will always help where she can.

Adam: Am I hearing this correctly? It kind of sounds like we’ve found some common ground here. Could it be that we can actually co-exist?

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