Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, November 24, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Billy: Yeah, you got big plans today?

Phyllis: Um, why are you curious?

Billy: I guess I’m not. I was just trying to be polite.

Phyllis: Oh, well, you don’t have to be polite. I don’t want to rub my exciting plans that I have for Thanksgiving in your face, you know? Because I’m sure you’re gonna be spending the holiday alone, fixing that mess at ChanceCom.

Billy: Yeah, hopefully I can fit a plate of turkey in between the damage control.

Phyllis: Good luck with that. I read that article on Ashland. Wow. And the embarrassing retraction.


Gloria: Hello, Phyllis. Isn’t it a heavenly day?

Phyllis: I guess it is.

Gloria: [ Chuckles ] Must be something in the air. I feel like I’m positively glowing.

Phyllis: Well, that could be the radioactive waves emanating from your ego.

Gloria: Oh, no, silly. It’s your spa, thank you very much. I am in between treatments, and I feel absolutely transformed, like a — like a golden goddess.

Phyllis: Well, I am very glad to hear that our estheticians have done you right.

Gloria: Oh, yes, oh, yes. I am so thankful for the massages and the facials I scheduled for today, and the fact that your spa is open on a holiday. And I mean, it’s — I feel badly for the masseuses and the facialists who have to work, but I will tip them generously because JCV is doing phenomenally well under my charge.

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