Days Update Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Xander returns to his room at the Salem Inn to find Sarah is gone. Xander sees her note that she had to go out and will be back soon. Xander wonders where she went.

Marlena begins to hypnotize Sarah to the night that Abigail died.

Kristen enters Dr. Rolf’s lab and comments on him being ready when she needs him. Dr. Rolf mentions Stefano saying it’s always good to be back and to be ready. Kristen wonders if Jake will share in that sentiment.

Ava has a dream about Jake coming back to life to her.

Xander worries that Sarah shouldn’t be out alone as she could have another episode. Xander goes to leave right as Gwen arrives. Gwen asks if he was on his way out. Xander responds that what he does is none of her business and asks what she wants. Gwen notes that Xander seemed upset that Lucas had been cleared and asks if that’s because he’s scared that Sarah might be charged with Abigail’s murder.

Marlena hypnotizes Sarah back to when she saw her at the hospital that day. Sarah remembers thinking the antidote wasn’t working anymore and telling Marlena about her hallucinations. Sarah recalls Marlena advising her to go talk to Abigail because she had been through all of this. Marlena then asks if Sarah took the advice and went to see Abigail. Sarah remembers going to see Gwen in prison to confront her about everything. Marlena asks if Sarah went to the DiMera Mansion to find Abigail after leaving the prison.

Ava wakes up and realizes that seeing Jake was just a dream.

Kristen and Dr. Rolf talk about it being good that they got to the hospital in time. Rolf mentions that if they didn’t, they would’ve taken Jake’s remains and incinerated them to dust. Kristen says they couldn’t have that. Dr. Rolf unveils Jake in a hospital bed, hooked up to tubes as Kristen declares that they have big plans for Jake. Dr. Rolf comments on how quickly Kristen got Jake out with his latest Lazarus project. Kristen acknowledges that she barely knew Jake but he’s still her father’s son and that means a lot to her. Dr. Rolf assures Stefano would be very proud to hear her say that. Kristen asks what they are waiting for and tells him to give Jake a new lease on life. Dr. Rolf then injects a syringe in to Jake’s tubes.

Gabi shows up at Ava’s door and says they need to talk. Gabi reminds Ava of EJ’s face when she showed her wedding ring, so he bought it. Gabi says EJ hates it, so he’ll do anything he can to freeze her out, so they have to lock down her claim on Jake’s estate before EJ and Tony figure out the whole thing is a scam.

Tony and EJ talk at home about Ava claiming to have married Jake right before he was killed. EJ explains to Tony how the police are calling it a robbery homicide. Tony asks about the gunman but EJ informs him that he was shot and killed by a police woman. Tony realizes EJ’s only concern is Ava’s possible claim on Jake’s shares. EJ asks what else he’d be concerned about and says Tony should be too, complaining that it’s bad enough that Stefano’s company is being run in to the ground by a former waitress. EJ adds that Gabi is also Li Shin’s mistress, so if Gabi and Ava form some kind of an alliance then Shin could back them while he and Tony could end up out in the cold.

Xander remarks that Gwen used to be better at playing the game. Xander argues that Gwen loves the thought of Sarah going to prison for Abigail’s murder. Gwen claims that’s the last thing she wants because she feels terrible for what happened to her since she’s partly to blame. Xander says if Gwen feels bad, it’s only because her plan didn’t work out the way she wanted it to. Gwen says she’s here to help him but Xander doesn’t believe her. Gwen offers to come up with an alibi for Sarah and suggests saying she was with him. Xander argues that he wasn’t and the cops know it. Xander states that he was in New York while Sarah doesn’t remember that night and Lucas swears he saw Sarah running down the stairs and he doesn’t know anyone that can prove Lucas is lying. Xander asks if she’s happy now.

Marlena asks if Sarah knows where she went next after leaving the prison. Sarah complains that Gwen didn’t care what she did to her and she was so angry. Marlena wants to know what she did next. Sarah recalls returning to Xander’s room at the Salem Inn while he was in New York for a job interview. Marlena asks what she did. Sarah says she just wanted to sleep and forget the whole day, so she took a sleeping pill and got in bed. Marlena asks if she was able to sleep. Sarah says she was for awhile but a bad dream woke her up, so she decided she had to see Abigail right then and there, so she grabbed her raincoat. Marlena notes that Lucas mentioned a raincoat. Sarah says she was about to leave when somebody knocked at the door. Marlena says this is very important and asks who was at the door.

Ava complains that Jake just died yesterday and she could’ve died too, yet Gabi is here again scheming to get her hands on Jake’s DiMera stock. Gabi thought Ava was on board with their plan and asks what happened. Gabi asks if she’s having second thoughts. Ava reminds Gabi that she was involved with Jake for a very long time and said she loved him. Ava questions why she’s behaving like it doesn’t matter that he’s dead. Gabi reminds Ava that without her claim on Jake’s estate, she has nothing. Ava argues that they lied to EJ about her and Jake being married, so EJ is probably out now hiring a private investigator. Gabi argues that EJ won’t find anything suspicious. Gabi then presents Ava with her marriage license.

Tony agrees with EJ that Ava is a threat that must be dealt with, but asks how they do it. EJ says when he learned about Jake’s death, he went directly to the hospital. EJ adds that Gabi was already there and knew all about the marriage. Tony suggests maybe she was visiting Ava. EJ says he checked and they barely spoke until Jake’s untimely death, so Gabi followed the ambulance to the hospital to propose this plan to Ava and then saw to it that Ava was listed as Jake’s next of kin. Tony brings up Vivian being Jake’s mom. EJ questions dragging her in to this. Tony feels Vivian is in this whether they like it or not as she’s going to find out that she lost another son and will be upset about it. EJ admits he hadn’t thought about it. Tony thinks they should go visit Vivian as soon as possible.

Kristen questions Jake not opening his eyes. Dr. Rolf says he’s not sure what to expect as he’s usually able to administer the drug closer to the time of death. Kristen questions if he’s saying this might not work. Dr. Rolf responds that for the serum to be effective, the individual must have a spark of life to work on while Jake’s body was left alone for hours after he was shot. Kristen asks if there’s no hope. Dr. Rolf is afraid that may be the case and that he was too late to help him which upsets Kristen.

Marlena asks Sarah if something is keeping her from telling her who was at the door. Sarah says she just can’t remember. Marlena encourages that she’s doing fine. Sarah tries again to remember and reveals it was her ex, Rex Brady, at the door and Sarah had questioned what he was doing there. Marlena encourages her to try to remember what Rex was doing there. Sarah remembers Rex saying he had to see her and couldn’t get her out of his mind after hearing about what Kristen did to her. Rex talked about wanting to believe Sarah wanted to get back together when it was Kristen tricking him. Rex admitted that he still loved Sarah and never stopped hoping there was a chance for them but Sarah told him that she and Xander were back together and had never been more in love. Rex mentioned that she was obviously going somewhere when he arrived, so he won’t keep her any longer. Sarah remembers almost passing out. Marlena guesses it was the sleep meds and other drugs in her system. Rex told Sarah that she was going to bed.

Gwen tries to comfort Xander but he tells her not to do that as he doesn’t want comfort from her since he has Sarah for that. Gwen encourages that Sarah could get off if she wasn’t in her right mind and could claim temporary insanity. Xander tells Gwen to leave. Gwen says that Bayview is better than prison. Xander argues that Sarah isn’t going anywhere if it’s up to him. Gwen mentions that even if Sarah goes to prison, the Governor is pretty good about giving pardons anyway. Xander questions how Gwen pulled that off. Gwen reveals that Kristen vouched for her. Xander remarks that he should’ve known they would get along since they are both out of their minds. Xander remembers that Kristen gave Gwen the Sarah mask to fool everyone including him. Xander says he’s scared having them both back on the street and wonders what Kristen is up to now.

Kristen argues that there has to be something Dr. Rolf can do. Dr. Rolf feels Jake is too far gone. Kristen complains that he got her hopes up and orders him to keep working on Jake until brings him back. Kristen declares that she’s not leaving the lab until she can take her brother with her..

Gabi tells Ava that she would love for Jake to walk in but that’s unfortunately not going to happen, but if she signs the marriage license, it will stop EJ from grabbing Jake’s stock and telling her to get lost. Ava asks what happens next if she does sign it. Gabi tells her to just trust her. Ava warns that was the wrong thing to say.

EJ questions Tony thinking Vivian is the answer to the problem. Tony asks if he has a better idea. EJ gets interrupted by a text message and says it seems that their fretting over Ava might be much ado about nothing.

Marlena brings Sarah out of the hypnosis. Sarah remembers Rex being there that night and that he helped put her to bed because he said she was too out of it to go anywhere. Sarah asks what if she never left the Salem Inn to go to the DiMera Mansion and was nowhere near Abigail when she was killed. Marlena says that would be a great relief but they can’t get ahead of themselves. Sarah agrees that she can’t trust her mind and maybe Rex was just a hallucination. Marlena decides to find out by calling Rex.

Dr. Rolf tells Kristen that there is one more thing he can try but it’s very risky. Kristen argues that Jake has nothing to lose. Rolf says he has the prototype for a much stronger serum but it’s not tested. Kristen orders him to use it on Jake so Dr. Rolf then makes the injection.

Ava tells Gabi that she keeps saying that they both have a lot riding on getting Jake’s stock, but she’s the one taking all the risk. Gabi argues that she’s helping her defraud the DiMeras and Vivian. Ava brings up that if this blows up in their faces, Gabi would lose her position as CEO but she’d still have Stefan’s shares in DiMera along with Gabi Chic plus money in the bank. Ava says she gave up her family money for her son and won’t have a dime to her name and would probably end up in jail, so she’s going to need more than a promise from her of some dividend checks. Gabi asks what more Ava wants. Ava declares that she wants an executive position at DiMera Enterprises that comes with a nice six figure salary and a seat on the board. Gabi mocks the idea of the DiMeras letting her on the board. Ava argues that she used to run her own company and knows how to prove herself. Gabi calls her a mafia princess. Ava warns that if Gabi wants to keep her CEO position then she better find a way to get the necessary players involved.

Marlena calls Rex and puts him on speaker phone. Marlena notes that she’s with Sarah, who tells Rex that she really needs his help. Sarah asks Rex if he came and saw her at the Salem Inn on June 10th. Rex admits that he kind of hoped she forgot about that as he was embarrassed but he confirms that he was really there. Marlena asks Rex for his version of what happened. Rex says he decided on a whim to see Sarah to tell her that he still loved her, hoping there was still a chance for them but she turned him down flat. Rex recalls Sarah falling asleep and once he made sure she was okay, he left. Marlena asks how long he was there. Rex guesses it was a couple hours but knows he did not leave until after 10. Sarah thanks Rex, telling him how much he just helped her. Rex would like to know what’s going on. Sarah says she’ll call him later and explain everything but thanks him as they hang up. Marlena then confirms to Sarah that this means she has an alibi for when Abigail was killed.

Gabi accuses Ava of blackmailing her. Ava explains that she is negotiating since EJ thinks she is married to Jake, so she holds all the cards. Gabi agrees to talk to Shin about getting what she wants and tells Ava to sign the marriage license so she can go get it filed. Ava jokes that all she had to do was ask nicely. Ava then signs the marriage license and gives it back to Gabi. Gabi goes to leave but stops to ask Ava if she really loved Jake. Ava confirms that she really did and thinks he was pretty much what she was searching for all of her life. Gabi tells Ava that she feels sorry for her. Gabi says she cared about Jake a lot but admits she was really only with him because he reminded her so much of his brother Stefan, who was the love of her life and a love like that only happens once. Gabi then exits.

Dr. Rolf checks on Jake and tells Kristen that he’s sorry but the new serum was no more successful than the other. Kristen argues that his heart is beating again. Dr. Rolf points out that there is no brain activity, so Jake is dead. Kristen complains that she really thought she was going to bring her brother back today. Dr. Rolf then responds that she might still get her wish.

Sarah returns home to Xander’s room. Xander asks where she’s been as he’s been so worried. Sarah informs him that she has the best news as she explains that she went to see Marlena to hypnotize her and then she remembered that Rex was there when Xander went to New York, but she forgot about it. Xander questions Rex being there when he wasn’t and her not telling him. Sarah points out that she didn’t remember it. Xander asks what made him show up. Sarah admits that Rex wanted to give them another try. Xander asks who he thinks he is but Sarah assures that she told Rex that she loved Xander. Sarah adds that when he started leaving, she started feeling like she was going to faint so he helped her to the bed and stayed for two hours. Xander starts to get upset but Sarah tells him to stop with the jealousy and listen to her. Sarah announces that this was on the night of the murder. Xander points out that she didn’t mention that and asks what that means. Sarah confirms that she couldn’t have killed Abigail and Rex is going to tell the police that he was with her when she died. Xander realizes she has an alibi then. Sarah repeats that she didn’t kill Abigail. Xander excitedly calls this the most wonderful news and says God bless Rex Brady as Xander and Sarah kiss. Xander hugs Sarah but then questions Lucas swearing he saw Sarah on the night of the murder and says he knew Lucas was lying.

Gwen goes to a motel room with her travel bag. Gwen then opens the bag and pulls out her Sarah mask..

EJ shows up at Ava’s door and advises her to give up the scheme as he knows she was never married to Jake. Ava tells him that when Jake died, they were husband and wife, adding that EJ has a lot of nerve talking to her like this now. EJ reveals that he checked with city hall and there is no record of any marriage between Jake DiMera and Ava Vitali. Ava says Jake’s death certificate probably isn’t there yet either but that doesn’t mean he’s not dead. EJ accuses her of making this up to get a hold of Jake’s estate. Ava tells EJ to call the city clerks office again when he gets home as she’s sure the marriage license will be there. EJ asks how she can be so sure. Ava tries to shut the door on him but EJ suggests he call the city clerk right now.

Kristen tells Dr. Rolf not to play with her and asks what he’s talking about since he just said he couldn’t bring Jake back. Dr. Rolf says that’s correct as Jake’s life has been tragically cut short so he won’t be rising from the ashes. Dr. Rolf then pulls back another curtain and reveals that Jake’s twin brother Stefan is a totally different story, shocking Kristen.

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