Y&R Best Lines Wednesday, December 29, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Chelsea: And thank you for the gift you sent him. Oh, my gosh! Chicago Blackhawks jersey. Wow. I mean, he put it on as we’re opening gifts and he’s yet to take it off.

Rey: Well, I’m glad he liked it.

Chelsea: Yeah, yeah. Connor’s really into hockey these days, so it was perfect. Very thoughtful. Thank you.

Rey: He’s a great kid.

Chelsea: He is. You know, Connor worships the ground you walk on and he thinks you walk on water.

[ Chuckles ] As leery as I am about Victor having, you know, as much access to him as he wants, it’s really comforting to me knowing that you live close by.

Rey: Well, he seems to be doing well. I saw him getting in some practice on the ice with Noah the other day, and, you know, he may be new to the sport, but he’s definitely got some skills.

Chelsea: Oh. Says the guy from Miami.


Mariah: You are not gonna win this one, Tessa. She’s determined.

Sharon: I just want everything to be perfect for you.

Tessa: I mean, it is — perfect size, perfect location.

Mariah: Complete access to the best coffee in town and close to you.

Sharon: Sounds like you’re trying to butter up your landlady.

Mariah: We were thinking more like… grandma.

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