Y&R Best Lines Thursday, April 7, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Abby: Well, it sounds like whoever was on the other end of that line had good news for you.

Chelsea: Well, it was a sales rep from this fabulous fabric supplier. A bio-based company who is able to make the perfect textile for my new line.

Abby: Ooh! Congratulations. Isn’t starting a new business so exciting?

Chelsea: You know, it really is. It reminds me of the high I felt when we worked together at the Grand Phoenix.

Abby: Oh, maybe don’t say “high” and “Grand Phoenix” in the same sentence.


Victoria: Well, we can’t be one hundred percent sure that he’s guilty just yet. It’s just a hunch that I had.

Ashland: But it’s a good hunch. I’m surprised I didn’t think of it myself, in fact.

[ Chuckles ] It makes all the sense in the world. No one benefits more from my downfall than Adam.

Victoria: Well, motive is not going to be enough to convince my family that Adam did this to you. You know they still believe that you lied about your cancer to trick me into marrying you and to go along with the merger

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