Y&R Best Lines Thursday, September 22, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva</p

Diane: I am warning you, Phyllis. Back off.

Phyllis: You’re warning me? Really? Diane, this is one of those teachable moments. Really, it’s teachable. I mean, “back off.” It doesn’t really have a lot of heat. “Back off or…” is really a threat. So you want to try it again?

Diane: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Back off!

Jack: Diane. I can hear you all the way down the hall. What is going on here?

Phyllis: Diane seems to be reconnecting with her authentic self.

Diane: No, I’m sorry, jack. I just — things got a little heated, and —

Jack: Well, try to cool things down would you? Kyle and summer just laid down the law. They made very clear boundaries about this kind of thing. If they’d walked in on this instead of me, you two would be out of a job right now.


Traci: [Gasps] Oh. Oh. [Chuckling] Allie. Oh, my god. What are you doing here?

[Both chuckle]

Allie: Terrifying you, apparently.

Traci: No, no, no, no. I’m fine. I mean, my tablet is still dry, and my tea is still wet, so I’m good, but what about you?

Allie: I’m doing okay. Why do you ask?

Traci: Well because I’m used to having this couple of hours to myself in here. You know, I can spread out and I can work and I can procrastinate to my heart’s content because all of you are at jabot.

Allie: Working on anything interesting?

Traci: Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. It is about this brilliant scientist who loves being in the laboratory until one afternoon she’s home instead of at work.

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