GH Short Recap Friday, November 18, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Austin arranges for a Huntington’s disease specialist to tell Britt if she is developing symptoms of the disease.

Spinelli tells Marie he doesn’t trust Austin because something about him doesn’t ring true.

Sam tells Britt and Cody that she found a list of things belonging to the Leopold Taub estate. Sam thinks the only reason that Cody wanted to be paired with Britt was because he knew she had the necklace. Cody tells Sam that nobody has led a squeaky-clean life not even Dante. Sam tells Spinelli to stop investigating Cody for now.

Holly gets the address of Anna’s safe house from a text message on Robert’s phone. Victor orders Holly to call U.S Marshall Whitten and give him an anonymous tip. U.S Marshall Whitten takes Dante and Mac to arrest Anna, but Anna isn’t in the safe house. Anna and Valentin are making love at another safe house before a car arrives to take her the airport so she q leave the country. Robert finds Holly on the pier and tells her that she has some explaining to do.

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